Later, I was in our Christmas section, and we have all of this gift type stuff. It'll be like a mug or a bucket, and goodies of candy wrapped around plastic. So I was all up in there, and this lady is like "Do you work here?" I was like yes. She asked if we had scotch tape. I said no, I've never seen that here before. So then she makes a remark about all the gift stuff. Something like, "What about all this then?!" I guess she thinks that someone taped these baskets etc. But these gift baskets are all shipped already wrapped. Second, it's a twisty tie that they use to keep the plastic wrapping together, and last of all, just say tape! It's all the same, brand shouldn't matter! (It drives me crazy when people ask for a specific brand in that manner.).
There was another person who came up to me, and she asks where the Christmas tree skirts are, I said they're right there, as I point. You want to know where they were?? RIGHT NEXT TO HER!! Like seriously??! Customers asking where something is just for it to be right in front of their face happens, way too frequently!
These random two people come up to me, all they say are "7 Twin?! 7 Twin?!". I was like huh?? I said, like a mattress or a comforter? They go 7 TWIN?! 7 TWIN?!. I asked them what the product was, and they said a tray or something like that. I just said that if we have it, it'll be over there. Then I went to register to tell a cashier about these strange people, and they were already on line ( this was like a 3-5 minutes after). I had to take her in the little room next to the registers to tell her what happened. They had an accent, so I'm wondering if they were saying something else.
This little old lady asks me a question, she had a round storage container and it's 9.99. She complains about how the two pack and the three pack are also 9.99, and that there must be a mistake. At first I thought maybe it was a different company or size, but it wasn't. In fact, the three pack was the same color and size as the one she wanted. I told her, it's like when a vending machine has a tiny bag of chips for a dollar, and the grocery stores have giant bags for 2, it's how they make more money. But she was not having it, I told her I can't do anything. So I told the supervisors up front to watch out for her, if she tries anything funny!
Then, this one lady asked me if we had bath rugs, I said yes, they're in the aisle over there. A minute later she goes, "down this aisle?" I said no, the other one, just like the sign says, and then she found it. It really confuses me how it's so hard for people to find things in stores that aren't large (My store is big, but it's not that big, it's like a big box, and you can see the other side of the store from a distance. Macy's, on the other hand, is a maze, and I'd understand that one.) People really do not look at signs, even if they're incredibly big. There are times when, at the registers, a customer will ask if there is a separate line for returns, and purchases.. I'll tell them, it's all the same, just like the sign says. The sign that says purchases and returns, is literally like 6 feet tall, and these people do not even notice it RIGHT NEXT TO THEM! I swear, some people would not be able to get themselves out of a cardboard box. It worries me sometimes, that these people are on the roads driving!
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.