Devaine - Was a nut, she was one of the new hires of spring 2014. She was rude, crude, and one time she told a customer "I don't know what the F*CK I'm doing!". She was a loony-toon to the max!
This was back when I took the bus, and one time she got on the same bus as me, and gave the bus driver a nasty look. He turned around and was like "Huh?". (This is also the same bus driver from my Bus drivers are crazy! Story.)
Apparently she had some family problems, but it doesn't excuse the fact that she was nuts! It's pretty frightening that Devaine lived so close to me! (Sorry for the short story, I try not to remember trash!)
Rayne Of Terror - To this day, Rayne is the one manager at the retail job I had. That I can honestly say, I hated with a passion for a long time. As of 2019, I'm over it, I haven't seen this psycho for 4 years, who she? Dunno.
I've never had a manager at that store, that was so rude, and for no reason. Thank goodness they fired her after a month, and replaced her with, a full time employee!
She came from another store to give us a helping hand. At first, she was so nice and friendly, I thought she was really cool.
Eventually after one of our managers got promoted to another store, she joined the team!
I didn't have a problem with her at first, she was pretty cool and chill. But I had been hearing from other people, that she wasn't so nice. She didn't like the one manager that everyone loved, so she would deliberately screw up the other manager's work, she'd make it so it would look like the other manager didn't do anything! Another associate told me that she had whispered to herself that, "She hated everyone here". The once nice, and interesting manager, was becoming the spawn of satan.
The time that ruined everything for me, was when I had to work on my birthday! (It was the weekend before Christmas, and you can't take off the Saturday before Christmas, and of course it was my 25th birthday!! Go figure!) Everything was going well, and she even wished me a happy birthday.
She was the new womens, and mens dept manager. That didn't stop her from flying over on her broom, and telling home and kids associates what to do, even though that wasn't her job anymore!
On my birthday she asked me to do something, I mentioned that corporate said not to do that. She turned to me, and gave me an attitude "JUST DO IT!". I literally wanted to cry, It was my birthday, she knew it was my birthday. All I did was say that I didn't think corporate wanted that, because I was literally told that corporate didn't want us to do that. But she had to act like a bitch, and from then on, I did not like her. I also started to notice that she was just a miserable, rude piece of trash that belonged in the dumpster!
Another time, I was stuck on register, and I picked up the phone. The person on the phone wanted the manager Mindy, so I went on the loudspeaker asking for Mindy. After a while, Mindy didn't pick up, so I made the page one more time. Rayne came over, and she (In front of customers), asks me if I had seen Mindy, I said no. So she yells at me, "IF YOU DON'T SEE HER, WELL THEN SHE'S NOT HERE!". Immediately after, the male manager in the back called me on my register, and said the same thing! (One of the many reasons why I don't like him either, even if he's nice to me now, he will also be featured in this Nasty Employees bit in the future that I have planned.) I was ringing a customer at the time, and I wanted to cry because of how mean they were, but I couldn't do that in front of the customer! It made no sense to me why both managers were so nasty to me, especially after something so dumb, why does it bother them so much that I made a page for a manager I didn't even know wasn't in. I'm not a mind reader!
All because I haven't seen someone, doesn't mean they aren't there. I've had many occurrences where I'd see a manager, or another co-worker, and I had no idea they were even in that day! Maybe Mindy was there, and I just didn't see her yet, it was all in the realm of possibility. Plus, there was a long line, so it's not like I could have checked to see if she was there either. There were never any cashiers at that store, so there were plenty of times where I didn't know who was in, since I was stuck up front.
The funny thing was, I found out why they transferred her from another store to mine. At the store she originated from, money started disappearing from the safe, and they thought it was her! Oddly enough, money did not disappear from our safe. So she either caught on that they were onto her, or it wasn't her. She ended up getting let go, because she wasn't very good at her job. (Who knew!)
We were all glad she was gone! I just wish I could say one last thing to her! She was an ass!
The biggest twist of fate, was months later.. the guy that I liked, that came from the same store, was actually hired by her! How weird and funny is that!
Pizza Place Employee - Before we get on with this story, the strip mall that my store is located in does a discount for stores in the strip mall. Anyone that works for a store in the strip mall gets 10% off at other stores in the strip mall. So if you go into the bagel store, or pizza place, you can say you work at "name" store and they'll give you 10% off your purchase. Since my store is a part of a corporation that has over 600 stores, corporate does not want to be involved with this idea, and so only the employees can do it if they're willing to, and hopefully don't get in trouble for it from corporate! The higher ups knew that employees, supervisors and managers were allowing people from other stores/food places in the malls to get the 10% off. This upset corporate and they started cracking down, and getting mad at everyone, so from then on if anyone did give 10%, they'd get into trouble for it.
I started ringing up this woman, no idea what her name was, but we'll call her "Lainey Reyes". She asked me if an employee was in, we'll call them Dent. I said that Dent was not in, she told me that Dent had given her an employee discount card to use in the store. But she lost hers, so she wanted to know if he was in, so he could give her a discount. Since I knew she worked at the pizza place, I genuinely wanted to help her out and give her a discount. So I asked the manager who was also ringing, she said that she couldn't use her card because corporate was watching her and she would get into trouble, she asked me to ask someone else. So I asked the cashier next to me, if she could let me use her card to do the discount. She said that she wouldn't, because we're not allowed to do that anymore, and that she doesn't want to get into trouble. I told the pizza lady that I wasn't allowed to, and she was right there when the one employee said we'd get into trouble for it. So instead of being understanding, the lady got mad, and was like.... This is not fair, I see you going to the pizza store all of the time, maybe I won't let you have a 10% discount! She was so rude and getting all mad at me, for something that I could not control. Like it's not my fault that the store is a corporation, and has stricter policies, where as the pizza place is a family chain with two locations, and is lenient where they don't mind things like that. So she was getting all mad at me, and just being rude, and unpleasant. Like, you see me trying to help you! Then when the cashier next to me literally says she'll get into trouble, you still whine about it, and take it out on me?!
Then the supervisor came over, and gave her the discount. The lady went on her way afterwards.
But you'd think that being in a customer service business as well, that she'd be more understanding, and nicer about it. But nope, she was as rude as the rest of the clientele they get in the store.
After that, I did not go to the pizza place for months. I was worried I was going to get her, and she would be rude to me. Fortunately, I never saw her ugly face again, and have yet to see it! I'm assuming she doesn't work there anymore, and if she doesn't, I'm not surprised! Rotten people go nowhere but down!
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.