Let's lighten up the mood, and share some of the funny stories about my retail experiences!
"Sometimes customers see my watch, and get all excited. They're like, "Oh, is that the new Iphone watch?! That is so cool!".
I'm like, it's a 7 dollar watch I got off of EBAY, that flashes different colors.
But seriously, do you really think I'd be working retail, if I could easily spend 600-1000 dollars on a smart watch?!
I've had people look at me like I had four heads, because they assumed it was a smart watch, and it wasn't.
I'd like to make a purchase with my CardMaster Debit card!
A co-worker of mine brought this to the security guy, thinking it was someones actual card...
She's uh, not all there...
She's uh, not all there...
Paint your heart out girls!
This lady wanted a painting so she calls the store, asking if we still have this painting she saw yesterday. She was really vague about it, and said it was a bunch of yellow, and gold flowers, she didn't remember the price or anything else. I told her the descriptions of three yellow flower paintings, and one of them was the one she liked. So she thanks me, and says she'll come in to get it. Meanwhile the store is closing in 2 hours. She asks me for my name, so I said my name is James. So an hour later, this woman stops me on the floor. She asks me if "Jane" is working, and coincidentally, we do have a Jane, and she is working! So I told her yeah, Jane is a cashier, she has blonde hair...etc So I think nothing of it, and then a moment later, when I saw the lady near the paintings. It hit me.. Everyone always thinks I'm a girl on the phone, so this lady probably thought I said my name was Jane, and didn't realize I wasn't a girl. So I was like, that's going to be a doozy! An hour later, I'm telling my friend Stephanie, that everyone thinks I'm a girl on the phone, and that the customer must have thought I was a woman. Jane was there, and she was telling us that the customer started to thank her for finding the painting! Jane, not knowing what was going on, said that she didn't do anything with a painting, and that she must have meant James. Then I told Stephanie about the time this lady called on the phone, asking for girls dresses. She came in later, found me, and was complaining to me about the "girl" (me) on the phone, saying we didn't have girls dresses, when we did. She just didn't like the selection.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.