Side note: I have a draft page for all of my retail stories. I have so much written down, but I want to put them into groups and post them separately. This way, I have more posts, and so I don't bore someone with a long post. This is literally a part of what I categorized them as...
(Names are changed for privacy reasons)
Mars Omar
¤ Omar was this nice older guy, who was probably around 50-60. He was the janitor at my store. Everyone liked him, he was friendly, cheery and an overall nice guy. I remember one time on my lunch break, he said he had grandchildren. Another time someone was reading a report about a child in the news, I don't remember if they were missing, kidnapped, killed.. .etc.. but he made a remark that he hates that had happened, and that he just loves kids! Years later, when I spoke to an associate about what happened with Omar. She mentioned that maybe he loved kids in a different way, however this is all to the unknown, and up for interpretation.
So one day I was asked to clean up a spill. The supervisor said that Omar wasn't around anymore, and that we'd have to clean up messes on our own from now on. I had no idea what had happened to him until some time later. Apparently they caught Omar, eating gummy bears that we sold out of a container, without actually buying them. The store manager didn't have a problem with this, until they found out that he was also stealing items from the warehouse sector in the back! He was stealing belts, I don't know if he stole anything else, but to steal belts is pretty strange! I remembered thinking, If I saw him again, I wouldn't talk to him, I have no sympathy for thieves!
According to someone else, he actually had a record of stealing things at previous jobs, but they hired him anyways!
What's funny is, they never hired another janitor again, they only had cleaning crews come in before the store opened.
My friend Latifah mentioned that on her orientation for the job, most of the people that were there, all got fired for stealing!
Evil Zurie
¤ Evil Zurie, was this little old lady who was an accountant, and a cashier. She had to be at-least 70, maybe even 80. She was this yippy little jerk, who would complain about stupid things, like "folding the receipt paper the wrong way", because the ink might fade. Instead of being nice about it, she would be annoying, and rude about it, and lecture you for all eternity. She was like a rude, yappy dog that never shut up.Turns out, she was fired and almost arrested. Apparently, in the 5 years she was there, she stole 5000 dollars from the safe! She blamed the other accountant, and one of the managers for money missing in the safe. Once again, they already knew she had a record of stealing things, but still hired this psycho anyways!!
One day, the manager was driving me home. This manager is the same one Zurie accused of stealing from the safe. I told her that I was glad Zurie was gone, as she wasn't very nice. I remember the manager saying I wouldn't have to worry about her anymore! "You ain't never lie!".
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.