I am pro-choice
It's a womans body, and she should do what she wants with her body. It is not someone else's choice to make, but the person involved. The big problem with people today is, they like to butt in on other people's lives, instead of worrying about themselves. We all need our own privacy, and need to do what is right for us. Sure, you can give advice, but when it comes to the end of the day, we want to do what we want to do. Always remember, their life is not your life. I am sure people would not like it if others started controlling, what they can, or cannot do.
I don't think it's a problem if, the person who wants an abortion, asks you what you think about it. That's fine, but you cannot force someone to do something they do, or do not want to do.
It's not cool to force your beliefs on other people, or deny them something they need. You need to do you, not them.
(In a non sexual way of course, unless that's how you get your kinks, you dirty ho..)
We also don't know exactly when life starts in the womb. Some say months, others say weeks...
I do however think it is important, to get an abortion right away. Getting an abortion late in the game seems pretty cruel. My friend is against abortion because, his relative decided to do a late term abortion herself, and limbs were flying everywhere. Now that, I find pretty messed up. I think it is suitable to do it immediately, but it's still her choice no matter how much you disagree.
There are also other things to consider...
1. If the baby is going to die when it's born.
At this day & age, doctors can detect these things, and if you can abort the baby fast enough, the soul may be able to enter another healthy pregnant woman, of course.. if there is a soul.
If I were a baby again, I'd much rather get to live a full life, than die a few minutes later after being born!
What if it were to kill the mother? What if the baby was to have a defect? What if the baby had a disability, and would never see life as everyone else see's it? Wouldn't you rather give the child a chance to enter a healthy body, and see life as most people do?
2. Another good point is that we are over populated! If we don't do anything about over-population, resources will drown faster, and faster. Abortion allows for population control. (To a degree)
3. Women are raped, that's a fact. When women have a rapists baby, they usually cannot stand to be around the child. They get PTSD, remembering what happened the night they were raped. I vaguely remember a story where a person, hated their mom, because she hated their child due to them being a rapists baby.
Why have a child go through the pain, and torture of knowing your mother hates you? Why have the woman remember all of those horrible things that person did to them, by looking at their unwanted child?
There's no point to it.
I am fully pro choice, women should do what they think feels right. Although they should try to have all sorts of protections, like condoms, birth control.. all of that stuff to prevent pregnancy.
Not to mention, that if abortion isn't an option. Women will just go to an unlicensed doctor/chop shops, and could be harmed in the process of an illegal/unsafe abortion.

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