Divine Gate is an anime based off of a mobile RPG game (Which, in the game has playable characters from other anime, which I thought was interesting.)
In DG, there is a magical thing called the, "Divine Gate". This gate, can grant the user any wish, and shape the world the way the person wants it to be like. Only specific kinds of people can actually seek this gate out, and certain requirements must be met in order to do so.
In the world, characters can use magic in the form of elemental affinities. Fire, Water, Wind, Light, Dark, and Void.
(What annoys me is that in any game, or anime.. they always come up with some weird element, and get rid of wind, or earth. Like in real life, the four elements are, wind, earth, fire, and water. Games get weird with these sometimes, such as adding water, and ice as separate elements, when they're the same thing!!)
The story involves three main characters, Aoto, a water user, Midori, a wind user, and Akane, a fire user. There's also three other secondary characters, Ginji, a Void user, Hikari, a light user, and Yukari, a dark user. Despite the last three being secondary characters, they don't get as much lime-light, as they probably should have.
The anime sheds light on Aoto, Midori, and Akane, and what has happened to them in the past. We get to see how they grow as a person for the future. Eventually, they join a group that is trying to find the Divine Gate, which is led by a powerful man named King Arthur.
There is a colorful cast of characters, many have names of famous story characters, such as Oz, and Arthur. Unfortunately, most characters don't get much of a spotlight. But I think that many of the characters are very interesting, and would have been nice to know more about them!
Around half way through, the story starts to get weird, as there's many different plot points that they don't fill in properly. It gets a bit hard to understand what is going on. The ending also makes it seem like the story was pointless, and it just gets kind of strange in a, "What was the point of all this?" kind of way. There are also many characters, where you want to feel bad for them, but you can't because you just met them five minutes ago! Like, let's get to know each other first, let's have some cake... or talk smack about Barbara!
Overall, I did enjoy the series. I feel if you look at it, as an anime with colorful characters, and action, it's easier to enjoy, than worrying too much about the story. Which by the way, there should have been more action scenes!
They definitely should have made the series much longer, in order to fully captivate the entire story, and lore. Especially since the ending made it seem like there would be another season. I give the anime a 7 and a half, because it's really pretty, has fun characters, it just needs to be tweaked a little better!
I think more anime, and games should follow the type of premise. With colorful graphics/scenery, colorful characters, with creative powers.