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Thursday, December 31, 2015
Things I learned in 2015
This is a list of those changes, and further will be what I expect in the next year.
○ I fell very hard for someone, and found out what it's like to have a real crush on someone. To always have them on your mind, and just be so addicted to someone. I also learned what it was like to feel heartbreak, since I was really into them. I learned what it was like to have my heart stomped on, when I realized that he was straight, and was never into me. He was just an overly friendly guy, (who I later realized was kind of an ass) even though there were certain times that I thought he came off a bit flirty. (It was probably in my head)
○ With the help of my friend, I also learned how to move on.
○ I learned how to dance, because I wanted to impress that guy that I was into for two and a half months. Now, I enjoy dancing all of the time! Even when I'm not supposed to be dancing!
○ I got my drivers license and I got a car!
○ I went to my first Gay-city, and I experienced gay bars, men groping me and an underwear party!! (Wait, what!? That middle part is a story for another time.)
○ I've become more social and learning how to talk to people better.
○ I expect to get out of my element more and go places with friends.
○ I plan to get a new job! Getting a new job will help me, I need a 9-5 job so I can actually go to sleep at a normal time and get a good routine going. My current job is very soul sucking and I feel like it stops me from doing my career goals.
(2018 me here, I ended up getting a new job in 2018, so it only took like three years. In 2019, I ended up getting another new job!)
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Esmeralda, Esmeralda and.. well... Esmeralda!
This is a very simple blog post in appreciation to characters named Esmeralda! (And any similar variation. Sorry Ogsmelda, you're not included.)
Let's start off with the most popular Esmeralda, from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.
There is Esmeralda from Suikoden. Who was the inspiration to my own character with the same name!
1. Esmeralda
2. Esmerelda
3. Esmyrelda

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Why there must have been something in the air!
Isn't it funny, people are out shopping for people that they care about. But then turn into a raging lunatic to someone they don't know that works in a store, and don't know their life story. Turning into the spawn of Satan, just for something stupid and nonsensical!
I have to say, the longer I work in retail, the more psychos I have the unfortunate ability of running into!
I've been working retail for 3 years and I have to say, today (12/2/2015) was one of the CRAZIEST days I've ever had in my entire life! It's so weird. It's like, when I was a cashier, I thought I had dealt with the crazies. Once I left to be out on the floor, everything was fine and dandy. But in recent months, it's as if people started drinking bottles, and bottles of crazy juice and just turned even more crazy than they already were!
So many crazy things happened today. The store had been so busy, that by the time I came to work at 2:30PM; NONE of the cashiers went on their breaks, and the store was opened since 9AM, it was just that crazy! One cashier called out, and another cashier left early because of a sick relative, so that was already two people down from the late shift.
One of the people that had opened was asked if she could stay, she said she had to eat, but she'd come back in three hours!
I was on register, and while on register, I hear this screaming from a few registers down and I'm like what the fetch!?
From the distance, I could hear a clearly crazy lady yelling at the manager, and it was something about a coupon and it sounded really dumb.
After the the incident, I rang up a customer, and the manager came over to the little room next to the register I was on. I told her that I wanted to know what happened! The customer I had said I shouldn't be a yenta and then he got hit by his wife. But how am I being a gossip, if I just want to know why someone was being crazy? I actually didn't know what yenta meant, so I didn't care, but I looked it up when I got home. Apparently, it means to be a gossip. I do not think I was being a gossip at all! This manager was like another mother to me, and I wanted to know why a psychopath was screaming at her!
Later, I found out what happened. Apparently the manager was ringing up a lady who left her coupon in the car, so the manager said that she would just use a coupon she already had. So when the customer at a different register heard this, she got furious with the manager. She said that she works retail too, and that she deserves the same coupon the other lady got! But the coupon the lady got, was a coupon you get if you donate a coat! You can only get it for donating a coat, which is what the crazy lady did not do! So this psycho starts screaming at the manager, telling her that she deserves a coupon! The manager tries to explain she can only get the coupon if she donates a coat! The lady was yelling and screaming at the manager, just because she wanted a coupon that she had to actually earn!
Eventually, the manager let the lady have the coupon and the lady was like... Oh I'm so sorry I was such a bitch to you, I work retail too. I was thinking to myself, you work retail huh? Oh really, so you deal with people JUST LIKE YOU all the time and you have to act like an immature asshole to someone?! Yeah ok... Sure JAN.
Right after the manager had that customer, I had a customer who wanted to return like five items without the receipt. Unless you live under a rock, returning an item without a receipt is BAD. You need proof of purchase.
When the lady came up to my register, she was telling me that she works at Walmart, and that they don't give her any hours, and how they have a bi-weekly pay. (I'm mentioning this, because it's an important plot-hole for later)
The store will only take returns without a receipt, if it's 50.00 or under. The return came up for 140.00, and I explained that we can't take the return. I ended up getting the manager over, and she explains that without the receipt, she cannot do a return. Alternatively, if she gave her phone number when she made the purchase, we could look it up through the number. If she paid with a credit card, we could also look at the cards purchase history as well.
The lady started flipping out! She's yelling at the manager, saying that this is racist That her boyfriend who was in the car, came in the store a few minutes ago, and returned something without the receipt, and he's a beautiful white man with green eyes. Then she says, what the manager makes in a week, is what she makes in a day. (Meanwhile, she just told me that she works at Walmart, and gets no hours.)
So this crazy lady is arguing with the manager, sayings it's racist that we won't do the return without the receipt. I felt bad that the manager was getting yelled at by the psycho, so I jumped in with a strong voice and I said "Without proof of purchase, we cannot do a return!!". The crazy lady doesn't want to listen! Then a man comes over, who is believed to be her boyfriend, and guess what?
Did she not just say her boyfriend was white, and had green eyes?!
Eventually the lady left, but she came back a few minutes later. The manager told me, that she is probably one of the people that steal from the store, and try to return items without the receipt.
The lady came back to my register and was like HERE!! Here's the receipt! I was looking at it and it was a return, not a purchase. It was apparently a return where the money was put on a credit card... Which means that if he didn't have a receipt, they were able to look up the purchase through a credit card. Where as for her return, she didn't have a receipt, she didn't add her phone number and she didn't pay with a card. Without the receipt, phone number, or credit card, there was no way to look up if she bought it from our store.
The manager explained, this is a return, and that there is nothing we could do with that receipt. The lady was fighting with the manager again. Eventually, she left.
But then she came back a few minutes later with things she was buying, she had like a giant wad of cash, and they were all 100's!!! Like, how does someone make that much at Walmart? There was something fishy going on for sure!
So the lady was on line, and I was near the registers doing something else and then the bitch screams "IS ANYONE GOING TO RING ME UP!" So I said loudly "I"M COMING!" Because I could not stand this evil bitch, and I wanted her face implanted into the concrete by this time.
I ring up her items quickly, trying to get her out of the store!! At the end, I asked her, would you like to leave a phone number so you don't have any problems? And she declines, and starts walking away before I could give 12 cents to her.
I'm just like... really?! Because not leaving your phone number is what got you into this mess in the first place!
I was just happy she was gone, and everyone that was on registers, were all talking about this crazy bitch. I told them, I really wanted to jump over the register and slap her! Like I was getting so angry, she was so nasty to the manager because she can't follow the rules!!
The thing that annoyed me, was that she kept being nasty to the manager, and would turn to me and call me Honey. Like BITCH! You're being a douche to someone that I know, and you're being nice to me!? EXCUSE ME!! But I can see your personality HO!! It's not pleasant!!!
It's like, no wonder Walmart doesn't give you hours! You're NUTS!!! You probably steal from them and you're probably a lousy worker, and suck at existing!
After the two nut jobs, I was doing various things around the store, and I saw Fantasia clock in and I was like, so you missed it! I told her about the two crazy customers we had.
The manager was really upset, she was saying how she's always doing favors for customers, and going the extra line, and this is how some of them treat her! She was really upset! I mean, this is a woman who bought a jacket for herself, and gave it to a customer so she could get a donation for the coat coupon. One time, Fantasia was going to buy a coat, but didn't have enough money to buy it. She bought the coat for the her! Or another time where she drove a disabled customer to their house, because she was having a hard time getting around!
She's such a great person, everyone likes her, and she's always buying things for people!
You know what they say, things come in threes! The last crazy customer was a person on the phone, the fun thing is, I have only gotten one rude customer on the phone! That is this time...
This lady calls up, and she asked if she could return a coat because the zipper broke. She purchased it two weeks ago. I asked her if it was used, she said her daughter wore it twice. I told her, unfortunately because it's been worn already, we cannot take it back, and no one will buy a coat from us if it's used. I told her, to check the manufacturer and they may be able to help, she told me it was a weird company.
She repeated herself a few times, I told her, once it's used you cannot return it! Then she told me that the zipper broke from the hood, so it was a coat that has an attachable hood and the hood would not go back on.
She told me that if she comes in a week, or two from now, and says to the cashier that it was not a used coat that she could get a refund for it? I said no, because she told me that she used it already!
So she tells me the same story again, if I return it without saying it's a used coat can I get my money back... I told her no you cannot because you just told me that you used it already! By this time, I noticed Fantasia was walking by, and she saw me yelling at this nut on the phone!
The lady asked to speak to a manager, so I gave the manager the phone and she was explaining the same thing I said to the woman. Apparently she wasn't getting it.
The manager eventually said that if she has the tag and the receipt, she'll allow for the return to be done. But that's when the lady told her that she didn't have the receipt anymore and the coat did not have a tag on it either, so the manager told her that she cannot do anything without the receipt and the price tag! The lady told the manager that she was a terrible manager, and that she was a an F*n piece of S#it and hung up!
Meanwhile, the manager was trying to help her!
If there's no proof of purchase, there's no price tag, and it's by a weird company, how would we even look it up in our systems? Customers fail to have any logic whatsoever!
So a little while later, the manager was upset ,and I was walking with her to the back of the store and she was telling me how she feels like someone is trying to see if she'll quit today. Like as if someone was watching her and making these crazy people attack her! The weird thing is, the lady on the phone new the managers name!? She thought maybe it was someone playing a trick on her, but that was also when Fantasia came by.
She told us that she spoke with the crazy lady on the phone again, and this time she asked for the manager's name. Even though she said before the name of the manager. Fantasia told the customer the manager's first name, but not last name because she didn't think it was a good idea. The customer was yelling at her too, so she just hung up on the customer! XD
I said that we need to have fake names, and that I will be "Maya Jameson"! The manager said she'll be Bambi, and Fantasia said she'll be Clarissa! I said we already have a Clarissa, and we don't want to get someone in trouble by accident! Then she thought of the name Cynthia, I was like, we have someone with that name too! She was like Damn, all the good names are taken! So she decided that she will be Fantasia! Her middle name!
I have to say, I've never seen so many psychopaths in one day at work! Usually there is just one a week! But you can tell the Holidays are "A Comin' ", because the customers become even bigger douche-bags than they were before!
Later on, I was doing stuff on the floor and then I was called up to the front.
I saw the manager on the floor with Fantasia, so something else was going on now! Apparently, Fantasia collapsed on the floor and was having terrible chest pains, she was clammy and had her hand over her chest!
She was ringing up a customer at the time and I took over ringing this guy up, the manager needed to call for help so she asked anyone for a phone, the customer let her have his phone. I handed it to the manager and I said, I am not good with phones.
While on the phone, the manager was making funny faces, because apparently the people on the other line were really stupid. XD
Eventually, I rung up the customer and he came back when the purchase was done to make sure everything was okay.
Fantasia could walk, but she kept holding her chest and said she was in terrible pain!
The ambulance arrived, and she was taken away.
I was explaining to the manager, the last thing we need is for someone to die in the store! Because one of the guys that worked there last year, said he worked for a non-affiliated store, and was there for a year and a half, and three people died in the store while he was there!
One man OD'd in the bathroom, another lady just had a heart attack and died in a manager's arms....
Fortunately, nothing bad happened after that. There was a sense of calm starting to come to me, and I felt like nothing else could happen that day.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.