One of my friends from my first job said they would go out with me soon, to hang out and just talk. This was back in 2011 and that never happened. But I don't harbor any hard feelings and to be honest.. People forget things all of the time, I guess it's just a burden on me because I remember these things.
Another time, just this past summer of 2013, a
I know with this particular person, you cannot really count on when it comes to most things, as she's lazy and never does anything. So I don't take it personally, it's just how she is. One minute she's putting something away, the next she's wandering around in circles trying to count the dots in her eyes!
But the one time that I was actually bothered by this, was one time at my second job in an office, back in the summer of 2012.
I made up names for everyone!
1. There was the supervisor, Whaley Wells.
2. Senior worker, Bandy Sandy
3. Fancy Penny, worked there because her dad worked in the same building.
4. Crystal Krystal, was an unpaid intern/volunteer like me.
5. Last, but not least, was the birthday girl, Katie Carlsson!
7. Good Ol' Gwynne, was my friend in the other department. A spunky grandma who I sat next to. Her name is the only one that is not changed, since I still talk to her (As of 2019)
My supervisor told me we were all going to surprise Katie for her birthday in two weeks, and go out to lunch to Ruby Tuesdays! I was an unpaid intern/volunteer, and the supervisor said they would pay for me anyways.
Two weeks later, and my mother asked me if I had packed lunch for that day. I told her that we were all going out to eat, so I didn't need to.
To be clear, I worked in a small department that was inside of a bigger office, just down the hall was the main office.
Usually around 1pm, I would go to the bigger office to do other duties.
So, when it was Katie Carlsson's birthday, I didn't bring lunch because Whaley Wells said we'd be going to Ruby Tuesdays. So, It's about 1pm, and I'm in the main office now, just waiting for Whaley, and the other girls to just come over to my desk, and say come on let's go!
The desk I would sit at was actually by the door, so I knew they would have passed right by me.
I'm working just waiting for them to come by, and there they are! I see all of them, Whaley, Bandy, Katie, Fancy, just chatting away, walking towards the door behind me. You might say to yourself, happens next? Well...
They walked right past me, continued talking to each other, opened the door, and just leave....So I was thinking, maybe they'll be back in a moment to pick me up right? RIGHT??? (At the time, I didn't have a license, and took the bus.)
After a while, I got confused, what's going on here?! Why did they just pass by me? Did Whaley not remember that she INVITED ME TO GO WITH THEM!?
I was thinking to myself, what was going on, and if they really decided to ditch me... what was I going to eat?
If you haven't noticed by now, there was one name that I didn't mention yet. Crystal Krystal, the other intern. She was not with them when they left.
That's when it hit me. They went on break, for Katie Carlsson's birthday blowout, when Crystal was still on break! They most likely left, right BEFORE Crystal came back from break. When I went into the office, I saw Crystal, just doing her thing at her desk, and everyone else was gone.
Whaley Wells, and the other girls were up to something. They went on break while Crystal was on break, and I was in the other office. This way, they didn't have to invite us to Ruby Tuesdays with them! Since we were both not making any money, they'd have to pay for us, and probably didn't want to.
If you ask me, I don't think the other girls were involved, I think it was all Whaley's doing. The three other girls, were probably not involved.
This was a low blow, because she not only ditched me, but the other girl as well! If she didn't want us coming, why even tell me in the first place?! I may forget to take the garbage out, but I remember things like this!!
So, Gwynne, being a 60 year old grandmother that is a firecracker, just starts cursing them off to me.
She was like "Them F*ckers!".
Fortunately for my stomach, one of the ladies in the bigger office was having a back to work party. So there was food in the break room, and therefore I did not go hungry.
It's really funny how things work sometimes, that one day I didn't bring lunch, and got ditched. I was saved by a woman who was back to work!
Of course my mother had to ask me how it was going to Ruby Tuesdays, I didn't want to upset my mother, so I just told her that we all decided to just eat the nice lunch they made in the break room, thanks to the lady coming back to work.
This is the one time someone told me something, and then never actually did it. This was the one time it really did bother me! That is not cool, she shouldn't have ever even said anything in the first place if she didn't want me there. I usually remember everything, so if someone's going to forget, it won't be me!

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