Applebottomjeans: Applebees
Constropulated: When you're feeling different emotions all at once, you're happy, sad, energetic, tired, confused, inspired.. everything.
Englanese: English + Japanese, like Spanglish. Talking half Japanese, half English...
Gayophobe can simply be another way of saying Homophobe.
Rinse: When you need to take a shower, but there's no hot water. So you quickly wet yourself, and quickly apply soap and wash it off as quick as possible.. and get out of there, because cold water is evil.
Normally, I take my time with a nice warm shower, but with a cold shower, I just get in, and out in minutes.
Shiznit: This is something I used on this blog once, instead of the word "Shit".
Tillywhisker - Just sounds like a funny word to use as an insult! "You're such a tillywhisker!!"
Uggo: Another term for "Ugly". (Those pants are so uggo!)
Untouchables: Cute straight guys, they're "untouchable", because they're straight. It's an agonizing pain of why does this hot guy have to be straight!!! This could also be for any other gender/sexuality. (Ex: A gay guy could be untouchable to a straight girl)
Zambiez (Zam Bees): Another word for Zombie, that my brother and I created.
Arm Porn - When a man who is muscular, has really nice and attractive biceps, that you just have to look at those amazingly crafted arm muscles. What beautiful arm porn!
Balloon Popper - Similar to a Debbie Downer, a Balloon popper is someone who has to go on a random tangent about something someone says. They wind up missing the point of the conversation and end up ruining the mood.
Bro-Zoned - When a gay or bi guy has a crush on a straight guy, it's never going to happen and they're just going to call you "bro" all the time. You've been "Bro-Zoned".
Captain Save a HO - When you do a good deed to help a friend, however, the person in need a of saving, may not be someone good enough to save.
Example: I played Captain Save a Ho and let 3 of my friends stay at my place. However, they never paid rent and all they did was argue with each other. So I moved. No more playing Captain Save a Ho for me!
Death Token - This actually isn't something I've shared with anyone before. Essentially, it's a vibe, that someone/something is going to die soon.
I've had this vibe a few times, and so far, only one has come true. Upon meeting my neighbors dog for the first time (Without knowing how old it was). I said to myself, "You're going to die soon". I don't know why this popped in my head, but it did. Apparently soon, meant 2 years, as I first met the dog in summer of 2014, and it died January/February 2017.
(Yes, it's a cruel thing to say, but it wasn't really me, saying it, it was like "something else" was saying it in my head. I love dogs!)
He's got a face - It always means that I find the person has a good and attractive facial structure, it's not weird shaped or small, but very strong, Boxy or big, very shaped and very featured. (When I say this to people, I don't realize they don't get what I'm saying, and I just sound like an idiot. [He has a face? I had no idea!] lmao)
My friend Victor came up with a phrase...
"The Just got F@cked Booty"
Where the ass gets a little plump (A.K.A swollen) so has an awkward roundness because of the slapping (a.k.a) thrusting, Most people unconsciously thrust in.
A motion that causes a lift to the buttocks...unless they're getting reamed and rammed every time they get fucked.
End result, oddly shaped booty that cause the ass to be a little plumper looking at the top (hence that odd ass out stance some gay men seem to have...) and odd curve to the ass toward the bottom. Giving and oddly round, yet stuck out booty.
Keep in mind it's not exact science,
More an observation.
After all some people have oddly shaped or oddly plumped asses that just stick out
Ironically, he mentioned this when I showed him a picture of my hot neighbor dad and his family. The guy Victor was talking about having a "Just got fucked booty", turns out he is in fact gay! But at the time, we didn't know that.
The Devils Tango - This is a phrase that the Youtuber, Alex Myers uses, when he talks about people having sex. It's a rather PG thing to say!
Playing the Devils Violin - A phrase I came up with, based off of Alex Myer's "The Devil's Tango". It means "Masturbating".
Visual Crush - Coined by one of my BFF's Donna, it's when you have a crush on someone, but only when they're around you. Like when you're home alone, you're not thinking about them anymore. It's just a "Visual Crush", you crush on them when they're around you.
"Pulling a Kiko" - Is when someone changes over-night and gets super religious, or turns into an extremist to the point they aren't the same person you once knew and causes you to not be friends anymore. They may even throw items out that they once loved because it is "Evil", or "The Devil". This is usually caused by a traumatic event, such as Surgery, or getting into a car accident.
This is named after a Psychic who did the same thing.
• You know what they say, gay boys do it better!
• When in doubt, go for the groin. - Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
• The way to a straight man's heart, is by giving good head. - My friend Victor.
The following just doesn't appear to have a gay version.
• A man will move mountains to be with the man he loves.
• A woman will move mountains to be with the woman she loves.
Type Of Person
• Fairy Gay-mother - A straight girl, who has a best male friend, who is gay/bi, and they always go out of their way to help their friend. Especially with advice about guys.
• Good Judy - Your gay BFF.
Popular Words - The kids these days use these words!
Boujee - Fancy, High Class.
Examples: "Gucci is so Boujee" - "This hotel is SO Boujee!"
Stan - To obsess over something.
Examples: "Garret Watts? I'm such a stan of his!" - "This is a Twitter Stan account for Suikoden". - "I'm stanning so much right now!"
Tea - Gossip.
Example" We're spilling the tea!"
Video Game Phrases
Juke (Juking) - To deceive someone, in order to win, or run from an opponent.
Meta - The characters people are picking to win games.
Example: Sombra is in the meta right now with her ability to disable enemy moves!
Nerf - When the creators of a game, make a character weaker, it's called getting nerfed.
Example: Mercy has been nerfed for the 700th time now, she can barely heal anyone anymore!
So a gay guy and a straight guy are walking on a beach and they spot a man with a toned body.
The straight guy goes, wow! I wish I had rock hard abs like that!
The gay guy goes, that's not the only thing rock hard right now!
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