Thursday, June 17, 2021

Why Patriotism is weird

Let's get this out of the way,

A country is just a place you live in, like that's all it really is...

I don't get why people are super patriotic. It's like if you found an island and started praying that you love this island so much and everyone that has a problem with your island is an enemy, it's just a weird mindset to get into!

It's just a bunch of land, like that's all it is!

I also don't get people who can like a country, but have so many issues with it's laws.  It's rather counterproductive, like if you have a problem with laws, then you can't love the country!

My take 

People who are very patriotic (or religious for that matter) to the point that the only conversation they can hold is about their country (& or Religion), are boring and have no personality. (That's on periodt.) I've met and worked with plenty of people like this and they were so boring! (And rude for that matter) They had nothing interesting to talk about and were very nasty and hateful in general. No one liked them because they were such an awful person.


America in particular, should not have "In God We Trust", or having god in the pledge of allegiance, since the country was literally founded on "Freedom of Religion", which many Americans have seem to forgotten! 

Quick Note: Maybe it's just me, but the Pledge of Allegiance kind of comes off a bit cult-y to me.

I'd personally love to move out of America, but because I don't have any money (Because of how America is with the rich getting richer), I can't. Not to mention, I'd preferably like to move somewhere warm, that is also Gay friendly. Unfortunately, I don't know if there is a place like that outside of California. 

Is it racist to be Patriotic?

Well no, that's just silly. The reason why so many people associate being Patriotic with Racism, is because many EXTREMELY Patriotic people are racist and that's where the association comes from. Like if so many patriotic people weren't racist, then the connotation Patriotic people being Racist, wouldn't exist. 


From my experience, there seems to be a very specific mindset for people who just LOVE their country soooo much! (Rude and has no personality.)

Don't get me wrong, you can love your country as much as you want, I'm not saying you can't. But when it's all you can talk about, and you make it your ENTIRE personality, that's when it gets weird and concerning.

Well that happened...

Now that I think of it, I remember a time when I was in Middle School. A Hall Monitor told me I needed to sit down once I get to class and when I got there, the Pledge of Allegiance came on and I still sat there. I have a habit of doing what people tell me to do, (which gets me into bad situations like being sexually harassed by the bus driver.) When all of a sudden, my teacher started yelling at me that I needed to stand up for the pledge of allegiance. (Like literally by law, you don't have to do the Pledge if you don't want to.) But in this case it was because I was told to sit down, otherwise I would have done it because that's just what I was told to do.  

Check out this article I found on the subject, they made some really interesting points as well. 

Why Instilling Patriotism is Ludicrous