Kiss of the Scorpion, or "O Beijo do Escorpião" as it's called in Portuguese. Is a Portuguese soap opera that stars a woman named Rita, who finds out she has a long lost sister named Alice (Which is pronounced Al-eese), Alice seems like a nice girl, but there's more to her than her fake smiles.
I'd like to redirect to the thing that got me interested in the show, particularly a gay couple in it. I've only watched the gay storyline, but I was thinking of watching the whole series.. but it looks like the gay couple is the only part that's actually in english subtitles. What can I say, everyone loves the gays!
I can try youtube subtitles, but sometimes they come out weird. For example, if a character says "Let's go out to eat", the subtitles will say "Let's go and racetrack on shuffle" and I'm like, well that doesn't make sense...
Although I find some other characters boring, I do find some other characters interesting aside from the two guys. That, and it gets confusing at certain parts because people get mentioned that you don't know, it'll be like this person dies, and I'm like.. who is that.. do I know her.. was she nice?I'd like to redirect to the thing that got me interested in the show, particularly a gay couple in it. I've only watched the gay storyline, but I was thinking of watching the whole series.. but it looks like the gay couple is the only part that's actually in english subtitles. What can I say, everyone loves the gays!
I can try youtube subtitles, but sometimes they come out weird. For example, if a character says "Let's go out to eat", the subtitles will say "Let's go and racetrack on shuffle" and I'm like, well that doesn't make sense...
I was following the story of Paulo and Miguel. Paulo and Miguel are best friends who also happen to pilot, and co-pilot private planes as their job. Paulo is gay, and he is closeted to most people except for a few people, such as his sister Teresa, or his friend with benefits, Leo. Despite being his best friend, Miguel has no idea Paulo is gay, and that's because Miguel is a homophobe! To add more wood to the fire, Paulo's boss hates gay, people and WILL fire anyone who is gay. So Paulo not only has to keep his sexuality a secret from his best friend, but also his boss and everyone that works there!
Miguel is played by Duarte Gomes, and Paulo is played by Pedro Carvalho.
I'm going to write a basic run down as to what happens in Paulo and Miguel's storyline, I'm going to avoid spoilers, and I'll try to make things vague if needed, except for the obvious fact that Paulo and Miguel end up together... If you didn't think that was where it was going, well it was....
First I'll tell you about Paulo and Miguel's personality,
Paulo is very sweet, very serious and kind.
Miguel is very energetic, party boy, and a womanizer.
Miguel and Paulo's storyline is very well written in a serious manner, Miguel goes through a whole lot of changing throughout the entire show, he reacts very much like other people could in his situation. The show also tackles some problems that LGBT people face, like homophobia, not being able to donate blood because of your sexuality. The writers knew their facts, and it's interesting to see a show that has real aspects, where as other shows may just focus solely on romance or where everyone, and their mother is gay.
A few episodes into their storyline, Paulo and Miguel get incredibly drunk. They end up at Paulo's house, and fall on Paulo's couch. One thing leads to another, and they end up sleeping together!
Paulo tells Miguel he slept on the couch to avoid Miguel's homophobia.
Miguel leaves the house not knowing what happened, and Paulo is safe for the mean time. Paulo's sister Teresa, says that Miguel is going to get his memories back eventually and realize what happened that night when they were drunk!
Teresa points out something very important to Paulo, if Miguel is straight, he would NOT have reciprocated kissing Paulo, and sleeping with him. She thinks there has to be more to it! He would have been like, no thanks! So there is definitely more than beats the eye, eventually Paulo realizes there is more to Miguel's sexuality than he thinks.
When Miguel does remember everything, he is fuming. Paulo and Miguel get into a fight and Miguel puts it upon himself to make Paulo's life miserable!
Paulo reveals to Teresa that he has been in love with Miguel for years, which is also why he would not commit to his friend Leo, and only fooled around with him.
Miguel absolutely hates Paulo for quite a while, Miguel becomes a very hate-able character. He is out to get Paulo, and he even tries outing Paulo to his boss so he can get fired, but if he does, Paulo would do the same to Miguel because they did sleep together after all!
Thanks to Paulo's friend Marta, he does not get outed the few times, Miguel tries to out Paulo to his boss. Marta acts as a beard for Paulo in times of need, which pisses Miguel off, but also makes Miguel incredibly jealous too!
Near the end of the feud, Miguel does start to question his sexuality, but he doesn't understand right away because he's always been into women. But when Paulo's plane crashes, he is presumed dead, Miguel finally realizes his feelings when his hatred for Paulo turns into love.
Miguel talks to a therapist about his sexuality and his other problems, after Paulo is "dead" he comes to the therapist again.
Therapist (Afonso): I wasn't expecting you here..
Did something happen?
Miguel: Yes...
Everything happens, lately...
And this time, I may have lost the only person I truly fell in love with..
and I don't.. I don't know how I will keep on living after this.
But just how it is in most shows, Paulo is not actually dead, and the story goes on. Miguel is very relived to get a phone call that Paulo is fine, except for a few minor scratches.
When Miguel and Paulo meet after everyone thought Paulo was dead, they have a very cute reunion and eventually leads to something else....
Bowchickawawa Gifs!
They tell Marta that they're together now, and Marta brings a good point. How are they going to keep working at the private jet company if they have recognized their feelings for each other, there will always be some sort of romantic lighting for the two of them. Even if they're together, and Miguel has changed, their boss is still a homophobe who will fire people if they're gay.
When they go back to their job for just a conversation with their boss about the plane crash, they decide once they leave to have some fun in a hotel. There's a very cute scene and they become flirty little school girls, they say some really adorable things at the hotel.
Miguel (To Paulo): And that my life without you doesn't make any sense...
So cute, I can't even..
But, there's just one problem..... there was a spy who overheard their talk about being in a relationship!
Their boss stalks them, and finds their hotel room! He barges into their room when they're getting into robes, and getting all cute! Their boss disguises himself as a waiter knocking on the door, Miguel thinks that it must be the Champagne. But instead comes in the boss, screaming and yelling, telling them they are fired, and he doesn't want "Fairies" working for his company.
After the cuckoo bird is gone, Miguel says a line that both guys repeat throughout the rest of the show, which is very cute.
Miguel: Together, we can face the world!
The guys are out of a job, which I thought would happen from the beginning, they just put so much emphasis on the possibility of Paulo losing his job because of his sexuality. I thought there would be more to it....
Miguel is really upset, so Paolo makes breakfast in bed for him, which Miguel doesn't understand because him liking a guy is still new to him, and no one's ever done that for him before.
You have to understand that Paulo is pretty much the perfect guy, and Miguel is very lucky!
Both Paulo, and Miguel are worried about the fact that not only are they out of a job, but they're both out of their dream job. They have to figure out something, and they both say, as long as they're together they can do anything! They still get into silly arguments, and Miguel is still trying to figure out whats what with himself, and his sexuality.vHe doesn't think he's gay, but he does love Paulo. Basically, Miguel's sexuality is Paulo, and I'd make a meme out of that if I wasn't so lazy.
A couple of cute scenes and episodes later, the boys find out about a diving store that's closing soon. The money they made from working at the airlines is actually enough to buy the store and remake it as their own!
They quickly become the new owners of the store and they get some of the young adults they know to help them out in the store, two including Paulo's niece, and Miguel's nephew.
In this show Miguel, and Paulo's sides of the family all know each other and it's funny because the two guys end up together, which connects the family even more.
Miguel is a little bit surprised when a woman from a neighboring store already knows that Paulo and Miguel are a couple, and he has a revelation that people are eventually going to know the two guys are together. But the woman is happy that a young happy couple takes over the store to give it new life, and Miguel just has to come with terms that other people will know he's with a guy.
There's a little bit more fluff, but also a little bit more of Miguel understanding who he is.
As the show winds down, the two eventually get married and have a cute wedding ceremony in an airport.. of course!
I really enjoyed the show, at least Paulo and Miguel's arc, I am still interested in seeing the whole thing though. (2019 me here, I never got to it, and since it's been so long since I saw it, I've lost interest in the rest of the series. lol)
I'm still fangirling over the show too, I didn't get over it yet and I didn't want to start anything new until I finished this blog post!
I do find that I set myself up for the show, I thought it was going to go a completely different way than it did. So I had expectations that never happened, which made me realize I should go into tv shows without any expectations because that just leads to failure, what really happens and what you thought would happen are two different things.
I do feel like the feud between Paulo and Miguel went on far too long, it went as long as about 12 episodes 34 episodes of the Paulo and Miguel arc. So half of the time they were fighting, and Miguel hated Paulo, but I feel like there should have been more loving. I think Miguel should have gotten over himself sooner, because then him hating Paulo started to get old and dragged on... and then we didn't get enough episodes of them in love; because by then it was almost over.
I feel like Miguel went through three stages in the show, and they can be explained all by a few words each.
The first part of show (Episodes 1-10): Energetic Partyboy
The second part of the show (Episodes 11-21): Giant douche-bag.. whosalsoprobablysecretlyjealousthatawomaniswrappedaroundthearmsofHISMAN!!!
The last parts of the show (Episodes 22-34): Calm, confused, but in love.
One of the interesting things about the show was how Miguel changed throughout the series, it's really interesting to see the kind of character development that he went through. He became a different person each time, just always changing.
I watched an interview by the actors who played Paulo and Miguel, surprisingly enough, the actor who played Miguel was more open minded about the experience, than the Paulo's actor.
If you'd like to see the whole series with English subtitles, check out this youtube channel that has them all!
There's even a behind the scenes videos where the actors go into the show a little bit more!
Also, check out one of the songs that plays on the show.. I don't know if it's Paulo and Miguel's theme song, or if it plays throughout the entire show... but it's awesome and it just always reminds me of the two now!
If you like the song, it's on Itunes!
The title is Qualquer dia
Jorge Roque

I just binge watched the entire story arc of the boys on youtube. I agree about the feud storyline going on waaay too long, but the later episodes were very sweet and I loved the ending. The two actors are very charismatic and I think they did a great job within the confines of the way soaps are written. Thanks for your post, great recap and link to the song.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the show but I couldn't really understand what I needed to. Your blog / article helped a lot on the missing parts. I feel like some of their conflicts related to me in a sort of way to hopes to maybe find a Miguel myself.
ReplyDeleteI found this show with out reason, in fact Youtube found it for me...and i enjoyed soo much.. i liked the decitions that the writers made for the actors, the jobs they had, the Profile, the Homophobia part, the Psicologist recomendations,, was very real...
ReplyDeletei LOL your comments in this BLOG too¡¡
Love this story, i felt all things about accepting the personality that i have. Still not know how to unbox myself to the world!
ReplyDeleteHi.. Thnx a lot for the blog. I just saw the series I.e. Paulo and miguel parts and just loved it. Hats off to Pedro and duarte for making it so realistic.. Have even downloaded the entire 34 episodes for watching as often as I want. Simply can't get over it.. Also thnx again for the blog it really helped in understanding the show.. Tkcr stay blessed..ciao!
ReplyDeleteThe film's first sex scene between Paulo and Miguel should've revealed more especially when they hit the bed.
ReplyDeletehi i just recently watched miguel and paulo storyline i know it was fast and weird but i still love it also it seemed very different. i wasnt really watching everything word by word. i was mainly watching their cute little moments so i think i missed something and i hope u can help me clarify . did miguel still identify as straight? cause he said numerous times that he was. cause thats the reason i loved this show . he was straight but his love for paulo overlooked paulo gender.
ReplyDeleteIt was an emotional and philosophical discovery for Miguel, whilst Alfonso provided him with some educated & objective cognitive beacons. I think the point here is ... understanding and knowing yourself is the ultimate key to happiness - be it alone or with someone special. And if you are fortunate enough to have that someone, it will be the ultimate meeting of the mind, body and soul. Love has no labels. It is about the process (and growth), and the sum of all the parts of that process. Shanyi
Deletei am a nigerian and i conssider tis film extremely instructive and a balm to those of us who are prisoners of labels. The story is good. I love the review - classic and dispassionate. The quarrel between the two went on too log although I suspect it was designed to make the union or reunion, if you like explosive and kind of worth it. But prdon my curisoty, Are those uys really gays? If they are DEFINITELY NOT then it means they took acting to a high level of reality.And it thenmeans they are gay friendly which will mean they COULD be gays.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm portuguese and I did get to watch the show in its airing. As soap operas/telenovelas are completely recycled versions of older ones, this one is no exception. Even still, this was the first one to have an actual gay couple - quite laudable, since there are very homophobic people around here in Portugal.
ReplyDeleteEven still, I watched some of the most dramatic scenes of the show in all its arcs and stories... If you want to see 2 of the best portuguese actresses, you need to watch this show.
The actresses I'm talking about are Sara Matos and Dalila Carmo. There are other good actresses of course.
Try watching it! I think I have seen some episodes subtitled in english throughout YouTube!
So glad that I stumbled upon this on Friday on YouTube and binged it all today. What a lovely storyline, beautiful couple and the messages that it conveyed. Love the whole cast. Never knew Portuguese telenovela can this sexy and engrossing. Love the ending. What fantastic chemistry. Really makes one smile and happy with joy... and hopeful.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely a wonderful story! I can also recommend "Os nossos dias", where Duarte Gomes also plays a gay character. Link to the first episode on YouTube: The YouTube episodes are updated every Monday and are now on episode 20 (there are more than 40 episodes in total). If you want to se all at once:
ReplyDeleteI just recently came across the show on YouTube. Honestly, I think this is one of the best series ever. Great cast, day to day reality of every day life, and the struggles gay men face to this day. Duarte Gomes & Pedro Carvalho did a fantastic job in playing their characters. I give them both great credit, as it wasn't an easy role to play.
ReplyDeleteOn you tube ITS ini Chinese sub. Anyone dan help me...
ReplyDeleteLoved the story. Binge watched it like 5 or 6 times. In the original Portuguese with subtitles and in Spanish version.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get all the episodes? I really wanted to know!!
ReplyDeleteSafelight on Youtube has Paulo and Miguel Clips.