If I went back in time, and told myself one of the reasons why I am not taking the bus anymore now...
I'd be like.. say what now?!
I've had my license for about a month now, and I'm finally starting to drive by myself. I was afraid of driving for a long time, the reason for that is another story. But getting my license, is not the reason why I am no longer taking the bus anywhere!!!
In those 7 years, I've had some interesting bus drivers. There was one lady who would speed and freaked me out! She was also kind of rude from what I remember...
The bus driver I've had the most, I thought was cool, but he's really slow and he's always late! He used to be my favorite bus driver too, until he would constantly make me late for work.
Then there was a bus driver who would never let me get off this one stop, because it wasn't a really bus stop, even though other bus drivers would let people off there. Which really didn't help me, because it's a 20 minute walk, and getting off there made the walk to work 15 minutes instead!
One bus driver decided to not let people on the bus because they were a second too late and just drove off! Which isn't nice, and not cool at all, those people had to wait another hour for the next bus!
One bus driver tried converting me to his religion, he stopped me as I was getting off the bus, and goes to me "Jesus died for our sins" and I was like ok? He wanted me to think about it, and I said I would, which I didn't. I don't know why he said that to me, or what was going on in his head, I was just listening to my music in peace!!! But he had to interrupt me!
So of course, a different bus driver that I had been getting for a year, who I thought was cool ended up being a creepy weirdo!!! I only thought he was cool because he was always on time, and he just appeared like he was a nice person, but looks can be deceiving! (As always).
The bus driver decided to just start talking to me one day, sometime in April, when I was the only passenger. He was just like, do you have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend? I said, no I don't. The next encounter he asked me the same thing, along with a few other questions. He told me, that from now on he would pick me up at an earlier stop (The one where the other bus driver got mad at me for asking to get off at) and I didn't have to pay the bus fare anymore at all!
(As I re-edit this post in 2019, I'm starting to realize the red flags
were right in front of my face. My dumb ass didn't take the hint...)
Whenever I was the only person on the bus, he started to ask me weird questions. After he picked me up from the earlier bus stop, he would park the bus and just talk to me, because he was at the last stop, and had to wait a few minutes to pick up people at the next stop going back the other way. Keep in mind, these questions were spread out to different days, so some questions were one time and maybe one was another. Sometimes he would just say something random, like how the air conditioner in the bus wasn't working, like it was random, so I thought he was just being friendly. He would ask me what gender I'm attracted to, what my age is, if I had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Being the honest, and gullible person I am, I mostly told the truth. Except I did lie about my age, and said I was 24, when I'm actually 25. He asked me if I was a virgin or not and if I watched porn! He would tell me stories about how his guy friend gave him a blow job once, even though he is straight. Another time, I started asking him questions, because I was trying to make conversation since he's all up asking me these weird ass questions. But I don't know how to talk to people, so I had asked him what's it like being a bus driver, does it pay well, which he kept asking why I was asking. I was just wondering, because I was always curious about how much a bus driver makes. Like I'm just making idle conversation, since you're doing it to me. (I'm just not asking weird questions!!) It was funny because I also said bus drivers are always grumpy, and he was like, I'm not grumpy. Which I find hard to believe since he's the grumpiest!! He is always beeping at other cars, and just flailing his arms around at crazy people, (Although that I kind of understand. lol).
One time, he asked me about massages, and I said I'd never had one before. Then he asked if I do them, I said I do not, but my stupid ass had to go, but my friend does massages! He asked how much does she pay, and I said she doesn't do them for a living, she can just do them and she really helped release tension when she gave my friend a massage. So of course, he asked me how much she charges for massages. I just said probably 20-40 dollars. So then he goes, does she do *Makes a jerking motion with his hands*, in which I said, don't know, you'd have to ask her. He goes, does she do happy endings? I said, I don't know, you'd have to ask her...
I later on told my friend what had happened, and she thought it was funny that I kind of got her a possible gig, she also told me to watch out for that one. (Nothing happened with that.)
I was under the impression that he was done with his antics, since a few of the later times, we literally talked about random things such as the air conditioner on the bus not working, or the windshield wipers not working...etc
Like there were a bunch of times where he was not weird or creepy AT ALL! I thought he was done being weird, but I was wrong, because the last time I took the bus was when it got really weird and he got even worse!
The last time, he asked if I had a boyfriend AGAIN and I said no, and I said I'm just waiting for the right person, in which he replied "Don't wait too long".
He told me about how much he just LOVES SEX, and and how he doesn't know what to do or where to go to get down with people. I suggested going to bars, and he was all, bars what bars? I said, if you go online, you can find them. At one point, he asked me a hypothetical question, he said "If I asked you to give me a bj, what would you say?" and I said, I would say no. He mentioned to me about how one time a guy passenger on another route offered him a blow job, and he declined, in which he also got an offer from an underage girl who gave him her phone number, and he declined (Allegedly)
I said it's a good thing because he could get into trouble! (EDIT from 2019: How dumb am I sometimes, I swear...)
My friend figured that he was BS with those two stories, about people offering him Bj'.; I think maybe he was telling the truth, but maybe they did do the deed? It's really all up to interpretation, only he, and the other party knows what really happened.
Right at the end when he started up the bus, he goes
"One day, you'll give me a BJ!".
The entire ride home, I made sure not to make eye contact with this delusional nut! I am not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I will be doing something soon enough!
He should just be lucky that I am a shy quiet person, otherwise I would have kicked him in the nuts or threatened to throw his body down a river! See, I figure if you threaten people, they back off, either that or I just have violent thoughts, I don't know...
The one manager at work, who is like a mother to me, and has anger issues is ready to punch this guy in the face and get him fired!
One of the security guards I work with, said that I could probably sue the company, and I'd never have to work in retail again! I told him, that I'd be worried about what happens on Law & Order, and he said those things never happen in reality. (This is the same person I was crushing on in this post)
My sister never wants to take the bus because she thinks something would happen to her, and now I'm starting to understand...
But geez, I used to see this bus driver as a cool father figure type who, I thought probably had a loving wife and kids at home! But boy was I wrong! He's just a closet pervert! Plain and simple!