I had found out about Formspring, from Yahoo Answers. I found someone interesting on there, and saw they had a Formspring. We ended up becoming friends, and I was introduced to a few of his friends as well!
Unfortunately, my friend, Jye, vanished off the Formspring. I never found out if he just moved on, or if something bad had happened to him.
I met many interesting people on there, however, many of them turned out to be jerks. I stopped talking to most of them. What's upsetting is, I was rather close to a few of them.
It's silly to talk about stuff like this, but I think it's the experience, and the story time, that can be entertaining, quite possibly.
1. Teri Pterodactyl - One of my mutuals with Jye, Teri, was always so rude. I ended up cutting ties with her. Since she thought an image I posted was unacceptable, even if I was gay. Like what.. it's an innocent picture of two girls with a birthday cake, maybe it's YOU whos mind is in the gutter? Post
2. Mystique - I think my friend, Mystique, was the hardest one. We were really good friends, and I always got so excited talking to her. But she started getting rude, and homophobic. See the Mystique Series.
Two years ago, she messaged me on Tumblr to see how I was doing. I responded, but she hasn't gotten back, I don't think she uses Tumblr often. lol I wouldn't mind if she tried being friends again, that was already years ago, many things have changed.
3. Tish? - I don't remember her name, but it was something like Tish. I thought she was cool, but she wasn't very responsive. I'd ask her questions, and like her posts, but she wouldn't do the same. I even made a comment about how she doesn't seem to be my friend, and she liked it, but said nothing, so I just didn't bother anymore.. no need to be friends with someone who doesn't care.
4. Outer Spacer - Spacer had deleted his account, but I found an old post by him that I hadn't seen before. He told me he thought I was annoying, somehow I missed this response when his account was active. I was surprised! I wouldn't have talked to him at all if he thought I was annoying, I would have said bye bitch! Shame he deleted his account before I saw it, I would have slapped a ho! He was rather bitchy in general, I could have said that to him!
5. Ronan - We were really good friends, we talked about everything, and he was really funny too. But once Formspring was over, we didn't really talk much anymore. But I felt a distance between us on facebook. He eventually unfriended me, which I thought was rude since we were so close at one point! In this case, it's not rude, it's just upsetting that someone you were close to, just kind of vanishes.
6. Danger Noodle - Was a seemingly cool dude on formspring, but he was actually a slab of homophobic garbage on Facebook. He thought being gay was a choice, when I explained to him, that it wasn't, he continued to tell me it was. Then posted a link to a Christian website, that literally came up with opinions as to why being gay wasn't genetic. It was not research, just opinions. So I blocked him faster than a prostitute comes on a Saturday night. Blog post
I saved what he wrote, maybe I'll make that a blog post!
7. We'll call her H - I thought I got along well with H. I did notice that she'd unfriend people on Facebook, that were from Formspring. I was glad that I hadn't gotten deleted! That was, until much later. H didn't like that I didn't really like the word "Gay", I prefer to use other words (I have since grown out of that, and don't have a problem with the word gay anymore.). She also made a comment asking if I had a problem with the term partner, to refer to a gay couple. I said I don't like it, I find the term partner, to be demeaning. Like gay people aren't good enough to straight people, (Like straight couples are boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife, but gay people are "partners". It feels weird, like lgbt aren't good anough, and I don't like it.) . She'd get mad at me if I was hating on straight people, but she also thinks it's okay for black people to be racist towards white people... (Oh, the irony!) [Also, hate cannot be fought with more hate!]
One day I just noticed she unfriended me, but hadn't unfriended my other account on facebook, so I did the favor for her! I'm rather glad I'm not friends with her, I don't want to be friends with a hypocrite.
8. Next up is Double Danger - DD and I didn't always see eye to eye, but he was still pretty chill. (I'm pretty sure he was a very slight homophobe)
For the most part he was fine, until a few months ago. I posted a seemingly innocent post on Facebook, about the goddess herself, Daisy, from the Super Mario franchise. I said she should have a game of her own! A few of my friends liked my posts, and commented. However this one... was acting like I killed his family, and burnt down his village. He gave an angry react, and then proceeded to be hella rude about Daisy, and talking about how she's a terrible character. I don't care if you don't like a character, but like don't crap on other people's likes.. I'm also an intellectual, if you don't like something I love, like lets have an intelligent discussion as to why you don't like something.
Which he didn't, he just said how much he hates her, and even when I said "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it", he pretty much just said he can do what he wants. Which is super rude, so I deleted all of the pictures he tagged me in, from 2012 (There were a lot of anime pics he put me in..) Then I unfriended him. Like he honestly acted like I just blew up the world, just because I liked a character, and he didn't. It was weird, and immature.
9. Danger Damon - was always cool, he's also good friends with D. After Formspring was gone, and we were on Facebook,everything was fine. But the last few years, he'd only post on political posts I made. Which is fine, it was always an opposing viewpoint, and I welcome other sides of the story... but what I found weird, was as follows.
• He lives in Europe, and he's talking about America? I just find that strange.
• He would only comment on my political posts, to the point where it was getting annoying..
Like why be my friend if you're just going to comment on the one political thing I post on Facebook a a year?
I unfriended Danger Damon and Double Danger at the same time, they're weird, rude, and annoying.
(For the record, I have plenty of friends on Facebook, that don't share my political views)
So that's how most/ half of my formspring friendships ended. I still have a few on Facebook, and the rest are cool.
Funny enough, I became close friends with someone named Van on Formspring, when it was dying. Now we're really close, and he's one of my online besties now. I was telling him recently, that's he's one of the few good people from Formspring. lol