Friday, August 14, 2015

Why some people are trash

EDIT: (To this day December 2018, this is still the worst customer I've ever had!)

Today at work, I had one of the worst customers I've ever had! In the almost three years I've been working retail, I have had plenty of nasty, screaming, psychotic, douche-bags, that belong in mental facilities with a sign that says


 But the dick basket I had today, definitely earned her way to the top 5 worst customers I've ever had!

For those who do not know, I work in the Home Department of a store. There are plenty of times where I have to help ring customers up, due to the lack of cashiers. So it was like any other day, I was all the way in the back of the store, in the warehouse sector when they called me up to ring. I wasn't sure if they wanted me to ring, because there were only 4 people online, so I thought that was weird....
I call a customer up and I'm like, oh good this lady is just buying a pair of pants, this will be quick, and I can ring up everyone and go back on the floor! Little did I know, this lady was a huge dick-basket!

At first, all was fine. I ring up the pants, and then she puts down a coupon on the counter. I scan the coupon, the coupon is applied, but it doesn't work. It says she gained 0.00 for the discount. So I was like, that's weird, let me scan it again. It still didn't do anything. I'm reading what it says, and it doesn't say anything about requirements, or why it's not working. (Some stores require you to reach a price limit, quantity limit, or only works on a certain departments product.) Sometimes, we'll get coupons for the home department only, and obviously a pair of pants is not home, so I was reading it for anything weird.
But there's nothing weird about the coupon, it just won't scan for some reason. I tell the customer that I'll be right back, and that the coupon isn't working. The customer makes some remark about how it's wasting her time. She said, that I should just put the discount in the computer, and she was very rude about it. I gave her a stronger voice because she was being nasty, and I said, I can't do it, I'm not a supervisor, let me get a supervisor. Just from that I knew this was going to be a problematic customer.

I go over to get the supervisor, she did what I did, scanning the coupon, reading the description of the coupon. The lady makes a rude remark saying that we obviously got the coupon before, and she didn't understand why it was taking so long. She was so rude, just for a minor inconvenience, that wasn't even our fault! She was being a total bitch! The supervisor said, that she has never seen this coupon before. (Ironically, the coupon expired the next day) As the Supervisor and I are trying to figure out what is wrong with the coupon, a random lady comes up to the customer, it was one of her friends... All of a sudden, this BITCH turns into such a nice lady to her friend. They're like, oh my god, I haven't seen you, how are you doing. Once her friend leaves, she turns right back into the devil herself. I was thinking to myself, does your friend know how UNPLEASANT YOU ARE?!

The supervisor fixes the problem, and as she walks away, the customer leans in and says "I'm so sorry for wasting your time". But the way she said it, was that's what she wanted the Supervisor to say to her! I thought to myself, is this bitch serious?! As a cashier, I hand the customer the money, and the receipt, but the customer just said that she wanted it into the bag. I put it all in the bag, and then she gives me an attitude and goes, NO, JUST THE RECEIPT! Then she has the nerve to say, it must be your first day, and walks away! As she walked away, I whispered to myself, KILL YOURSELF!!! I have never wanted someone to die before, this bitch was so nasty and rude! I can't even BEGIN to explain what I felt!. All I had was anger and rage! I had my fingers in a curl, as if I had claws, because all I wanted to do was claw her neck off!

The girl next to me, on register, was like, she was so mean to you! I feel so bad!
The lady was just so rude, and unpleasant, I'm absolutely amazed this bitch even has friends!? What does her family think of her?! How can such piece of low life scum, have friends??
She was such a horrible person, that I really hope she just like gets tortured somehow. Like some people need to be punched into the face, and then body slammed into concrete ,and I think it should be legal to punch rude people in the face, it could solve many problems you know!

I was just in awe, usually customers are nice at first, but she was mean from beginning to the end, she was unsavory! Not a good person, I could tell she was evil. Like some people are just jerks, but I could tell that she was not a nice person, and that she has evil in her inner being.

The good thing though, is I don't think she'll be back. Since she had that coupon, it probably meant she just wanted a deal, which is weird because she bought 9.99 pants. She got 20% off, so it became 7.99. Why would anyone make such a big deal out of something so stupid, and minimal?? If I was to use a coupon, I'd want to use it on something expensive, so I could get my moneys worth!
At the end of the purchase, we're supposed to ask for a phone number, for return purposes, if customers lose the receipt, we can look up the purchase through the phone number. I didn't even bother to ask the lady because she was just so unpleasant, I just wanted her gone! It just amazes me as to how foul this woman was.
The funny thing was, the only reason why I put the receipt and money in the bag, was because she was such a terrible person, that I just wanted her gone. I was just rushing to get her out of the store. If she was actually a decent human being (If you could call her that, I like demon of the underworld or dumpster juice better), maybe I wouldn't have been so rattled, and payed more attention to everything I was doing.

A proper portrayal of what the customer looked like.

It was also annoying because she looked like one of my teachers from Highschool, but I know it wasn't her. Not to mention the teacher I had was a very sweet lady, and this customer clearly lives in satans butt-hole.

I was telling this story to everyone at work, but I feel like I wasn't explaining it very properly.
One person said that there's obviously something wrong with her, one girl said that customer was such a brat!  One of the guys said that many of these customers are jut losers! I agree, like why treat people like that? I hope someone treats that lady like she's trash, because she's nothing but dumpster juice anyways.
I was telling someone, that it's just going to get worse again since the holidays are coming up. People are at their worst during the holidays, and I was just thinking, I have to hurry and get myself a new job! (Which I didn't get until 2018.)

I had remembered my friend saying something a few months ago, and I have this on recording actually. But he was saying about how he wishes we could just shoot people in the face, and how cashiers need cattle prods for stupid customers! XD I was starting to think maybe we should get cattle prods! Teach them not to mess with anyone and be decent people to others!
See, I feel if people actually got punished for being jerks, that maybe they would stop being such horrible wastes of space!

No one should ever treat a random stranger like she did, I have no respect for this woman. As a great saying goes I hope she gets what she deserves! It's like the nicest, and meanest thing you can say to someone. But I just wish people like her didn't exist, and I hope Karma hits her really good!

The story of the day kids is that some people are scum, and being called trash is just too good for them, and that they are nothing but dumpster juice!

On top of that, on my way home. I saw the bus that I used to take, and the creepy bus driver that asked me disturbing sexual questions, was the one driving! I got a gross feeling all of a sudden.

Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What I think about guns

This is how I feel about guns...

In my opinion, guns should be illegal, and there is literally no reason to have them in the modern world. All guns do, is kill people, that is literally the only purpose for them. I don't care what people say, they still kill people. It's a 50/50 thing really, the person, and the gun both kill someone else.

There are about 250,000 gun deaths a year, and America, takes about half of that.

There's really no point in anyone having a gun, we're supposed to be a civilized & Technological society by now.  Guns should be a thing of the past. According to the link above, about 9% of gun deaths, are accidental. (That's bigger than it should be)
There are one too many kids, grabbing guns accidentally/intentionally, and killing themselves, or someone else. Under NO circumstances, should a kid be around a gun ever! I would hope everyone can agree on that!

Here's a clip from the Golden Girls, which is a good example about what could happen by accident. 

The fact of the matter is, if guns did not exist AT ALL there wouldn't be as much gun death in America, or any other country. In Japan, Australia and England, guns are illegal. Unfortunately, in England, the gun crime rate is up by 30%. Japan on the other-hand, has little to no gun crime rate at all, and has very strict precautions on owning a gun. Australia, also has a similar story as well.

People just wouldn't really bother if they had to kill someone with a knife or some other item. In fact, in Australia a man robbed a bank with a Boomerang! Of course without guns, people will come up with other ideas for violence and thieving, but as it already has been demonstrated by other countries, most people wouldn't bother if they couldn't use guns to do illegal acts.

Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem with guns if they didn't get in the wrong hands. If every person that had a gun was safe, and not a serial killer, crazy person or a thief, then I would have no problem with that. But the fact of the matter is, the world is filled with lunatics that should not be around people at all! Unfortunately, as much as I hate guns, and they should be banned. It's not going to work like that, the only way, is to find a solution, of getting rid of guns that are in the wrong hands. Once that happens, then there could be an easier way to, at least control them.

On a side note, the irony here. Is the people most likely to shoot up a place, are probably mentally ill and aren't getting the treatment that they should be receiving. But when someone is having mental issues, and talks about it to others, they are usually shunned for it. So, in a way, Americans may have done this to themselves for being so ignorant and not resolving the problem properly.

I think this video, explains it in the best way.

What really annoys me, is this constant gun violence in America. It's ridiculous, you can't go anywhere these days, without worrying that the place you're in will get shot at. There are bars, schools, concerts, movie theaters, that are constantly having mass gun shootings. Kids are now learning to fear for their lives  just for being in school, and having gun drills. Non Americans, look at America, and they see how violent, and bigoted America is. People in other countries are just scratching their heads, trying to understand why America is like this. (Quite frankly, I don't have an answer).

We're beginning a time in the world where we're attached to our electronic devices, we can talk to anyone around the world over anything, we should be past all of this violence. We're supposed to be a civilized world, but with all of this violence, and gun violence, it just doesn't make sense. Humans should be past this by now, and honestly, it's a disgrace to the human race to have such barbaric ways of doing things. The problem with this world is that there is not enough love, and too much hate, and violence.

A little contradictory, but I for one, would rather prefer, if we just brought back Bows & Arrows! 

I think the best thing to do for America, and other countries, is to follow Japan, and their gun laws. they have a very strict protocol. An interesting fact, is that they don't allow hand guns, and use shot guns and air rifles. Which is rather odd, in my opinion. 

I'm very curious about people who are gung-ho about guns, and what they think should be done with all the mass shootings. Also, for the love of everything holy, there is no reason in this world, that anyone would need something crazy like an AK-47, it's amazing to me that some people think it's okay to own something like that. A handgun is one thing, but a massive weapon, that is made for mass murder, is not something someone should have!
Might I add that the Second Amendment was made when guns took 45 MINUTES TO RELOAD and only had one bullet? It was a different time than it is now!!

If you really need something for self defense, I suggest that we should be allowed Cattle Prods. It doesn't kill the person and definitely gets the point across!


How to win an argument on the internet

I'm here to tell you how to win an argument on the Internet, even if you don't actually win.

First off, check out the prequel to this post here.

Recently, I caused World War 5 on social media between a few people that I know. I was neutral on the subject, but my friends were not! A war broke out between them! It was 2 against 1.
I didn't side with anyone, as I was not getting involved what so ever! So, I gathered information and found out what had happened and I kept my opinions to myself because I didn't want to start another war! Plus, I just wanted to know what happened between my friends on the site.
Regardless who I thought was right or wrong, there was one key factor! There was one thing that all three people did wrong, and I'll tell you what it was. They all flamed each other; they used nasty, derogatory insults to each other. Now, what I was thinking is this, if they had used intellect, wits and logic, they most likely wouldn't have had a fight in the first place.


• A common mistake about Internet arguments, is to get heated! Never get heated; use your logic and strong powerful words of knowledge and wisdom to win the fight appropriately.

What NOT to do

• Flame the other person and or use nasty insults.

What to do

• Use good words, be respectful and use facts and even links to good sources to back your claims.
• Agree to disagree, be polite and courteous to someone you disagree with.


Now, here are my non existent, lovely assistants here, to point to you, the examples on how to win and not to win an argument over the Internet.

What not to do


I think the abandoned ghost tower should be safe and supervised so no one gets hurt! Tourists and villagers alike want to explore it without worrying about injuries.
It's a good tourist attraction with lot's of interesting history behind it.

You iz stupid, if idiots want to get hurt by bein' stupid fo' going somewhere dangerous, then get hurt! 

 I can feel my head!

Who invited this freak?! Get a life ya ugly looser! Ya'll are stupid, you iz gunna die if you go to dangerous spots! 

How to argument correctly

I think guns should be legal, we just have to have stricter gun laws, preventing guns getting in the wrong hands.

Although I don't agree with guns being legal, I see your points in your argument.
We may never come to an agreement, but I understand your opinions and I hope you understand mine.

Although I disagree with your stance, I understand where you are coming from. We disagree with each other, but I think we both have valid points on our argument and I respect your opinion as you do mine.

I want a pet lobster!

See, what I'm trying to get across is this... instead of going psycho on someone because you don't agree with another person.... use proper wording, intellect and sense in the argument you're trying to get across; the most important thing is to respect the other person! No flaming and no rude words!
Even if the other person is nasty the whole time; if you're respectful and nice, it'll show others that you're the bigger and better person!

Someone at work called me ugly!

But you are ugly!

You're not ugly! You're beautiful just the way you are! Besides, it's what's inside that counts! Obviously, they are ugly on the inside!

U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi, you ugly, yeah yeah, you ugly!

Don't listen to them haters, it says more about them than it does you.

Thanks guys! I won't take others harsh words to heart, I know that just by being a better person, that I am better than them.

I like tomatoes!

By using your smarts, being respectful and courteous you'll win the argument; even if you're wrong. The best thing we can do when we are wrong, is to understand that you were wrong in the first place and understanding is the most important thing. We have to be open minded enough to also understand when we aren't correct, and then changing our thoughts in the process to know what is right and what is incorrect.

Tomatoes are Vegetables!

Actually, Tomatoes are a fruit.

Oh, ok. Tomatoes are a fruit!

BITCH! You are a fruit! A fruit-loop!

Make sure to always back up your facts! Links  and scientific studies can always be helpful.

Here's my research on why a Tomato is a fruit.

Here's what I found on why you're a looser!

Last, but not least, don't be a, lame llama! This may or may not be related to the topic at hand, I just really wanted to say that.... #don'tjudgemeho

I can speak to toasters!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Kusatta Kyoushi No Houteishiki

BIOKusatta Kyoushi No Houteishiki, or "Bad Teacher Equation", follows Atsushi. As a kid, he was in love with an older guy whom Atsushi, called Ma-Chan. Ma-Chan wanted to become a health teacher, and when Atsushi was old enough, he would go to Ma-Chan's school, and become his student.
Once Atsushi starts high school, he realizes he is in for a loud awakening when the man of his dreams, is nothing like he used to be! Ma-Chan, has become the total opposite of what he used to be like!
Meanwhile, a kid from his past, Inagaki, is head over heels in love with Atsushi! Inagaki will do anything, and everything for Atsushi, but does Atsushi feel the same way?

When I first started watching the anime, I thought it was going to be like the other Cliche' OVA yaoi anime that just have one episode. But I was actually very wrong, very very wrong.

It's actually surprisingly really good, there's big love triangle, or as I like to call it, a love square, since it involves four characters. There's lot's of emotions in it, and it's really relate-able. I'm sure most people have had a crush on a teacher or teacher type figure and everything Atsushi is going through is just something that happens to most. Another good aspect is, there is a female character, and half of the time in many yaoi anime, they're trying to ruin the relationship between the two guys. But the character Yoriko, is very supportive and wants to see Inagaki with Atsushi.
The only negative thing is, the story ends without anyone starting a relationship. It continues in the manga, which I will be reading soon, since I want to know what happens! (I rarely read manga, so that's an accomplishment.)
But it's really good, and anyone that only wants to watch really good yaoi, should definitely check out Kusatta Kyoushi No Houteishiki.

More of the Story (Kinda spoilers): It's later revealed that Ma-Chan, has a younger brother, Masayoshi. Masayoshi is the man who Atsushi thought was Ma-Chan, but in fact, the real Ma-Chan is Masami. Unfortunately for Atsushi, Masami is with a man named Tooru. It's also revealed that Masayoshi also has feelings for Masami, and understands Atsushi, who is in love with a man who he cannot have.
Inagaki, and Atsushi become good friends. Atsushi sees him as a friend, and Inagaki has the biggest crush on Atsushi, and will do anything for him. This also leads him to get jealous in certain situations and has some funny parts.


Basically, the anime has a few pairings (Canon and Non-canon), and that's what makes this anime so interesting and a little bit more unique!

You have....

Atsushi x Masami

Atsushi x Masayoshi
Atsushi x Inagaki
Masayoshi x Masami
Masami x Tooru
Inagaki x Yoriko

So it leaves you wondering who is going to be with who, and who will be left out in the dust! (Since there are 6 characters, essentially they all end up with someone.

Another good thing about this anime is that no one denies their sexuality. In my opinion, there are way too many yaoi anime where the character is "Straight", until they meet this one person and throughout the entire show they deny their sexuality towards men. But in this anime, everyone is gay (Except one character ends up bisexual), they are 100% cool with themselves and who they are, and that's fantastic (Especially for an older anime/manga).

The rest of the post is somewhat of a spoiler, so feel free to be spoiled, or wait until you've read the manga to see my opinion! 

*Slight spoilers: Read past the Asterisks for the rest of the post*

• One of the guys end up with Yoriko.

• Atsushi and Masayoshi do end up together.

[The reason why I'm mentioning this, is because to me, this was disappointing, but it's also kind of obvious, which is why I'm not listing it as a complete spoiler.]

My thoughts: 

I personally wanted Atsushi to be with Inagaki, because Inagaki is so cute to Atsushi. Not to mention that if Atsushi gets with either Ma-Chan's, they are kinda a pedophile. Just wait a few years Atsushi.. Since Inagaki and Atsushi are the same age, it's all ok. (The manga progresses over several years, at the end of the manga, Atsushi is now an adult. So to be fair, Atsushi does become a legal age.)
 I never like incest relationships, but I think how they portray Masayoshi liking Masami is sweet and cute. Masayoshi, and Tooru, are nice and muscular, so muscle lovers will love this!
But I've totally been into a few teachers before, so I really understand where Atsushi comes from.

*Spoiler over*