Friday, July 19, 2013

How To: Not get angry and kill someone over the internet, real life too

Here is some advice, in which I help you make your life easier by not doing something you'll regret possibly later when you're watching reruns of Law & Order and go "Hey! Maybe I shouldn't have said that!"

So, you've just seen the most offensive, angering, loin pulling post/comment you've seen all day? Well here are my tips to you!

-Calm down

#1. Instead of getting angry and saying mean, nasty things that would insult their mother, dog and moldy fruit. Step back for a moment, and cool down. Get your head together, clear it up and just think for a minute. Let the anger flow out so you can think, and release your inhibition from captivity.

You don't want to do something hasty, that you will regret later!

-Analyze the situation

#2. Think about what the person is saying, are they aiming their comment towards you, or a group you're in? Maybe they don't mean it the way you think they mean. They could have meant the statement in a totally harmless way, and you're just over-thinking it. Their dialogue could even be satire (Have you ever heard of the onion? If not, check it out for what I mean by Satire). Whatever the situation, take a step back for a moment, and re-read what they said in a clear, and open mind, no ignorance and rage shall enter.

You need to analyze the situation so you know exactly what is going on!

-Represent yourself in a logical or comedic manner

#3. If they're wrong about what they're saying, or if you have some really good things to add to the horrible things they're saying. You must defeat them with logic and wit, or just logic, or just wit! You have to make them into the fool, before they make you into the fool. If you come up with your idea, and execute it poorly, they can shoot you down with their own logic (If they have any) and you will look like the fool.

But you have to execute your logic, wit and facts in a well done manner in order to win the argument.

Who is Suikodens Millie? Only the best character ever!

My most favorite video game series of all time is called Suikoden, and my favorite character from the series (and of all time) is a character named Millie. She appeared in  Suikoden II, and the spin off title  Suikogaiden II.

She is a young girl who appears in the village of Ryube, looking for her pet Groundhog, Bonaparte. After assisting in locating her pet, she joins your team as a token of her appreciation. She uses a Boomerang as her weapon, and has decent magic capabilities. (Also very high luck, and magic defense). She isn't the strongest character in the game, but she's definitely not the weakest either!

A drawing I made of my home girl, based off of her character art.
The creature on her arm, is her pet "Bonaparte", who can also do a special attack.

So here's a little back story

Note: Runes, are the magic of the Suikoden world. They work differently than in other games, as each magical rune can have up to 4 different spells. As a characters magic ability gets stronger, more spells unlock so that they can use them more frequently.

Back in 1999, I started playing Suikoden II because my dad got the game. He went to take a break, and told me to go around the towns in the game, and try to recruit people. (The Suikoden games require the hero to go around the country, trying to find allies to fight against an enemy nation)
My dad left off in the town of  Ryube, where you can recruit a few characters. This includes, but not limited to, a bum on the streets whose tab you pay for, some very flashy circus performers, and of course, Millie! (Who also watches the circus performers show before you can recruit her.

You first find Millie walking around town, just talking about whatever... But after a certain event, she appears in another spot, and is asking for help. Her pet Bonaparte, has run away, into the woods! (Maybe he's throwing a surprise party?!)

You have the option to help Millie find her pet, or just leave her there. Obviously, we want to help a home-gurl out! She joins the team as a temporary character, and when you find Bonaparte, you have to fight him. (Maybe he just doesn't want to take a bath?)
After defeating Bonaparte, this makes him "normal" again, and Millie joins your group!

Millie is a long ranged mage type character, who's equipped with a boomerang as her weapon. She's excellent with Fire, Lightning, and Blue Gate magic. (Blue gate is just monster summoning magic) In fact, she's the best Blue Gate magician in the game, even surpassing the other mage characters who surpass her in magic stats.

I usually gave her Wind magic, because I give characters magic based off their outfit colors. (Wind magic is blue in the first two games, but it changes to a green color in 4 & 5.)
She's only really bad with Water magic.

She has a special attack with Bonaparte, where he eats an enemy. This is a "whatever" ability, that is useful in the early stages of the game, but then somehow you get many "miss" attacks against stronger monsters.

When I first recruited Millie, I thought her special attack with Bonaparte was hilarious! The Suikoden team had a sense of humor. The special attack involves Bonaparte jumping out of Millie's arms, causing her to fall flat on her face. He then goes up to an enemy, changes in size, and eats them!


One other thing to mention, is Millie can use something called a "Kite Rune", this is an ability only long range characters can use. (There are 19 long range characters in the games). Kite Runes duplicate the characters weapon, and cause them to throw multiples of the weapon at the enemy at once.
Since half of the long range characters are mages, it's mostly good for characters with low magic capabilities.

But it's a wild ride watching Millie throw like 80 boomerangs at once! Which is also what the character Van does in Chrono Cross...
(There's another boomerang character in the fifth Suikoden named Faylen, she is not able to use the Kite rune because they probably realized it didn't make as much sense as a knife thrower doing it!)

Personality wise, Millie does not get much character development at all. We just find out that she's a part of the "Special Forces" (Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean!), and that she likes to sleep inside her pet after he turns into godzilla.

Because Millie was my first recruit, I just thought she was so cool, and it's also how my boomerang obsession started as well! (A weapon that needs no ammo, and is long range is pretty cool! Granted, it wouldn't work in the real world, unless under specific circumstances.) 

 So of course when someone on youtuber who I won't name, states their opinion that Millie sucks. I can't just keep silent!

It's one thing to have an opinion, but running around in the video constantly saying Millie sucks and that she is useless, is totally not cool. Especially when people in the comments are now agreeing with the youtuber, when they have never even played the game before! They have no right to say anyone sucks if they haven't played it themselves!
You cannot form much of an opinion on someone else's opinion, and now ignorant viewers are being fed this poison not to like Millie (And another character named Freed Y). So Millie and Freed Y will now be disliked characters automatically just because of the youtuber's opinion. (Granted, most people hate Freed Y already, because of other reasons. But everyone loves his wife Yoshino, whom you can recruit later.)

Some comments are as followed,

Negative Comments

¤ - "C" "Someone should do a solo Millie run >.<" - This is insinuating that Millie is a useless character, even though she has nice magic and okay stats. (There's plenty of other characters who have really bad stats) As a Millie Mega fan, I have her in my party most of the time, and have never had an issue with her. I usually bring her in my party for the final boss!

¤ - "Ch" *REQUEST* I noticed that three characters: Tengaar, Millie, and Meg have a unite attack. Since Millie's so bad I thought it would be fun to see how effective/ineffective this attack is at some point in the game."

¤ - "Blank" "Wait, if Millie is crap and Freed is crappier than crap..........does that mean using Millie is actually better than using Freed?"
(I think this is funny, since the character Tuta, has literally the worst stats in the game.)

I don't think it's fair that viewers are making their own opinions on a character because of what the youtuber says. Millie is in no way useless and if you give her good items, she can become an even better character to have with you. I should know since she's my favorite character of all time and have her in the party constantly.

Positive Comments
There were probably more positive comments in the comment section, than negative ones. So that's good!

¤ - "J" I loved using millie. she always ended up with the highest magic defense of all of my characters, and had amazing affinities. Use the wizard rune to transfer the mdf into magic attack, and she was a power house
¤ -  "D" - Millie's actually my favorite party member. She becomes an awesome spell caster later and has really good magic defense too! Her only real downsides are being stuck with the gopher rune and that she's a late bloomer character, but that kinda makes sense since she's only like 14 years old.
¤ -"Ji" I've trained Millie to the point where she has been useful to me. I'm very much a long ranged/magic party person. XD
Just a drawing I made of Millie as a witch, ready to sacrifice virgins to the moon god! You know, a typical day!
Yes, I made bonaparte a pumpkin creature!

Counter Argument to why Millie can be a useful character!

1. Millie has high magical stats that surpass most characters in the beginning of the game, the only bad thing is that her magic stops after a certain point and doesn't grow for a long time, but that isn't until the second part of the game. So after a while, other characters do surpass her, but that is only when you start getting other mage type characters. There is something you can give characters, that make their magic better, and an item like that would be perfect for Millie. Usually I just give her two magic runes.

2. Her affinity with runes are mostly high scores, She has an A in Lightning and Fire, a B in Darkness, Earth and Wind. The only thing she is not good with are Resurrection runes, which she has a D in and Water rune which she has an E in.(The E rating means the spell can backfire, and injure your characters instead! I don't know how this works with water runes considering Water does not have attack spells until the third game.)
Obviously, the creators wanted her to be a black magic type character, since she's only poor with holy and healing type magic, but she's good with dark, attack and defense type magic.

3. In Suikoden II and up, there is a powerful rune called the Blue Gate Rune (Pale Gate Rune in some installments). This rune has a different type of elemental spell for each spell, the first is fire, one of them is lightning and one of them is water, which is the only one she can do badly with.
It has been proven by the biggest Suikoden fan site known as "Suikosource", that Millie is in fact the only character that is able to use the Blue Gate Rune to the highest power, not including the one water spell. Even the greatest mage characters cannot make as much damage as Millie with the rune. The water rune affinity and Blue Gate rune should be tested out sometime, maybe I can do it in the future and update this post!

4. She is one of the few long range characters that can equip more than one rune, characters in the game can hold up to three runes. Depending on the character, certain characters never get their rune slots open (Every character has at least one).. Millie gets all three of her rune slots open, the third slot is taken by her rune called "Groundhog" which is the attack using Bonaparte.

Millie is really just a lesser version of two other characters Rina and Eilie, Millie has Eilie's magic and Rina's health! lol

If I were to give Millie an A-E rating based off of her stats, I would says she's a C+ character. Her HP and magic stats are decent, but is over shined by other characters. But there are plenty of other characters who just fail in many categories, she's somewhat of a middle ground character.

It's interesting to see that the youtuber did NOT complain about the character Tuta, who is widely criticized as being literally the weakest character in the game. Statistically, Tuta is very weak in every aspect. He is a character you have to babysit in the beginning of the game, and is just very weak, dying all the time.
I don't hate the character, but I only use him when he's forced upon you.

Note as of 11/8/13:
Any negativity about Millie will be deleted! This is about liking the character Millie.. if you don't like her, then go somewhere else, make a cult for all I care, just take a hike!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Aftermath

So, if anyone is curious (Which I know it's just me : P )

The aftermath of my now ex-friend "Mystique". It's been two weeks, almost three since our friendship was broken.

We have not spoken, and although I was melancholic for a day or two,  I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I wasn't talking to this person ,who was being a complete ass to me, and everyone. I was just happier because I wasn't around them anymore, I was surrounding myself with people I enjoy being around!

Although at first, I was hoping she was going to just turn up again, and everything would be like it was before she mysteriously changed. But it wasn't, she wasn't there on my profile anymore, it's like we had never even met. I thought she would put up a fight for our friendship, but she didn't, it's almost like she never cared to be friends with me in the first place or something...
I miss the old Mystique, but I know that the old Mystique isn't coming back. I know that would be a bad road if I even thought of speaking to her again. At times I feel like we should be friends again, but I know that will never happen. She said it herself, people don't change, and even though she did change recently, I know she's not going to change again. She was once a cool, and nice person, but now she is nothing but a nightmare!

The feeling that "It is over" is nice, but sad at the same time. Sometimes I think about the good times,  no matter how hard she says she has been the same person. She isn't/hasn't. I remember the Mystique who was actually apologetic for saying the F word (Rhymes with HAG), the one that didn't want me to see a message she sent to me before we became friends. (Which I still have no idea what she said) Back when she actually cared about me, and everyone else.
It's not just me, she's upsetting other people, and I know there's at least one other person that isn't happy with her.

Our friendship break up has actually allowed me to see who my REAL friends are, and I've actually gotten closer to some people that I was only a bit of friends with.

I think the funniest part was that I was starting to abandon Formspring after they said they were closing, I wasn't on Formspring that much anymore. But when Mystique, and my other friend Ronan came back, I went on formspring everyday again, my energies for the site was renewed!
But now that I am not friends with Mystique anymore, I find myself drifting from formspring once again. I'm on forums again, which I had taken a break from, and I've actually been doing more me things now. The chains that formspring had on me is disintegrating.

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

So, I like Dr. Who now

A few months ago, it was announced that the show Warehouse 13 was only going to have one more season, of 6 episodes for 2014. It will end with only 64 episodes, and I think it's a great show with a cool idea! (Magical artifacts that all have their own mystical properties, from a pipe that creates tornadoes, to a coin that erases one's memories!)

Warehouse 13 came up with an extraordinary idea, but most Sci Fi shows just like the whole futuristic idea with guns, and stuff. Which is also why I tend to like anime more, because it has all sorts of magical shows, and I'm more of a swords and magic person myself.

Because it's ending, I wanted to increase my sci fi library. I've already seen Supernatural up to like the 7th season, and Arrow. So, I thought of some of the popular shows that the kids these days watch. (Aside from talking ponies, I'll pass on that one.), and so I thought of Teen Wolf, Lost Girl, and Dr. Who. As well as Fringe, which I just stopped watching on tv because I literally forgot about it.
I want to enhance my sci fi library.
So, when my friend asked a question on formspring, about Dr. Who. I said I was interested in it, but I don't feel like watching 700 episodes...(I will never understand Soap Opera's, those things have over 1000!! How does that work?!)

Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Dat!

He told me to watch the reboot that was made in 2005, which is much shorter if you start from there. So that is what I did, and I like it now. As of 2019, I've seen the first season, and a part of the second.

 Cassandra, is a villain of the Doctor. She's a piece of human face, that is conveyed on a metal grid. She screams, MOISTURIZE ME! She's funny, and probably my favorite.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tamako Market

So, I started watching this anime called Tamako Market, and I am LOVING IT!! I watched 6 episodes in a day, which I only do if I really like a show.

The anime is about a girl named Tamako, who meets a talking bird named Dera. Dera, is in search for a princess for his prince.
Dera is a complete weirdo, slightly perverted, and a complete narcissist!

Tamako market has lot's of interesting characters, and introduces more every episode. Dera, aside from being slightly a pervert, actually helps out the characters with their problems.

What I like about the anime, is that it brings in lot's of cliché elements, but throws them out the window, and makes the cliché things interesting and different.

What I think is also cool is that unlike many anime, it is not heteronormative! (Look it up).
The first scene introduces a blonde male to female transgender character. The second episode has no problem mentioning that one of Tamako's friend's, get valentine's day stuff from the guys, and the girls. Not to mention, it is very clear, that one of Tamako's female friends is in love with Tamako! Along with Tamako's male friend who is also in love with her as well. (The two of them have a bit of a rivalry, and understanding that they both like Tamako)
It's really an anime for everyone, it's fun, funny and heartwarming!

It is definitely the feel good anime of 2013.

Oh yeah, and the ending theme Neguse is AWESOME! (As I edit this in 2019, I haven't seen TM for at least 5 years, and I can still think of the song right off the bat!)

The Exes = Male version of the Golden Girls?

I love the Golden Girls, it's one of my favorite shows of all time. There was a Golden Girls marathon on TVLAND today, it was the best! Now, TVLAND has these four shows that they made themselves, and one of them is a show called The Exes.

The Exes, if you do not know. Is a show about three heterosexual men who end up being roommates after their divorces, and do everything together. They were brought together by their Divorce Attorney Holly, the four of them become great friends etc..

 I was noticing something about The Exes when I saw the preview for the next episode, It's basically the Golden Girls, except with men!
If you think about it, they match up pretty evenly.
The Golden Girls is about 4 women who move in together, they're all either divorced or widowed and they all become great friends.
As for the characteristics which each character, they mostly match.

Stuart is basically Rose, the nice one who is very dense, and often seen as dumb and clueless.

Phil is Blanche, the promiscuous one who usually only cares about themselves when it comes to anything sexual, basically a slut, and a narcissist.

Haskell is Dorothy, the un-attractive one that gets few dates, and is intelligent. Dorothy is more book smart, while Haskell is more Tech smart.

Together the three of them form one group of friends.

Then there is Holly, who is kind of the Sophia Petrillo. The fourth member not always included, a bit out of the group but in the same time in the group with the rest of the characters. Always trying to help out and can be a bit crabby and ridiculous.

I'd also like to give a moment to give some David Alan Basche appreciation. He is freaking gorgeous! He's the only reason I continued to watch the show! What a delicious man, search him up on-line, and see for yourself!

This adds to my "All the hot guys are straight" complaint.


How I joined Formspring

From 2010-2013 Formspring was one of the sites I visited the most. The story on how I got into formspring, and stuck around, is interesting and what I think of as the domino effect.

It all started when I used to regular a forum called Wober back in 2009-2010.

Disclaimer: For privacy reasons, I've given everyone new names. 
The only names that aren't changed, are my friends Queen & Chaco.

Wober made a topic about a new site called formspring, where you ask and answer questions.
Well, I thought "Hey why not?" and I joined trying to advertise my forum on there. Unfortunately there was nothing to do at the time so I left. (This was January 2010.)
 But then, maybe 4-6 months later around the summer time, I joined Yahoo Answers. I may or may not have joined YA!, because I wanted to thumb up a comment that was pro gay, but you had to be a level 2 on yahoo answers to thumbs up a comment. (As of 2019, I believe they got rid of the system, and anyone could thumbs up/down, which makes sense.). Well, I already had a yahoo account so I started answering and asking questions on Yahoo Answers to get points. When I eventually became a level two, I had forgotten where the comment was that I wanted to thumb up. (Don't-cha hate it when that happens?!) Instead I had made some friends, and I really liked helping out people on YA!
Eventually, I made friends with this guy named Jye, he was really interesting and I saw that he had a formspring, and so I logged back in and starting talking to him.
He was bisexual, so we would talk about what kinds of guys we liked, and he liked anime and video games so we talked about all sorts of stuff.
He would also talk to this girl named Teri Pterodactyl, and eventually I became friends with a couple of other people as well.
Teri Pterodactyl also talked to someone named Braylon Bay, who I talked to a for a long time. However, I didn't appreciate the posts he would make to my facebook, so I later deleted him in 2018. (Thank u next)
One time,  I told him about how he was friends with Teri, first on Formspring , but he doesn't remember her at all anymore!
Eventually I started meeting other people, and I still talk to a few of them still. (As of 2019, I lost touch with MANY of the friends I made on formspring, because a whole lot of them ended up being jerks. lol) Link
I also got my friends Queen and Chaco to join, but they don't go on there anymore, Queen does sometimes though.
I made all of these friends and I'm still around!

Unfortunately Jye disappeared early August 2010, Teri believed that he may have killed himself due to a disturbing question he had on YA! Where he stated he didn't want to live anymore. So, unfortunately I have not talked to him, and have no idea if he's even around anymore, I hope he is though. I always hope for that day where I'll get a question from him again.

 So, the reason for getting FS was at first I was just trying something new to advertise my forum on, but then I used it to chat with a friend, in which I made tons of friends and I was there until they closed in 2013. (Formspring changed their name to Spring me, which sounds sexual. Then they deleted themselves, and now redirect to a dating website, that has a virus warning on "Web of Trust".

Move Aside Yahoo Answers, and Formspring, because Quora has taken over henny, it's snatchin' crowns left and right!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Final Fantasy VII fans can hate me now.

Get your pitchforks and torches ready because this post is about my dislike for Final Fantasy VII, and why I do not think it is a good game, nor do I think it deserves the attention it gets!

Notice: I probably played it when I was 14, back in 2004. (Anytime I tell someone I didn't like the game, they thought I played it last Tuesday. So I wanted to put this out there, that I played it back in the day when we didn't have the Video Game graphics we have now.)

I got FF7 from my dad's friend (And the strategy guide!) I had made a so called friend in middle school, who asked to borrow FF 7, as well as the guide which I let him borrow. I kept asking him when he'd give it back, and he never gave it back, and then he moved! This is not only how I got the game, but also how It was essentially stolen from me as well.
Since I didn't like the game, I  didn't mind not having it that much. But, I also really do not want to waste my money on buying it, unless it's like 1-5 dollars to free. (If I were to replay it again.)
Good thing I didn't let him borrow my FF 8, it took like 8 years for me to finally start liking it. (It wasn't until (2012) when I re-tried FF8 and started to like it, in which I found out it's one of more disliked game of the series.) I really like the idea of snatchin' weaves magic, from monsters, and being able to use spells that you stole from them of your choice in battle! Also funny that I dislike the most popular FF game, and like one that most people dislike.

Why don't I like FFVII?
To be honest, I don't have many reasons. I just found the game to be  incredibly boring, and just could not get into it. The weird shade of blue, and terrible graphics of it's time did not help it's case either.
Unfortunately I did not know you could change the menu screen color until I no longer had the game!

Another thing I dislike about the game isn't about the game itself, but it's fans.

In my opinion, the game is severely overrated. But what drives me nuts is, anytime I tell someone I don't like FFVII, they will harass me, until I tell them I'll "give it another try". They'll explain to me that it's such a great game, and that I need to try it again, because they know I will definitely like it, and how there's no way someone can dislike this "great game". Quite frankly, it's annoying to be told this countless times! This makes me dislike it even more.

Sure, I wouldn't mind trying it again, maybe if they did a remake. But I doubt I'd like it, and even if I still didn't like it, I don't get why people have such a "hard on", for trying to convert haters into fans.

Some people don't like the things you like, get over it!

I bet I can name 20 RPG series that I believe are better than Final Fantasy VII...

Atelier Iris
Breath of Fire
Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross
Dark Cloud
La Pucelle Tactics
Luminous arc
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Shadow Hearts
Shin Megami Tensei / Persona
Soul Nomad and The World Eaters
Star Ocean
Treasure of Rudras
Valkyrie Profile

Just to name a few..

I actually want to play Final Fantasy 7 again, just so I can have more reasons to hate it! lol

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Life: What is going on!?

I don't know about you, but when I was in high school I would think about what I wanted to do as a career.

At the tender age of 17, I was drawing characters, comics and making up stories. I figured that after I go to college, I can get a cool fun job in the gaming industry and become a video game creator like I have wanted to.

Boy was I wrong

My life started to spiral out of control when I was 21, my college wouldn't let me back in to go for my bachelors in Graphic Design unless I started paying them. I couldn't pay them because I didn't have a job, and even though I looked for a job while in college, I couldn't get a job because I didn't have experience. Since I didn't have experience, no one would hire me, even though you need a job for experience, and need experience for a job.....what.... Why do companies make no sense?!

I ended up graduating with my Associates in Graphic Design, which actually has been pretty useless, and out of 26 (52 as of 2018) interviews, only three interviews I went on were jobs graphic design related. I've honestly learned more about Graphic Design on my own, and through the internet, than in college.

When I was little, I wanted to be an artist!  

I ended up working voluntarily in a mail room for four months from May 2011 to September 2011, it was a 2 and a half hour bus ride. I became friends with the lady in the employment center, located in the same building. She hooked me up with a volunteer maintenance job that was much closer. It was terrible, so I left after a week, and went back to the mail room. This was also in August, so I had to walk 20 minutes from the bus stop, I'd arrive drenched in sweat. At least I didn't have to walk far for the mail room job, since it brought me to a government building. (As I re-edit this in 2019, the Mail room so far, out of the 4 and a half jobs I've had. By far, had THE COOLEST Cafe, it was HUGE! It was awesome, and they had lunch ladies sell cool stuff too.)

I then got another volunteer job in an office in October 2011, and I was with them until I got my first paying job in retail, in October 2012. It is sad because I got my first paying job at 22... That's sad. (Alexa, play despacito)

Now I am in this spiral of paying off a 40,000 dollar amount of student loan from my college, in which the degree has been mostly useless to me. So far, it just raises eyebrows on interviews. People will tell me how they like my Graphic Design experience, but never hire me in the long run anways..
While I work minimum wage barely making 100-150 dollars a week when the loan company wants over 400 a month....what...I have house related bills to pay too, are you serious?!

My life has gone down the drain and not what I thought it would be like when I was 17.

Now I want to get a better job, preferably in an office since I cannot stand retail.

I sometimes don't know what to do, I never would have imagined my life to end up like this. But I still need to pursue my goals and figure out a way to make everything work out in the end.

EDIT: Now in 2018, I finally get an office job, but still making minimum wage (Which went up to 11 an hour)

My Horrendous day at work!

There must be something in the air, because all of a sudden I get one dick-wad AT LEAST a day.

There's casual annoyances, and then there is sheer nastiness. I had this one lady today that was really nice at first, but turned into a demon at the flick of a switch!

She ordered two dresses online, she didn't know which would fit her daughter. They were the same, but different sizes, and she came to return the other one. When she approached me to return them, I looked at her in awe because she didn't have a receipt, but a paper that told me that she bought it. There was a barcode so I did scan it, but it didn't work. Not knowing what this sheet was, I called the manager up. There was one other way to do a return, you can scan the persons license. However, if they do a certain amount of returns with a license, the store will not allow for them to do anymore returns without a receipt after a certain amount of uses. (This is due to people taking un-purchased merchandise off the shelf, going up the register saying they "lost the reciept", and get store credit back for an item they never bought).

So, I figure if we could figure something out I wouldn't have to use up the lady's license, uses.
The manager wasn't sure what to do either, so we ended up scanning her License anyway.
But then, the price of the dress went down, and instead of getting like 26 dollars, she was getting 21 dollars back.
She then flips out, and said something about how she had to wait online for a half an hour once, to do a return at my store. I said something to her about how she shouldn't be yelling at me because I have no control over this, she said something rude that I don't remember. The lady said something along the lines of she didn't want to return the dress, so I canceled the return and then she said she did want to return the dress. So I had to restart the computer and I needed the managers card for that... and then re-scan her license, in which she asked if it was going to put another point on her license, which I said no, but if it did I have no problem with that. Terrible people like her do not deserve to be able to return.
So I am doing what I am supposed to do, and the bitch had the nerve to say they put someone who doesn't know what they are doing on returns. Like hold up, I know what I am doing, I've been doing returns for two months at this point. I know she wouldn't know what to do, if I just let her go on the register herself. Besides, the only reason why there was an error, was her fault. She decided not to return the dress, and then changed her mind. I need a manager badge to scan, to do returns in the first place. So it's her fault that it took longer for her anyways! (Years later, they fixed this issue, so any cashier could do returns without a manager badge)

For the next part, and for the persons privacy. There is a woman I worked with for YEARS, she was an awful person. She was always getting mad at someone over the dumbest things, she was just not a happy person. I'm a nice person, who does the best I can. But she was still nasty to me anyways, she was however good with rude customers, and put them in their place. Let's call her Lipstick-Licker (LL for short), since she was quite the opposite.

Later on in the day, Lipstick-Licker accused me of doing something the wrong way, and I told them I always do things the right way, which annoyed me.
I'm like the only one that actually does the right thing around here, but all of a sudden I was a scapegoat!
Although, I have been under the impression this particular co-worker is not fond of me, not sure why though. They appear to ignore me, and they just seem so frustrated with me. (I later found out that this was just one of her awful personality traits.)

Later on, I forgot if it was LL, or another co-worker was talking about someone putting a bra in the shoe bin, in which I joked about it being a new trend called Bra-Shoes. I hope she knows I was joking and that I did not put a bra in the shoe bin, because I would never do that. I know sometimes people will joke around when they did the wrong thing, but I was just trying to be humorous with the horrendous day I was having.
I think it was LL, since she worked in the shoe department, but I can't remember anymore  (As I edit this in 2019)

Not to mention, I was the only one doing returns. Of course everyone wanted to do cash returns on the 4th of July, so my register just flat out has no cash left... yay!?

"Would you like cash back or put it on your card?" Cash of course!

BUT WHY?!! I would say put it on my card if I was returning something. I hate cash!

Then of course, I didn't get to take my lunch until about an hour before I was supposed to leave.. Because no one else could do returns, the only other person that could do returns got stuck with a customer for like a half an hour in the baby department!

If it wasn't for my friend being there at work, I don't know what I would have done. It just felt better with her around and getting to talk to her.

I pretty much fell asleep when I got home, I just wanted the day to be over... it was a terrible 4th of July for me at work. But watching the fireworks was nice and relaxing, I went to a store parking lot with my family and we watched fireworks from all ends.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

An Angel then a Demon: This is what it's like to deal with a two face!

I hate Two Faced people, they act all nice and understanding one second, and then they turn into this nasty deformed demon of evil!

I had one of these today at my job.

"There was this lady, she seemed like a cool person at first... 
Boy, was I wrong....."

She wanted to return a 39.00$ dress, and she would buy a bunch of stuff in return. Her reason for the return was that she, lost weight, and that the dress is for a wedding. One item didn't have a price, she said forget about it. Everything was fine, she was getting along with me, and the manager who was talking to her about the item with no price.
Just so you know, at my store and I'm sure at most stores.You can buy, and return items, in a combined fashion, so it can equal an exchange, or you would pay more/less on the bill depending on the circumstances.
But then, when the price went up from 33.00 dollars to 66.00 dollars she questioned why.
I looked at the screen and the 39.00 dress went down to 12.00, so she was only getting 12 dollars back instead of 39.00.
At my store, if you return an item after 30 days, you get store credit. If the price of the item gets reduced while it's in your possession, and you want to return it, you get the lower price (As long as it's past 30 days.)
In my opinion, I think it's a good idea, because then people will hurry to return things quickly. There's really no need to take more than a month to return something.  The receipt said April, so it took her 2-3 months to return the item. Because the dress was marked down to 12 dollars, she was only going to get 12 dollars back.
When I explained to her how she was going to get 12 instead of 39, this was the exact point she went from an angel to mother friggin godzilla!


At that moment, I realized she was going to be one of those people. The two faced douche-bag that goes from being nice, to a crazy person in a blink of an eye. The crazy psychopaths that just put their anger out on us, when we have nothing to do with it...

I went to get the manager, who was a bit on the other side of the area, and she was not having it today. She was really upset because some other customers were being nasty, and there was an associate who was being a jerk to her. The associate was apparently being a jerk to her since someone got fired for lying, and using company time for lunch. Even though, she had nothing to do with the person's firing.

So, I walk the manager over and she explains exactly what I just told this crazy bitch. The lady gets even crazier, and eventually she just says she wants to return everything she just bought and not return the dress. Since she hadn't actually purchased anything yet, I didn't have to return the things she was going to buy. The lady then said she was never going to shop at my store again because of the policy and left.

After the lady left the Manager muttered psychopath, and then I was telling her how ridiculous the lady was, and I think the policy is good because it can teach people to return things in 30 days.

What I don't get is why she didn't buy the things she wanted, I guess she didn't want them that badly! You can still buy the items and never return, it's all for the best anyway since we don't have to deal with your psycho ass anymore.

What got me the most is that she said that she could sell the dress at a good will center for 12 dollars, and I wonder why she would say that. Would she rather get 12 dollars there than at my store? What's the big difference?
She could easily sell it for the original price online, or from some kind of garage sale, no need to act like a lunatic!

I really don't understand these two faced customers, they need to take a chill pill to the mental institution where they all belong. 

Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 
