Thursday, March 27, 2014

LGBTQIA terminology

Gather round' children! Class is about to start!

 I found out that some of my friends at work did not know what Asexual meant, or at-least had the wrong idea of what it is supposed to mean! So I thought to myself, I said "Babby Sue", what If I put a list of terminology together that allows people to have a better understanding of particular words explaining a persons sexual or non sexual identity?"  (PS. I don't really call myself Babby Sue, I just thought that was funny). That is how I came up with this weeks blog post, in which I post bloggity blogs, of bloggness!

This week, I talk about the LGBTQIA community, and the terms along with it!

First off, I am sure you're scratching your head asking "What the flying flapjacker, is the LGBTQIA community?!"

Well gurl, I'mma tell you now....

LGBTQIA+, is the complete acronym. Usually it's referred to as LGBT, and in total the acronym stands for the following.

• Lesbian

• Gay
• Bisexual
• Transgender
• Questioning/Queer
• Intersex
• Asexual 
 • + = Anything else
Some people consider the A as in Ally, which stands for a heterosexual who is for the LGBTQIA community, and is someone who helps fight for gay rights. This makes no sense, since straight people are straight, and do not belong in the LGBT community, because they are not LGBT. A is for asexual. Since then, more letters have been added in the ever increasing alphabet, of the LGBT community.
I'd explain the other parts now, but I will be explaining them shortly anyways.


Sexuality is not in black and white, it comes in all colors, shapes, sizes and flavors (Such as lemon).
It may seem pretty basic, but sexuality is quite fluid and it's everywhere, all over the place and not always that simple to figure out.

First you have the three most basic and well known sexualities.

Heterosexuality - A Heterosexual is someone who has sexual attraction towards the opposite gender.

Bisexuality - A Bisexual is someone who has the sexual attraction to both genders, male and female.

Homosexuality - A Homosexual is someone who has sexual attraction towards the same gender.

Bisexuality is very fluid, there are plenty of people who not just black and white.
Some people are mostly attracted to women and sometimes men, or mostly attracted to men and sometimes women. Some are just attracted to both genders equally, it varies per person.
There are people who will be all over every person of the opposite gender, but will find just one person of the same sex that they are crazy for! Vice versa too.
I knew two people, a boy and a girl, non affiliated with each other. One was a gay dude, and he loved men, but one day, he met a girl and fell in love with her and just couldn't be without her.
The same thing happened to my lesbian friend, out of no where met this guy and they are/were inseparable. I do not know them anymore, so I don't know how they are or if they are still together.
You also hear about someone who was straight, but one day found someone of the same sex and just fell in love.
As well as stories about someone who was in a heterosexual relationship for 20 years and just one day, met someone of the same sex and just went for them instead. Anything can happen!
Two of my best friends are bisexual, and they both gear towards men. One of them is sexually and romantically into men, and finds women attractive in a non sexual way, he doesn't usually  want to be with a woman romantically..
While the other one is into men and women, but gears more towards men.
You also hear about lot's of celebrities having man crushes or women crushes, I would say they are mostly heterosexual, but (Possibly/Potentially) slightly bisexual.

These are quite possibly the most common sexualities known, but there are plenty more where that came from!

Fun Fact: Heterosexuals and Homosexuals are actually in the minority, the fact of the matter is, most people are bisexual, even if a little bit. Back in medieval times, there was a king who only liked women, and everyone thought it was the weirdest thing, because mostly everyone else was bisexual! I forgot which king it was, which is a shame because it just sounds like I am taking non existent history out of thin air. (If anyone knows about this, let me know! I'd love to add more to this post about it!)

The kinsey scale is a useful tool for grasping the heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual scale. Source

0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual
X No socio-sexual contacts or reactions

As for me, I would say I am 100% 6. What are you? 
Unless of course, you fit somewhere else!

Picture by moi

Other sexualities include...

Asexuality - An Asexual is a person who does not have sexual attraction towards anyone. (There are other forms of Asexuality, that I will get into later.)

Pansexuality (Also known as Omnisexuality) - Pansexuality has always been a difficult sexuality to explain, it is similar to bisexuality, but slightly different. Bisexuals are sexually attracted to men and women, where as pansexual people, ( are not attracted to pans, that is in fact a myth!) we will get to people who are into pans later.. but that is not now...
Pansexuals are attracted to not only men and women, but every gender! This includes everyone in between and out between..
This includes men, women, transgendered people, intersex, gender queer and androgynous people.
Another part that one could include, is that pansexuals don't see gender, they see love.. and that is pretty important!

Polysexuality - Is the attraction to many genders, but not all of them.

Demisexuality - Demisexual is a more open term for asexuality, and a assure you, it has nothing to do with Demi Lavato. :P
Demisexuality is a lack of attraction (Or a fleeting attractiong) towards anyone, unless they form an emotional bond with another person. They won't find many people attractive, and it may be hard for them to be aroused by someone, until they form that connection with them.

Some other forms of asexuality could be that someone is asexual, but they like to have sex. Or it could mean that someone is not interested in sex, but would like to fall in love, it's a wide range of different combinations of asexuality with a pinch of sexuality.

Gray-asexual - Is someone who experiences sexual attraction very rarely, they're basically in between asexual and sexual.

Queer - Is an umbrella term that can mean so many different things, it can mean heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, bisexual, polysexual... etc.. it's basically a word to use if someone would rather not define themselves as one sexuality.

Now that we have an understanding of sexualities, let's touch base with some other types of sexual preferences.

Chronophilia Chronophilia is attraction towards different groups of age. In this list, I'm only adding three Chronophilia's, since the others are illegal, and wrong. For more information on Chronophilia, check out the wikipedia page.

Teleiophilia - Is the attraction towards adults.
Mesophilia - The attraction towards middle aged adults.
Gerontophilia - Is the attraction towards the elderly. (Basically, the only type of people that will like the shock site Lemon Party.) (DO NOT LOOK IT UP!!! Well, unless you're into the elderly that is...)

 Androphilia and Gynephilia

Androphilia - Is the attraction towards males  and or masculinity.
Gynephilia - Is the attraction towards females and or femininity.
Ambiphilic - Is the attraction towards males/masculinity and females/femininity.

Autogynephilia and AutoAndrophilia

AutoAndrophilia - Is the sexual arousal of someone imagining themselves as a man.
Autogynephilia   Is the sexual arousal of someone imagining themselves as a woman.

Sex and Gender Identity

Sex - Is the biological parts of someone's body, sex organs, chromosones, what sex someone was born as, male or female.
Gender - Is the inner feelings of what gender they feel they are, man or woman. Gender does not equal sex. It is what you feel on the inside.
Man (Male)- Someone who identifies themselves with the male gender.
Woman (Female)- Someone who identifies themselves with the female gender.

Here are two videos about gender.

Transgender - Is someone who has become the other gender, that they feel is correct.
Transexual - Is the state, or gender expression of not being the correct sex, someone who wishes and becomes the gender they want to be, biologically and mentally.

Cisgender - The opposite of Transgender. The persons feelings of being the sex they were born as, and not wanting to be another gender. So if you were born male, and are not transgender, you are cisgender.
Intersex - Is someone whose reproductive, or sexual anatomy do not fit the usual male or female definitions.
Genderqueer - Is an umbrella term for genders, they may feel male and female at the same time, or neither.. etc..
Pangender - Is a word used to describe someone who feels they do not fit into either gender categories, or even more than one gender category.
Third Gender - Similar to Pangender, but instead the person involved does not feel like they are female or male... but another gender.
Androgynous - Is someone who has both male and female characteristics and appearances.
Transvestiteism and Crossdressing - Transvestites are people who dress and act like another gender, the same can be applied to crossdressing, except it sometimes carries a lighter meaning of just wearing another gender's clothes.
Masculinity - Is a set of characteristics associated with the male sex.
Femininity - Is a set of characteristics associated with the female sex.
Questioning - Is someone who is unsure and questioning either their sexuality, gender and or sexual identity.

LGBT Terms

Heteronormativity - Is the view of people falling into heterosexual societal norms. For example, someone who is heteronormative sees heterosexuality as the only normal sexuality, and never thinks about other sexualities. They will also assume a person is heterosexual, because of their sex, and ppearance.
Heterosexism - Is an attitude that favors heterosexuality and discriminates against homosexual, bisexual and other sexualities.
Homonormativity - Is the view of people falling into homosexual societal norms. For example, someone who is homonormative sees homosexuality as the only normal sexuality and never thinks about other sexualities.
Homosexism -  Is an attitude that favors homosexuality and discriminates against heterosexual, bisexual and other sexualities
Homophobia/Lesphobia - Is the dislike and prejudice of homosexual people.
Biphobia - Is the dislike and prejudice of bisexual people.
Heterophobia - Is the dislike and prejudice of heterosexual people.
Transphobia - Is the dislike and prejudice of transgendered people.

Did you know?

Homophobia is more often seen in individuals who have unrealized attraction to the same sex, and grew up in a family where homosexuality is seen as "Wrong", and "Evil". This is why any day of the week you find out about some anti-gay politician, secretly had a Grindr account the whole time, and was hooking up with guys the entire time!A Thought
If you ask me, anyone who says that "Being gay is a choice". Just has to be a closeted bisexual, because then they are "choosing", not to realize their same sex attractions! It's the only logical thing.

For some comics about the LGBTQI community, check out this awesome link below!

Anything missing? Let me know in the comments below!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zombies are overrated!

I don't know about you, but....

 I hate zombies!

Now, when I say that. I mean that I am not a fan of the zombie sub-genre that is appearing in Television, Gaming, and other media. I don't mean to hate, but I just wanted to get my view across as to why I don't care for the genre. As well as what I believe could make the Zombie genre, more interesting!

Zombies, or Zambiez (Zam Bees), as me and my brother used to call them (I don't know if that is a thing already, if it's not a thing, let's make it a thing!) A popular creature, or opponent in television, comics, books, the video game world..etc...
Deceased people coming back to life, to eat brain,s and savagely murder people in their paths. Of course they can't eat the brains of stupid people because, we all know that idiots don't have brains!


In most media, "zambiez", are killed by shooting them with any type of gun, or by bludgeoning them with something blunt like a bat, or a giant metal dildo for example... The zombie dies, and then the characters go back to killing the 50 million other ones outside, trying to rip through the door/s. 
(Maybe  they want to give us their gingerbread cookie recipe???)

I don't really get the hype, I just do not find this entertaining. I think it's because I like variety, I don't want everything to be about one thing, it needs to be all sorts of things! Which is one of the reasons why I didn't get into Teen wolf right away, ( I LOVE TEEN WOLF). I thought it would be about just where-wolves, but there's all sorts of creatures lurking in the dark. Where-wolves are just the main focus per say, since the main character is one.
A bunch of people always on the run from a bunch of zombies does not sound interesting to me, nor does shooting them. The background of this idea, I just find bland. I am more of a fantasy world type of guy, so I guess that also has to do with it. I also like monsters, all types.. whether it's a plant monster, Ogre, or the creepy guy that no one knows is living in the basement!

Killing zombies is highly un-realistic in pretty much every show or game, that I have seen them appear in.
A zombie is not alive, it is dead. So shooting a zombie with a gun 80 times, in reality should not kill it, since it is already dead. It has gone past the part where it can die from usual things that kill people. It should actually just keep on going after everyone, after being shot twice, and kill that really annoying person that no one liked!
But, what I think franchises should do, is make things more interesting. I suggest, borrow ideas from RPG's! (Role Playing Game)

RPG's tend to cast things in a different light, that I think could help the zombie genre increase, and become more realistic per say.
RPG video games tend to have magical elements to them,  like Fire, Wind, Water, earth, Holy and Darkness. In various RPG's, Demons, and other "dark" creatures, tend to be weak against holy magic.

In RPG's, Zombies would be dark, especially since it could also be seen as a form of necromancy. Holy magic would hurt them. Some games, have done this.  Like in Suikoden II when you can use the "Resurrection rune", to cast holy spells on zombies, and kills undead creatures.

I think people could take notes, instead of zombies being somehow killed by things that could actually only kill living creatures. Allow for a way to kill them in a non traditional way, that would actually make sense. This also allows the idea of making it harder for characters to kill zombies, and making them figure out what they need to do to actually survive. It could also help if they needed to kill millions of zombies with some kind of gas or liquid.
In a fantasy setting, zombies could be killed with holy spells, and items. In a realistic setting, maybe they would be killed by fire, or maybe a type of acid that disintegrates bone. Which would make much more sense, since it's making the body disappear, and then, unable to function. Even if it's more realistic, there may have to be a fantasy aspect in there somewhere, especially since the undead are alive! So it wouldn't be bad to put a bit of fantasy into killing them. Maybe even a magic weapon that is the only item that can kill them, I'm sure there's something like that in the Supernatural TV series.

In my opinion, people need to get more creative and  realistic with their zombie stories, otherwise it's just the same thing over, and over again, and that's just dull!

Edit from 2019, I saw someone play the new Resident Evil 2 remake. It takes 79 years, to kill one freaking zombie! You shoot it so many times, that the zombies could pilfer all the bullets, and sell them in the black market!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My thoughts on Abortion and why I am pro abortion

My thoughts on abortion is as followed! Valid arguments against my views will be ignored, I am just making post on my opinion.

I am pro-choice

It's a womans body, and she should do what she wants with her body. It is not someone else's choice to make, but the person involved. The big problem with people today is, they like to butt in on other people's lives, instead of worrying about themselves. We all need our own privacy, and need to do what is right for us. Sure, you can give advice, but when it comes to the end of the day, we want to do what we want to do. Always remember, their life is not your life. I am sure people would not like it if others started controlling, what they can, or cannot do.

I don't think it's a problem if, the person who wants an abortion, asks you what you think about it. That's fine, but you cannot force someone to do something they do, or do not want to do.
It's not cool to force your beliefs on other people, or deny them something they need. You need to do you, not them.
(In a non sexual way of course, unless that's how you get your kinks, you dirty ho..)

We also don't know exactly when life starts in the womb. Some say months, others say weeks...
I do however think it is important, to get an abortion right away. Getting an abortion late in the game seems pretty cruel. My friend is against abortion because, his relative decided to do a late term abortion herself, and limbs were flying everywhere. Now that, I find pretty messed up. I think it is suitable to do it immediately, but it's still her choice no matter how much you disagree.

There are also other things to consider...

1. If the baby is going to die when it's born.

At this day & age, doctors can detect these things, and if you can abort the baby fast enough, the soul may be able to enter another healthy pregnant woman, of course.. if there is a soul.
If I were a baby again, I'd much rather get to live a full life, than die a few minutes later after being born!

What if it were to kill the mother? What if the baby was to have a defect? What if the baby had a disability, and would never see life as everyone else see's it? Wouldn't you rather give the child a chance to enter a healthy body, and see life as most people do?

2. Another good point is that we are over populated! If we don't do anything about over-population, resources will drown faster, and faster. Abortion allows for population control. (To a degree)

3. Women are raped, that's a fact. When women have a rapists baby, they usually cannot stand to be around the child. They get PTSD, remembering what happened the night they were raped. I vaguely remember a story where a person, hated their mom, because she hated their child due to them being a rapists baby.
Why have a child go through the pain, and torture of knowing your mother hates you? Why have the woman remember all of those horrible things that person did to them, by looking at their unwanted child?

There's no point to it.

I am fully pro choice, women should do what they think feels right. Although they should try to have all sorts of protections, like condoms, birth control.. all of that stuff to prevent pregnancy.
Not to mention, that if abortion isn't an option. Women will just go to an unlicensed doctor/chop shops, and could be harmed in the process of an illegal/unsafe abortion.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Esmeralda's Wild Adventure!

So, I bought RPG Maker ACE and I have started creating a game! It's more or so a test game.. but I think I'm doing pretty good though.
Because I have used Mygamebuilder, I knew some of the things already.. so my learning curve was a bit easier for me than others.

Esmeralda's Wild Adventure will be the name, It'll mainly entail Esmeralda, and her crew going on weird adventures.
The premise of her story, is that her and her friends find out Esmeralda, is actually a princess of a nearby castle. Her good for nothing parents want her to recruit people for their castle. However, they've also hired two of her rivals, Monaysia (Esmeralda likes to mock her outfit), and Tiana (Whom Esmeralda tends to forget even exists.)

But the idea is that Monaysia is not only her rival, but a genuinely a bad person, and will eventually cause more chaos than Esmeralda could even dream of doing herself!
Eventually in the story, Esmeralda and friends will get into a war with Esmeralda's in other universes. They will befriend Red Esmeralda, and her friends, as they try to stop black and white Esmeralda, from killing each other, and the universe in the process!

This all started back in 2012, when a friend of mine was doing a forum Roleplay. A roleplay is when you create stories for a set of characters, and you and your friends contribute to the story. We did this for the Suikoden games, where we put our own created characters into the Suikoden world, and had our characters interact with the characters from the game. In the first Suikoden, there is this useless character in the game named Esmeralda, and all she does is complain about the castle they live in being run down. With 108 characters in the game, she does not contribute anything to the game at all.
So I thought, why not add an actual background to her character, but make her absolutely insane and intolerable. That is when Esmeralda was born, and of course she needs her own posse.
If you aren't familiar with my character Esmeralda, I suggest you check out two short stories I wrote for her and character bio's for the four girls.

I haven't roleplayed with Esmeralda since 2014, and she has completely evaporated from the character she is based off of. At this point, they just share a name, and have blonde hair.

I started making a game starring Esmeralda, I'm making a bunch of new characters for the game too.. I will start by making this into a comic, and I have a script started for a few chapters.

Over the years (I'm editing this post as of 2019.) The game would have 50 playable characters, Esmeralda, Bonquisha, Qaulaysia and Larisha are the main characters. I've bumped up the character, Annie, and Zart as the additional fifth & sixth member of the group. But the four girls will always be the center of attention. There are two characters from the original roleplay named Leora and Florence who will be making an appearance as playable characters, and some cameos in the comic. Leora is  is a made up character by myself, and I've made her incredibly stupid. Leora's the girl that's going to point to a chair and say "Look a turtle!" Then 5 seconds later scream "OH MY GOD!! I HAVE A NOSE!!!!".
Florence is Leora's friend and completely sane (As well as secretly in love with Leora! PLOT TWIST), which levels them out from stupid and intelligent.
Esmeralda is crazy, and Leora would lose an IQ test to a rock, put those two together and you have a very bizarre happening.
I'm going to try and have some good scenes with the two of them together.

But without further adieu, I am going to post some screen shots and then the characters so far!

Just click on the images to enlarge them.

The menu screen, as you can see on the left, I changed the options to a more 
Esmeralda type way.

This is the inn that the four girls stay in.

This particular level is actually in the tower in Esmeralda's town.
The green mist things are actually ghosts and you can talk to them by pressing the command button.

A battle! I chose a background theme with police sirens because I thought it was fitting.

Each character will get their own unique weapon, and all of them will be able to equip a boomerang!


Esmeralda is rude, crude and just plain insane. It's best to stay away from her. She is also a yaoi fan girl, and will sneak up to watch two guys make out, in which Qualaysia will whack her in the face, and drag her home for being a pervert...
Weapon:Shoes, Purse.. other
Element: Water


Bonquisha is Esmeralda's best friend, she's very calm and collected. She is also a bounty hunter, and in the past she fought in a war. (Some of her old war friends will join Esmeralda's group, and eventually would like to make a spin off as well.)

Weapon: Bazooka
Element: Fire


Qualaysia is the voice of reason of the group, she's smart, good with magic.. She's somewhat of the real leader of the group (Don't tell Esmeralda that!). Qualaysia is probably my favorite of the girls.

Weapon: Hairpin
Element: Wind


Larisha is the kid of the group, she was left out on the streets but was taken in by Esmeralda.
She's a bit of a jack of all trades, it's later revealed she is part werewolf!
Weapon: Claws
Element: Earth

Annie is the cheery one of the group, and loves to go on adventures, which she says constantly, to Esmeralda's dismay. She's essentially Esmeralda's replacement in the game, as they both are water affinities.

Weapon: Twin Fang Boomerangs
Element: Water

Zart is a narcissistic man who annoys even Esmeralda; he is in fact Esmeralda's fiance due to an arranged marriage. (I will be making fun of his name, Esmeralda will be having a field day since Zart rhymes with Fart.) The girls will have a habit of ditching him, and he will always have bad luck (Such as being robbed by a bunny!)

Element:  Lightning

Whore is a Succubus, she's very flirty and likes to wear almost no clothes at all. 

Weapon: Censored

Jiggolo is an Incubus and like Whore, is also flirty and wears almost no clothes.
Weapon: Also Censored'

Leora is a complete idiot with amazing magical power, if she had a brain she would be one of the greatest sorceresses to ever live..

Weapon: Magic Pendulum

Florence is a quiet but intelligent young man who journey's with Leora.
Weapon: Magic Staff

Esmerelda is a strong young woman, she wants to show the world that not all Esmeralda's are bad people.
Weapon: Spear

A special guest star, she's my real life, sassy coworker, and I've decided to give her a cameo in Esmeralda's wild adventure!

Characters without a bio

Marisol - A narcissist woman, who is friends with Esmeralda.

Smornak - Cheerful swordsman.

Weapon: Sword

Trevor - A wise seer.

Jalla - A scientist, he is one of Qualaysia's love interests.


Cheechin -

Arjin -

Cheechin and Arjin are a gay couple, that Esmeralda will be spying on behind some bushes.

Esmeralda's pet rock, it doesn't do much.

Eilie - A strong witch that the girls defeat, she is one of Qualaysia's love interests. 
