In video games, and anime, I always find the more quirky characters, to be far more interesting. I like flashy, unique, and mysterious characters! Better than the plain characters with boring attires, and personalities!
I will split characters into different category types, which is as follows.
Are a character archetype mainly found in the Suikoden games, and is the only form of media to actually give these characteristics a name. However, I've seen them in not only Suikoden, but Chrono Cross, and various anime such as Rave Master. "Narcissists", are characters who dress very colorfully, and tend to have flamboyant personalities. They are usually seen with their signature item, the rose, or any other flower of choice! They are usually men who are very into how they look, and dress. Suikoden in particular, narcissists tend to be nobles. The flashy clothing is how nobles used to dress, back in time.
Suikoden narcissists tend to have a love for making new friends, and once you've recruited them as an ally, they vow to do anything for a friend!
Many narcissists use swords as their weapons, Suikoden 2, and 5 are the only exceptions.
Suikoden II
One of my favorite characters in the Suikoden series. He fights with roses that he throws at enemies from afar, while facing the opposite direction! He joins the hero after you give him his "Rose Brooch", that he lost.
Suikoden V
Suikoden V
Josephine is one of 2 narcissists in the Suikoden games that is a girl. She escapes her boring life, by living in a town full of artists! Her weapon is her parasol. (I used Peach from Super smash brothers, as a reference to draw this. So if the pose looks familiar, that's why. lol)
Chrono Cross
Pierre is one of three people who can help the main character Serge, sneak into the "Viper Mansion". Pierre's efforts, are absolutely hysterical, and a must watch on YouTube.
It's noted in the game, that he has a fake french accent.
It's noted in the game, that he has a fake french accent.
Tricksters are gadget type characters, they like mechanical things, and can play tricks on people.This group is mostly Suikoden based, like Narcissists, they always have a trickster character in each of their games. In the second, and third games, we meet a robot named Gadget, who was made by the trickster characters. Most tricksters either use a long range weapon, or specifically a hammer, as their weapon of choice.
Suikoden I & II
Suikoden I & II
Meg is one of my favorite characters, she has a thrill for adventure! Her weapon is throwing knives. In the third game, we meet Meg's daughter Belle.
Suikoden IV & Tactics
Suiko IV takes place 150 years before suikoden I, so she is probably an ancestor to other tricksters like Meg, and Belle.
Her weapon is a hammer, which is also used by Gadget and Belle.
Rita is a the magician out of the tricksters, even surpassing most mage characters in the Suikodens she appears in. Her hammer also has higher damage than other magic based characters, making her a powerful magician to be reconed with!
Suikoden V
Lu has a very eccentric personality, that most people don't like, but I think she's cool! Her crossbow is a special weapon designed particularly for her, it can shoot up to 4 times consecutively in a row. She also has a special ability that allows her to drop crossbows out of the sky, to do damage towards enemies.
Hans Bearnt
Growlanser II
Hans is rather goofy and Mischievous! Not only does he have goggles like Lu, but his weapon is throwing knives like Meg.
He has the very essence of a trickster.
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
Sha-Kon was an inventor, and liked creating mechanical dolls. She even went as far to try and put real souls in these dolls of hers. It's rumored that one of her own inventions killed her.
(Valkyrie Profile involves you finding dead warriors known as Einherjar, to help you on your mission. Most characters are dead, and are able to help you in battle, when you find a relic of theirs.)Another character actually refers her as a Trickster, and her love for gadgets, and making dolls, makes her a perfect addition to this list!
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and Lost Ocean
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and Lost Ocean
I haven't played this game, so I can't say much, other than the fact that I think she looks cool!
Chrono Cross
Unlike Pierre, Harle speaks with a real french accent. She is a major character in Chrono Cross, and as mysterious as Chrono Cross's two moons! Her weapons is something called a "Shot", which I think is a long range weapon that varies depending on the character.
Chrono Cross

Skelly is a dead clown skeleton. Once the hero Serge finds his body parts, he joins Serge's team as thanks for finding him. Although he is long dead, he is a very happy go lucky character.
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX

An unintentionally mischievous chef, apart of a very rare clan. Quina loves to eat, and look for "yummy yummies". Their quirky nature, and ability to eat enemies, and learn their abilities, has always interested me. Most people hate Quina because they're too strange, but I think Quina really cool, and fascinating! I also like mage type characters, which is what Quina is.
Quina is not confirmed to be male, or female. But I've always found Quina to be a feminine name, so I've always referred to her as a girl, but Quina is really a they.
Quina is not confirmed to be male, or female. But I've always found Quina to be a feminine name, so I've always referred to her as a girl, but Quina is really a they.
Chrono Cross
A fluffy pink dog that talks with a lisp! She is the first character that will join the heroes team, and instantly one of my favorite characters!
Poshul on the wiki
Chrono Cross
Not to be confused with Mojo-Jojo from the PowerPuff Girls. Mojo is a 6 foot tall voodoo doll, who just decides to come to life once an item is received. Despite being created solely for evil purposes, Mojo would like to spread love, and positivity! He even changes his name to Mojoy! (When this event happens, you can change it back to Mojo, which is what I do.)
Honorable Mentions
They are villains 100% of the way, and they are really creepy! Especially if you look into certain conspiracys things about them. But even though they're creepy, they're creepily interesting!