Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pet Peeves

Here are my pet peeves!

 Random violent monster image!!!

* Yap Yap Yap, why ya talkin' all the time!?: When people talk to me when I have earbuds/earphones on. I cannot hear you, so do not continuously talk to me as if I can hear you.. I am in fact listening to music, so if you don't want me to hear you, continue.... Otherwise wave to me, flag me down, don't tell me your life story and then get mad because I didn't hear you and didn't even know you were in the room!

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: No, I am not perfect. But there is a difference between "Talking like this" and "Talken lyke dis an ad a semiculun fer no reasun ;:". People who are really bad with their spelling, grammar and punctuation. You know, people that talk liek dis an dun no hw 2 spel ore use prppr unglish n dnt no wat punctiation is ore how 2 spel dings pprpprly.
Also, people who use words like "There going to work", and "It's over They're". Royally piss me off..
(I'm not adding a period for that one to prove my point)

Public Affection: I hate it when people make out, and or kiss in front of me. I find it so disgusting, especially the kissing sound! I find that so gross! I don't care who it is, stranger or no stranger I find it really gross and uncomfortable to be around, not to mention awkward if all of a sudden everyone around me is making out.

 *Cue war flashbacks from highschool*

I especially dislike it when my relatives do this, as two of my cousins have done this with their significant others a few times. Especially one time when we were all at a table, it was so disturbing, awkward and uncomfortable that I left. At least have the decency to not do it in front of me, it's also kind of rude since I am single, you're just going to make me jealous, lonely that I don't have anyone and just plain uncomfortable!
When I was in high-school everyone was making out everywhere, and it was very gross too, I'm happy I don't have to worry about that anymore.

I would however never want to kiss in public or near anyone, I don't want to see it, and I respect not everyone wants to see it either. I'd be too shy to do that anyways, and or afraid of being discriminated against as well.

• Loud Cell Phone Calls: I hate it when people talk loudly on the phone in public places! As a public bus rider (Ex bus rider as of 2015), I do not want to hear a grown woman screaming to someone on the phone, and saying very nasty words. Although the woman was not near me, and had nothing to do with me, I was literally afraid, and couldn't wait until I got off the bus or she did.
People do it all the time too, and it's just so rude! Do that somewhere else, not in front of me! The only time you should talk on the phone in front of people is if you work in an office, and even then it's a bit of a separation from others. (Desks, Cubicles etc..)
This has happened a few times before to me with loud, rude people.

Sticky Fingers: When people are handing out paper or money and lick their fingers to make it stick, THAT....IS.....DISGUSTING....USE....WATER....NOT.....YOUR....DAMN.....SPIT...ESPECIALLY....
As someone who works in retail, this is also gross when people do that with money.. it happens frequently and I am shocked to see that people would do that with money. There have been studies and people have found really disgusting things on money, from diseases, to even feces!!! Why would anyone do that is beyond me!

 •Kids!: I have always disliked children, and found them REALLY ANNOYING! Now that I work in retail it's even worse! Parents do nothing to stop their little crotch gremlins from touching everything in the store, misplacing, breaking things and let's not forget the temper tantrums, and screaming for 2 bloody friggin hours!
If you cannot control your kid, either leave the store, or get some friggin duct tape to shut that kid up!
Me and one of the ladies I work with are always talking about how these parents let their kids run rampant ruining all of the merchandise, and throwing things everywhere. Parents these days do nothing to stop their gremlin children from running rampages!
Also, if anyone wants to start a new thing where we call Children "Chillens", "Gremlins" or "Babbys", let's totally start it!

When you message or text someone and they never respond! (Like ever): This I absolutely hate, it makes me think that you're ignoring me, and don't really want to be my friend. If you do not want to talk to me, or be my friend, just say so, I may dislike you afterwards, but at least I know not to even bother with you anymore.
This has happened to people I know in the real world, and it's annoying, especially when I message them with something that is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!!!
This has happened three times to me in the past 3 years that I remember in particular, two were really important, the other one was about trying to re-connect with an old friend, in which the person never responded, so I have no chance at talking to them again.

I'll understand if they don't respond for a few days, as I do that too because I'm a mess. lol

Nice Pic: I don't understand when someone joins a website like a message board, and they put a bio about themselves. They put in where they live, this and that. They put in an avatar, but they never make any posts on the forum, or they never make any comments on the website.
I do not understand that, what is the point if no one ever see's it! Since if you don't make a comment no one will know you exist, and they will not look at your profile to find out that one time you went to Peru and found a gold coin.

What are your pet peeves? Post in the comments below.


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