Back when I first started working retail, I was ringing up this lady. When I told her the amount she had to pay, she looked at the total and was very confused. She for some reason, thought I was ripping her off! I looked at the items to make sure they were scanned properly, and that nothing was scanned twice by accident. Everything was right, nothing was incorrect, but she still had a problem with the total. I went and got the two supervisors, and they double checked. Nothing was wrong, everything was right. Still, she didn't like the price, so she didn't want to get anything except for a soda! She still thought we were ripping her off, and left angry at us.
A common thing that happens in the store, is an item of the same design, but different color will be two slightly different prices. The red shirt will be 9.99, while the green shirt is 7.99. The customer will argue until they're blue in the face, they want the red shirt for 7.99!! They just don't get why they cannot have the lower price! *Insert the lady from the Esurance commercial, that says "That's not how it works, that's not how any of this works!"*
The company that makes the prices for the items, want the items that don't sell as much to be a lower price, so they will actually sell. In this instance, the green shirt doesn't sell as well as the red one. In order for the green shirt to sell, they'll be stick a lower price to it. That's how it works, it's the same at other places as well, I've heard this can apply for a car dealership.
Sometimes this also happens with different sizes too, it's much more rare but also really weird.
The customer will fight you for the lower price, even if it's two dollars less!! Like seriously?! I bet the customers makes 10 times more money than me at their job, I wouldn't give two slaps if I had to pay two extra dollars for anything. I've done that before too. (There was an item at the art store that said it was like 5.99 and ended up being 12.99 or some price like that. I was surprised, but I was like whatever, I like the item!) What annoyed me however, is one time when the customer asked for a manager, and the manager let her have the lower price. It's not fair, it's not right! It also messes up the system, since we used the lower price. We used a different number in the system, and will actually mess up their inventory. So it'll say two of one item was sold, and the other item was never sold and disappeared (it could even be considered stolen by the company, this is a guess though.)
This lady was buying a pair of pants, and was already eating a bag of combo's (For those who don't know what that is, It's like a pretzel, with a filling inside.). So I scan the chips, and the computer tells me that the item is not authorized for sale. I had no idea what that's supposed to mean? But the lady was already eating them... so what could I do? I went over to the chips section, and got an item for the same price. My friend Stephanie, who was ringing next to me, told me afterwards. That the lady was being rude, and didn't understand why I couldn't put the combo's in the computer. Stephanie told the lady that I needed a barcode to scan for it to work.
After I got the price, the lady says she wants a soda, so I just stare at her. She just waits there for a few seconds and she goes, "I have to get it?!",I was like yeah, (cause that's how it works, and the lady was closer to the soda machine than I was. I'm not supposed to leave my register alone, so I can get a soda for this lazy lady). Stephanie said to the lady that I need a barcode to scan. Afterwards, the lady went on her way, and the computer printed out an extra receipt saying the combos were actually recalled! Stephanie said she didn't mind since the lady was rude, so whatever happens, happens! I didn't realize she was being rude because she wasn't rude right in front of me. Later, a manager told me the combo's were recalled due to the date on them.
I'll never understand people who eat things before they purchase them, it's also gross and rude to be eating when you're in the store. Technically, it's actually stealing. But serves her right if she's going to be rude about it, as well as not understand how things work! Like we need to scan it, that's how it works in any store!
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.