This particular type of unfriending I find weird, because the person who unfriends you, is the one that added you in the first place!
This topic isn't from anything that has happened recently, I have a list of things to post on this blog, and I thought I'd post this one. Because it's most likely going to be the shortest, and I only have a day left to post a new post for this week.
Back in 2012, up until May 2013. I had an app on facebook that allowed me to see who would unfriend me on facebook. So whenever someone unfriended me, I would find out who it was. Like, I didn't go to their house with a knife threatening to stab all of their potatoes!!! I swear, I didn't really.. you have to believe me!
I was really disappointed actually, as I have over 500 friends on facebook, about 75% of them are people I do not know, or do not talk to. Yet, most of the people that unfriended me, were people I actually knew in real life! That 75% of people on facebook, are people online that I just added, of course there are a few I actually do talk to, a good 10% I would say.
There were two people who unfriended me, that I was close with. So that made no sense. The one person we had started to drift because he was becoming a hermit who didn't want to talk to anyone, and the other person was my cousins ex girlfriend. Apparently she thinks it's cool to unfriend people who actually talked to her, and ignore them because she wasn't with their cousin anymore, even though I considered her a friend.
But anyways, there were four people,who unfriended me, and I just thought it was weird.
One of them was a girl I used to be best friends with in the 8th grade, and I honestly don't think she knew who I was, as a use a different first name on facebook.
But, because I added her, there was another girl I used to know in school that added me, for the record, it was her that added me, not the other way around.
I never talked to either of them, but after a year had passed. I saw that the girl I was best friends with many moons ago had unfriended me, which didn't bother me because we didn't really know each other anymore. (Funny enough, my supervisor in retail, her daughter is best friends with her!)
But, what did bother me, was that the other girl who added me also unfriended me a bit later.. I got a notification from the app, and I didn't understand it because SHE ADDED ME!! NOT ME. Like, why even add me in the first place, if you're just going to unfriend me in a year? What is the point in that?!
It boggles my mind!
When I friend someone, I will keep you, even if we don't talk. That is why I have 500 friends. as I said before, most of them I don't know or do not talk to.. but they're still there.
This also happened with someone else, who had lot's of mutual friends with me. Our mutual friends, I did actually know in real life, and we actually talked before. He was the one that added me, and a year later he decided to unfriend me. I don't know why, but what was the point in that? Don't add me, if you're going to unfriend me. Even if it's a year later, add me, if you know you will be keeping me.
We actually talked about things too, so I was really surprised.
There was also a friend, whom I added. I added her because we had lot's of mutual friends with people I do know IRL and, she liked the game Kya Dark Lineage. So I was like, Oh cool, a Kya fan that lives near me!
So, when I added her, we actually hit it off pretty well,we talked about lot's of things, and she even got me to play Mabinogi.
She unfriended me maybe two years later, and my friend Chaco had also added her. When I got the notification that she unfriended me, I asked Chaco to message her.
So, when my he got her response, she unfriended him too, which I thought was funny.
But, she said "We don't talk anymore".
Which I thought was really stupid, like if we haven't talked for a long time, you could actually put the effort in CONTACTING ME!! Like, it is not my sheer responsibility to talk to you. It's a 50 - 50 thing, you talk to me, I'll talk to you. I'm also bad at keeping touch with people as well, all because I haven't talked to you, doesn't mean I don't want to. Just say hi, and I'll be like HAY GURL HAY, HOW'S U?
Don't unfriend me for such a ridiculous excuse, put in the effort to say hi! It's not very hard.
If you don't want to talk to me, make a comment on something I post, like something. It shows that you're still around and that you care. If you just disappear, then I may forget about you.
Obviously, they didn't consider me much of a friend if they just decided to leave me, if they did care they would have held on tightly and actually tried to contact me again.
I think the funny part though, was that she got me into Mabinogi, even though I said that I don't like MMORPG's, because they're all the same. She told me Mabinogi was different, and guess what? IT WASN'T! It was the same, just like every other MMORPG.
I don't know, maybe I just don't like MMORPG's.
A fun fact, I used to block people when they unfriended me. I stopped doing that though, and I unblocked everyone that I blocked solely because they unfriended me.
Although, the only time I really unfriended someone was because of their false accusations of me, they still wanted to be friends, but then they pretty much just ignored me, so I was like BYE FELICIA!
That's another story for another day. Link here
The way I see it, is they're just making room for someone better to pop in my life sometime in the future.
EDIT: As of 2019, I've gotten rid of many random accounts. My Facebook friend list is in it's 300's now, and every now and again, I take out some of the trash!