Sunday, February 9, 2025

Can you believe this Free Networking Event wasn't actually free?! (Storytime)

A few years ago, I went to a "Free" networking event that wasn't as free as I thought! 

At the time, I was working for a very toxic job, where everyone was screaming at each other, they couldn't pay us on time and the owner was caught doing drugs in his office! That's a story for another time! But because of this job, I found out about this Networking event because the jobs linkedin had this guy as a friend and he had messaged the company about his networking night. 

So I was like, ok, I'll go! 

The networking event is a monthly free event that the host, provides. He has other events that are like dinners and you have to pay for this, so this was the only one that was free.

I had gone a total of 4 times, and after the second time, I went on his website to sign up for his directory listing which shows local businesses on his website. Before signing up, I looked to see if you have to pay for it and I couldn't find anything about that.

So then I signed up, but I didn't finish the application because I searched the website again and found out that in order to sign up you had to pay a YEARLY fee of $300 dollars! I can't afford that, so I just closed out of the website.

Keep in mind, the price for having a listing was hidden, like it's not out in the open. You have your pages, like it says photos, events, videos, info, etcetera and one of the tabs is a phone number. You have to click on that tab and then it brings you to a page that just says for "Sponsor info click here" and then it brings you to another page that tells you how much it is for the listing. Which is $300. To me that's a bit strange that the price isn't upfront and that you really have to "dig" to find it.

A few days later, he starts calling me and he always called me when I was at work. Because of that, I didn't want to answer him when I was there because the job was very strict so I was afraid I'd get into trouble if I left to take a call. Keep in mind, It didn't occur to me that I could call him after hours, so I never did. 

He had also added me on Facebook and sent me a message as well, and for some reason, my brain registered his message as an automated message as the message as an ad as it said things like, promote, connect, Special, Sign up now and get 2 months free" , so I never answered him there either as I figured it was an automated message. But he kept calling to finish the application. Looking back at it, like obviously I'm not interested so like leave me alone?

Fast forward to the third time I go to his event, he's at the door and looks furious. He gave me an attitude and was like, why didn't you answer my calls. I don't remember my response, but afterwards he said that next time he calls me, that I BETTER Answer him. I thought to myself, he's not my boss, he's not my dad, he's no one important to me, like he has a lot of nerve to be so nasty and then demand a phone call. No one in life owes you anything, you know? 

So I go in and I had invited two of my friends, and I told both of them what happened. They were supportive of me and they told him how I had invited them there. He always does a speech and he had mentioned that I had brought people in. Throughout that day, I was paranoid that he was going to get angry with me again. But nothing happened.

After that, I had no desire to go back since he was so nasty to me. But 2-3 months later, I decided to go back as I had just been laid off from the toxic job. So I went and everything was fine, but at the end, he was like, I really want you to be a sponsor, I'm sure we can work things out. After he walked away, I left, I was like nope. Like even though he was nice to me this time, I still remember when he was so nasty to me, and it's not like I have money to afford that I was just laid off! After that, I never went back and have no desire to.

Now looking back at the Networking event, I realized that I started seeing the same faces and what struck me as odd was the familiar faces were all Sponsors who paid the price. Whereas everyone else that I had met, I never saw again. So the only returning people were the sponsors, which makes me believe that if you want to keep on going, he starts to pressure you into becoming a sponsor and that's how he makes his money from the event being "Free". 

In some ways I kind of wonder if it's a pyramid scheme, because he starts to bug you about being a sponsor until you join and then you recruit others to do the same and you keep paying him for his services that may or may not work. I'm pretty sure he even said that not everyone will meet someone that they can do business with. He has like 500 Sponsors, that's 149,700 a YEAR!!!! Just from Sponsors!! The only person I actually met at this networking event that was of value is this girl I met the first time, who turned into a great friend of mine. 

Also, one of the times he had made a comment that he prefers women and will always talk to them first. Something along the lines, which makes me believe that if I was a woman, he would have been much nicer to me. But this is just a theory.

It's funny because his website is very outdated, not only is the price for sponsors hidden, but it also looks like it hasn't been updated since 2003. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sticker Printing Companies & Much More!

 After a certain Sticker Company decided to get political, people have decided to not do business with them anymore. So here is a list of Sticker Companies and other printing companies that do other things. 
A few companies are left out intentionally, including one that I worked for in 2021, that screwed me over. I'll add an edit date at the bottom so ya'll know if new additions have been added!

Business Cards 


Charms - Acrylic - Metal - Wooden

• Melody Charms
• Vograce
• Wizard Pins
• Zap Creative 
• Zugmonster 


Contagious Graphics 
Merchology - 
Printful -
Printify -

Packaging - Eco Friendly

Better Packaging Co
Eco Enclose 
No Issue Co 
Sticker Gizmo 


 - VistaPrint 

Party Printing - -Coasters - Cups - Napkins etc... 

Templi - This company is a competitor to a company I used to work for that burned me, so I'd much rather do business with these guys!


• Melody Charms
• Vograce
• Wizard Pins
• Zap Creative 
• Zugmonster 

Promotional Marketing Printing Companies 

4 All Promos 
4Imprint -
Arts Cow - 
Geiger - 
Handshake - 
Idea Stage 
Makeship -
Merchology - 
Moller -
National Pen -
Print Work
Promo Shop inc - 
Promotique - 
Printful - 
Shureprint - 
Shutterfly -
Sticker Gizmo 
Staples Promo 
Templi - 
Quality Logo Products -

Printing Companies that ship for you

CafePress -
Cow Cow - Somehow related to Arts Cow
Gelato -
Printer Studio -
Printify -
RedBubble -
Society 6 -
Threadless -
Zazzle -

Sticker Printing Companies

- Contagious Graphics 
Custom Stickers 
Machine Studio - My personal Favorite
Melody Charms
Michaela K Creations - 
Print Place
Rockin Monkey 
Split Arrow Prints
Sticker App -
Sticker Blitz
Sticker Giant 
Sticker Gizmo - Eco Friendly
Sticker Junkie
Sticker Ninja 
Sticker Print Go 
- Sticker Wolf 
Sticker Wize 
The Sticky Brand 
Zap Creative 

Tarot / Oracle Card Printing 

• Printer Studio -
• Aura Print -
• Make Playing Cards  -
• Vograce

You have to call to inquire - This is a heads up for people like me, who hate talking on the phone!! lol
• Ace Lion -
• Kingstar -
• Print Ninja -
• WJ Playing Cards -

Last Edited 7-17-2024

Friday, May 17, 2024

I can't believe this happened to John Paul and Carter on Hollyoaks!

I started watching a show called Hollyoaks, due to a clip I saw on youtube of the two characters, John Paul and Carter. Kissing.

The storyline follows Carter, who is a newcomer and a very religious man who thinks being gay is bad. When he meets John Paul, he starts to have feelings for him and admits he's actually gay, but is trying not to let his "Sinful" urges get in the way.

As the story progresses, we see Carter being vulnerable and there are moments where he really wants to be with John Paul and where he's like, is being gay really a bad thing?

But then a few other characters get into the mix and corrupt him into being "Straight" again, and while there are instances where he gets vulnerable with his feelings for John Paul. He eventually starts going haywire, and tells a kid he isn't gay and he needs to be straight, gets transphobic towards one of the trans characters and even crashing a pride parade to be homophobic. 

Like the show went from Carter slowly coming to terms with his sexuality, to a complete 180, where he reverts back to who he was before, but 10 times worse and becomes super hateful.

The storyline ends with Carter KIDNAPPING John Paul, where he gives him a baptism and thinks he drowned him. Although John Paul survives, Carter was happy he didn't die. Carter gets arrested and that's that.


What upsets me so much, is these characters had so much chemistry. They were super cute together, (The actors aren't bad looking either). The kiss scenes were cute as well. One thing that annoyed me about the show Eastenders, with the gay couple, Ben and Callum. Their kisses were super weird. But then seeing John Paul and Carter kiss, was like magic, it was super cute and sensual. 

The way the storyline was going, they made it seem like they WERE going to get together and Carter would accept who he was. But then Carter pulls a 180. Like even Carter's on screen daughter, was calling them her dads on instagram, which made me believe they knew something we didn't know. 

There's a few scenes I'd like to bring up. One scene, involves John Paul going to the hospital to see his mom who was sick. Carter, being the gentleman that he is, went to go visit and support JP. Then later on, John Paul goes over to Carters house to thank him and they have a very intimate moment, before another character ruins it lol.

Like, the show was putting them together, it was putting them in real life couple situations and then they just SNATCHED it right out of our hands and made Carter a madman.

Continuity Error?

When John Paul and Carter have their first kiss, Carter says he doesn't like how men have treated John Paul and how JP needs someone who will love and support him. They end up kissing. This in turn, also makes it seem like Carter was supposed to be John Pauls happily ever after, because you had this guy who is secretly crazy about JP and wants to treat him well.

But their last scene together is him literally drowning John Paul.

I'm so upset about this, ya'll have no idea/

Monday, January 15, 2024

I got Scammed on Allie Express!

 If you use Allie Express, please do NOT buy from this seller! " FXFX Store"

They are scammers!!! 

They deliberately put in my town name, but not the address, so that the post office wouldn't know what to do with it. When looking at the tracking #, it says post office DESTROYED THE PACKAGE!!!! 

I tried contacting the seller, I got an automated response saying it was on it's way...

I asked Allie express about it, and even though I have proof saying the seller didn't put in the proper address, and that the post office disposed of the package. They would not give me a refund, which is utter BS!

Upon looking at reviews for this particular seller, it looks like other people have had the same issue. In some cases, people obtained an empty package!! This seller is a scammer and Allie express should be ashamed of themselves!!! 

Honestly, I'm so done with Allie express, I think I'll just stick with Temu, who have been very good to me with missing packages and broken items.

Attached is a picture of me not receiving the item!!! As well as receipts that Allie Express wants to put a blind eye on. 

This is a picture of me not having the item.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

How I like to make my Salads


Spinach Leaves, Raspberries, Cheddar Cheese, Blueberries, Tomatoes and Red/Yellow Peppers.

Hey Ya'll, 

I wanted show you how I make a salad, as it might be a bit different than what other people do. Since I'm not a Food or Recipe blogger, so I won't be adding random dribble about how my mother's, brothers sister's, ex wife's, cousin, got lost in the woods in the middle of a snowstorm and found some weird mushroom that inspired them to make a pineapple pizza. 

When I make salads, I put in my main ingredients and then if I have leftovers of whatever foods, I also put them in there as well. 

So I'm going to be separating the items into different categories. 

Main - This is what makes the salad the salad

Main - Basically this is the main part of the salad, whether it's lettuce, spinach leaves, or if you want to just make a pasta salad instead. (Or just all of the above)

Spinach leaves- Are generally more healthier than just ordinary lettuce, so I prefer to go with this. Personally for me, they have a time limit. Once they get soggy and wet, they taste gross to me and I cannot have them.

You can get this in the aisles with lettuce, not that nasty can crap in a can that Popeye was eating in them old shows. 

Pasta - (Whole grain is healthier just so you know and better in controlling blood sugar)
Use the small kind like macaroni or the springs for salads.


Feta cheese (Already crumbled)

Cheddar Cheese - Sometimes I cut up some block cheddar cheese and throw it in there. 

Mozzerella Cheese - I'm very versatile with my Mozzerella cheese, If I have the block cheese from the grocery store that you cut up. But for salads I love using the Fresh Mozzerella cheese, it comes in a oval like shape, it'll be very wet and it comes pre-sliced. If worst comes to worst, I use 1-2 String Sheeses and cut it up into little bite sizes and throw it in.

Shredded Mozzarella and or Cheddar (or whichever cheese you like)

Fruit - Cut up whatever fruit you like.

For me, I always buy my berries, it's a must have in my refrigerator! Berries also have the lowest sugar, which is great for diabetic or pre-diabetics. 






Vegetables  - Here are my must have vegatables.

Carrots - Shop Rite sells carrot chips or Shredded, which I think is the easiest form of Carrot to have for a salad.

Peppers - Green|Yellow|Red.  Red is the healthiest.

Tomatoes - I know it’s a fruit! I like either cut up tomatoes or the grape tomatoes. Like spinach, it tastes terrible if you don't eat it right away, once it starts getting squishy, that means it's no good anymore. 


Chicken - Any kind and all kind, you could even get chicken nuggets from the grocery store and tear them into pieces and throw them in.

Pepperoni - Slices already made from the grocery store are perfect for salads. The consumption amount is about 16 slices. 

Steak - Steak can be hard to chew so I recommend cutting them in thin slices.


Garlic or Onion Salt/powder

Crushed Red Pepper Flakes - I love Crushed Red Pepper for some spice. Just don't put on too much, you don't want to set your mouth on fire! 




I like good seasonings Italian dressing, it’s healthier than the bottled crap, you just need oil and vinegar to make it. Some stores have the Good Seasonings that come with a Glass Dressings bottle to mix and make the dressing! 

Good Seasons - Italian Dressing

Seeds - Are really healthy and packed with all sorts of good stuff.

Chia Seeds