I'm sure many people on the Internet are loosey goosies (Yes, I'm pretty sure "Goosies" is not a word. Actually, that kind of works with this topic...). But there are definitely plenty of stubborn strict people on the Internet, who just need to lighten up!
Let me tell you, when I was 16, I frequented Wikipedia and half of the stuff I edited either got fixed or deleted. Now, I'll understand for a good portion that I was an idiot who didn't know how to spell, use proper grammar and punctuation, (In fact, I still don't always do proper punctuation, but I try!). But there were so many things that I put in, that were useful facts, and info that were just deleted! For the most part, I am talking about the page for the game,
Kya Dark Lineage. The Wikipedia page that I started! As you can see
Wikipedia goes by a very strict set of rules, and I'll understand to a degree that a clean up must be done. But I feel like some people are just sticklers, and they want the least amount of info for a Wikipedia page possible. It has to be so by the book, that in the end, lot's of useful information is deleted at the drop of a hat This will actually discourage people to not even bother with it, such as myself, who doesn't bother with editing on Wikipedia anymore.
I had recently edited the Kya page back in 2012, and I found out that my edit was removed completely a few years later! If you ask me, finding out that the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, were going to name the female lead "Kya", but chose not to due to a video game character with the same name. I'd say that's a very interesting bit of info! A hidden gem of a game that no one knows about, actually influenced a character's name from a popular show! That's just great! Yet, it was removed a while back.
As I look back to the Wikipedia page for Kya, I noticed in the history, that lot's of information was deleted and then someone goes around and puts a tag saying it needs to be re-written! Well yeah, if someone else didn't delete everything!
It's just very aggravating in my opinion, that's why I don't even bother anymore, because anything I put down gets deleted in the long run. Meanwhile, I'm like the only person that cares enough to write about Kya in the first place!
This is also why I enjoy Wiki's better, because they tend to be less strict and more free. However, sticklers can still abound and it really depends on who the administrators of the wiki are.
Wiki's, like the
Kya Dark Lineage wiki, which I created. I'm very carefree and I'll allow many things, and since I'm the admin, I can do whatever I want (As long as it doesn't go against Wikia's rules, of course.). I've even added a few non Kya related articles in there, but usually pertaining to a few similar games. This is to create more activity, and views, and interest in similar things.
I also edit on the
Suikoden Wiki, which also has breezy admins and it's fun to be on (I've also been made an admin on there as well).
Picture by me |
I was disappointed to find out that my edit on the Tales of Legendia wiki was deleted, as there is a character named Norma, who is very similar to the Norma in Suikoden. Apparently, It's not good enough because the characters aren't made by the same company. which in my opinion is silly, but I find these character similarities interesting, and someone else was the one that pointed it out to me!
Another instance as to strict policies, are particular people at my job. There are certain higher ups who will get you in trouble just because you took two extra minutes on your break, or because you talked to someone for two minutes. Yes because if I talk to my friend for 2 minutes, the world will explode, all is lost, and no work will ever be able to get done! Because that two minutes, out of the 8 hours I am there was the most time consuming, and wasteful two minutes of the entire existence of the planet! Not to mention, if I don't talk to anyone interesting and I have to deal with one more douche bag customer, I'll punch them (Customer) in the face and walk out! Talking to friends allows me not to cut a bitch! It would also put me in a better mood!
(Please realize, I am exaggerating with the violence though...)
The irony, is this manager had to talk to my friend for 5-10 minutes about how you shouldn't be talking to people at work and how you should be working...... what.... (Oh, the irony!)
In 2018, I worked for a company that would have your head if you were a minute late coming in, or even if you were on break. One minute is not going to ruin the business, I promise. Which is funny because, the manual even said you were allowed a 4 minute grace period. Which they didn't care about their own rules.
I told my friend Stephanie about this, she said they needed to calm their tits, it's only a minute! I said, that's something I would say! She said "See, this is why we're friends!". lol
What I'm trying to say is, I dislike strict policies and sometimes everyone should take things less seriously and take them in between silly and serious. Some rules are good and some are good to be mended. You can't take things too seriously, or you'll have a dull life.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.