"What does it mean when someone is on your mind all of the time?"
Question and response credited to the users on Answers.com. Link
So as of late, someone I recently met, that I really like has been on mind, to the point that it gets really annoying and I'm just like STAHP! Let me think normally for a moment! The interesting thing is, I think the feeling is mutual (Spoiler alert from 2018: It wasn't mutual), so I'll see where that goes. In the mean time, it's also been a time for me to replay some really good love song esque music, like Carly Rae Jepsens new song "I really really like you" or Little Mix's "Move".
So, what do you do when and if this happens to you?
• I think the first thing to do is, accept it. You have to accept and embrace that you like this person, because if you don't, it will just tear you up inside! As would many things if you do not accept your own feelings.
• I found that thinking about someone you really like is very distracting! No, this person is not going to go away easily.
¤ If you want to forget about them entirely, you can, it just takes some time and effort. You just have to block them out of your mind, and not being around them will also help. The more you're away from someone, over time your brain remembers them less and less (This applies to more than a person, places, items.. Tv shows etc...)
¤ I find that when I really like someone, I can't get them out of my head! It gets really distracting, and I procrastinate all the time thinking about them! If you don't want to forget about them completely, and become productive again, you can, it's kind of like turning off a light switch. Turn the light switch off, and put 100% focus on whatever it is you want to focus. You have to block the person out of your mind sometimes, especially if you literally can not even think.
• Don't forget to see how you see the person in your mind, are they just there? Or do you see an actual relationship with them? This could be a crucial part, sometimes it's best to walk away, and other times it's good to see what can happen!
• Make sure to not get too obsessed over this person in an unhealthy way, and always remember, things don't always work like fairy tales. If they don't like you, do your best to move on!
• Don't get carried away, especially if you haven't actually communicated with this person at all. There will be no wedding bell thoughts at all, until you get to know them better!
• If you will see them again, make sure to talk to them, get to know them better. See if they like you back. Flirting shouldn't be one side thing, flirt with them back! Make sure they know you're interested too. (If you don't know how to flirt, there are plenty of resources online, I like "wiki how".)
Well that's my advice, I currently have this happening to me, and some of what I said above is what I am dealing with. Some is just advice that I think is pretty simple to follow, but not all of it applies to me. For me, I believe the flirt game is strong with this one, but I feel bad because I haven't really flirted back, so I hope they don't think I'm not interested! (Edit from 2019. Boy, was 2015 me delusional. He wasn't flirting with you, knucklehead! He was just a nice guy, and you're not used to overly friendly straight guys! He was IN MY FACE CONSTANTLY, but apparently was straight, and had a girlfriend.)
But I met this person 11 days ago (Edit from 2018 me: Should I be concerned that 2015 me had to specifically list how many days it's been?) and I am constantly thinking about them, it's sometimes hard to concentrate actually. The annoying thing is that I can only possibly see this person twice a week at the moment, so I can't see them more in order to get to know them quicker. (I worked with them, and they were only there on Wednesdays and Sundays, hence only seeing them twice a week, ironically, I usually had Sundays off)
But here's a song by Little Mix! XD
"Little Mix"
( EDIT: 2018 Me: I'm two crushes past this crush, but it's interesting to look into the past! )

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