One time, an associate in the men's department found a pair of underwear. The underwear had feces on it, and this pair was hung up on the rack to put out on the floor. Apparently a customer decided to put on a new pair of underwear that he did not buy, and replaced it with his old poo stained undies!
On few occasions, similar stories like this seem to happen. Including a recent time, where an associate was going to buy a shirt and realized a brown spot on it. He decided against buying it for that reason, (Imagine the gif of Raven Simone from "That's so Raven" going "Ya nasty!".)
One of my previous supervisors, who was like another mother to me. Told me of a time, when she went to go to the bathroom. She noticed an elderly woman decided to intentionally smear feces all over the bathroom walls and floor. The supervisor told the woman that she can't do that, and she has to clean it up. The woman remarked that she was elderly! (Well then, you shouldn't have done that in the first place!) The woman cleaned it up, and my supervisor told the manager if that happens again she was walking out of the store!
Once upon a time in the land of the Home Department, it was the midst of August. (That would be a great beginning of a novel!) It was pretty hot outside that day. I was walking around the department, as per usual, and I spotted a mug! I was like, well Jiminy crickets, It's a mug in the wrong place! I picked it up to put it away. Little did I know, or realize, that someone (or something..) decided to pee in it. When I picked it up, and started turning around. The glorious smelly yellow liquid went everywhere, including the floor, my arm and my vest! (Keep in mind, I'm a big germaphobe...).
I threw paper towels everywhere on the floor, I put up wet floor signs and basically the area became a do not enter zone! (Which wasn't a problem for customers considering it was like the middle of the beginning of each aisle, so they just had to go the other way to enter that aisle.)
At the time, we had this rude security guard. For some reason, the manager got in trouble by the security for having the wet floor signs and the paper towels everywhere. As I was discussing with the security guard and the manager, a customer overheard me say that I thought it was pee. The security told the lady, that we didn't know for sure what it was. (I don't know why that was relevant or anything.). Later on, the lady in my department told me about how the smell was really Poignant, and very noticeable after a while. I did a quick fix, and took some of the air fresheners we were selling, and sprayed some of it in the area, and any scented sachets we had, I left around to kill the smell a bit.
Because I'm a germaphobe, I did not walk down that aisle for WEEKS. Even though it made no sense, since shoes are always going to be really dirty anyways....
Once I got home, I took a boiling hot shower for 20 minutes, remember this was a hot summers day in the midst August!
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.