A blog about everything under the sun, just make sure to bring some sunscreen....clothing is optional.
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Thursday, December 31, 2015
Things I learned in 2015
This is a list of those changes, and further will be what I expect in the next year.
○ I fell very hard for someone, and found out what it's like to have a real crush on someone. To always have them on your mind, and just be so addicted to someone. I also learned what it was like to feel heartbreak, since I was really into them. I learned what it was like to have my heart stomped on, when I realized that he was straight, and was never into me. He was just an overly friendly guy, (who I later realized was kind of an ass) even though there were certain times that I thought he came off a bit flirty. (It was probably in my head)
○ With the help of my friend, I also learned how to move on.
○ I learned how to dance, because I wanted to impress that guy that I was into for two and a half months. Now, I enjoy dancing all of the time! Even when I'm not supposed to be dancing!
○ I got my drivers license and I got a car!
○ I went to my first Gay-city, and I experienced gay bars, men groping me and an underwear party!! (Wait, what!? That middle part is a story for another time.)
○ I've become more social and learning how to talk to people better.
○ I expect to get out of my element more and go places with friends.
○ I plan to get a new job! Getting a new job will help me, I need a 9-5 job so I can actually go to sleep at a normal time and get a good routine going. My current job is very soul sucking and I feel like it stops me from doing my career goals.
(2018 me here, I ended up getting a new job in 2018, so it only took like three years. In 2019, I ended up getting another new job!)
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Esmeralda, Esmeralda and.. well... Esmeralda!
This is a very simple blog post in appreciation to characters named Esmeralda! (And any similar variation. Sorry Ogsmelda, you're not included.)
Let's start off with the most popular Esmeralda, from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.
There is Esmeralda from Suikoden. Who was the inspiration to my own character with the same name!
1. Esmeralda
2. Esmerelda
3. Esmyrelda

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Why there must have been something in the air!
Isn't it funny, people are out shopping for people that they care about. But then turn into a raging lunatic to someone they don't know that works in a store, and don't know their life story. Turning into the spawn of Satan, just for something stupid and nonsensical!
I have to say, the longer I work in retail, the more psychos I have the unfortunate ability of running into!
I've been working retail for 3 years and I have to say, today (12/2/2015) was one of the CRAZIEST days I've ever had in my entire life! It's so weird. It's like, when I was a cashier, I thought I had dealt with the crazies. Once I left to be out on the floor, everything was fine and dandy. But in recent months, it's as if people started drinking bottles, and bottles of crazy juice and just turned even more crazy than they already were!
So many crazy things happened today. The store had been so busy, that by the time I came to work at 2:30PM; NONE of the cashiers went on their breaks, and the store was opened since 9AM, it was just that crazy! One cashier called out, and another cashier left early because of a sick relative, so that was already two people down from the late shift.
One of the people that had opened was asked if she could stay, she said she had to eat, but she'd come back in three hours!
I was on register, and while on register, I hear this screaming from a few registers down and I'm like what the fetch!?
From the distance, I could hear a clearly crazy lady yelling at the manager, and it was something about a coupon and it sounded really dumb.
After the the incident, I rang up a customer, and the manager came over to the little room next to the register I was on. I told her that I wanted to know what happened! The customer I had said I shouldn't be a yenta and then he got hit by his wife. But how am I being a gossip, if I just want to know why someone was being crazy? I actually didn't know what yenta meant, so I didn't care, but I looked it up when I got home. Apparently, it means to be a gossip. I do not think I was being a gossip at all! This manager was like another mother to me, and I wanted to know why a psychopath was screaming at her!
Later, I found out what happened. Apparently the manager was ringing up a lady who left her coupon in the car, so the manager said that she would just use a coupon she already had. So when the customer at a different register heard this, she got furious with the manager. She said that she works retail too, and that she deserves the same coupon the other lady got! But the coupon the lady got, was a coupon you get if you donate a coat! You can only get it for donating a coat, which is what the crazy lady did not do! So this psycho starts screaming at the manager, telling her that she deserves a coupon! The manager tries to explain she can only get the coupon if she donates a coat! The lady was yelling and screaming at the manager, just because she wanted a coupon that she had to actually earn!
Eventually, the manager let the lady have the coupon and the lady was like... Oh I'm so sorry I was such a bitch to you, I work retail too. I was thinking to myself, you work retail huh? Oh really, so you deal with people JUST LIKE YOU all the time and you have to act like an immature asshole to someone?! Yeah ok... Sure JAN.
Right after the manager had that customer, I had a customer who wanted to return like five items without the receipt. Unless you live under a rock, returning an item without a receipt is BAD. You need proof of purchase.
When the lady came up to my register, she was telling me that she works at Walmart, and that they don't give her any hours, and how they have a bi-weekly pay. (I'm mentioning this, because it's an important plot-hole for later)
The store will only take returns without a receipt, if it's 50.00 or under. The return came up for 140.00, and I explained that we can't take the return. I ended up getting the manager over, and she explains that without the receipt, she cannot do a return. Alternatively, if she gave her phone number when she made the purchase, we could look it up through the number. If she paid with a credit card, we could also look at the cards purchase history as well.
The lady started flipping out! She's yelling at the manager, saying that this is racist That her boyfriend who was in the car, came in the store a few minutes ago, and returned something without the receipt, and he's a beautiful white man with green eyes. Then she says, what the manager makes in a week, is what she makes in a day. (Meanwhile, she just told me that she works at Walmart, and gets no hours.)
So this crazy lady is arguing with the manager, sayings it's racist that we won't do the return without the receipt. I felt bad that the manager was getting yelled at by the psycho, so I jumped in with a strong voice and I said "Without proof of purchase, we cannot do a return!!". The crazy lady doesn't want to listen! Then a man comes over, who is believed to be her boyfriend, and guess what?
Did she not just say her boyfriend was white, and had green eyes?!
Eventually the lady left, but she came back a few minutes later. The manager told me, that she is probably one of the people that steal from the store, and try to return items without the receipt.
The lady came back to my register and was like HERE!! Here's the receipt! I was looking at it and it was a return, not a purchase. It was apparently a return where the money was put on a credit card... Which means that if he didn't have a receipt, they were able to look up the purchase through a credit card. Where as for her return, she didn't have a receipt, she didn't add her phone number and she didn't pay with a card. Without the receipt, phone number, or credit card, there was no way to look up if she bought it from our store.
The manager explained, this is a return, and that there is nothing we could do with that receipt. The lady was fighting with the manager again. Eventually, she left.
But then she came back a few minutes later with things she was buying, she had like a giant wad of cash, and they were all 100's!!! Like, how does someone make that much at Walmart? There was something fishy going on for sure!
So the lady was on line, and I was near the registers doing something else and then the bitch screams "IS ANYONE GOING TO RING ME UP!" So I said loudly "I"M COMING!" Because I could not stand this evil bitch, and I wanted her face implanted into the concrete by this time.
I ring up her items quickly, trying to get her out of the store!! At the end, I asked her, would you like to leave a phone number so you don't have any problems? And she declines, and starts walking away before I could give 12 cents to her.
I'm just like... really?! Because not leaving your phone number is what got you into this mess in the first place!
I was just happy she was gone, and everyone that was on registers, were all talking about this crazy bitch. I told them, I really wanted to jump over the register and slap her! Like I was getting so angry, she was so nasty to the manager because she can't follow the rules!!
The thing that annoyed me, was that she kept being nasty to the manager, and would turn to me and call me Honey. Like BITCH! You're being a douche to someone that I know, and you're being nice to me!? EXCUSE ME!! But I can see your personality HO!! It's not pleasant!!!
It's like, no wonder Walmart doesn't give you hours! You're NUTS!!! You probably steal from them and you're probably a lousy worker, and suck at existing!
After the two nut jobs, I was doing various things around the store, and I saw Fantasia clock in and I was like, so you missed it! I told her about the two crazy customers we had.
The manager was really upset, she was saying how she's always doing favors for customers, and going the extra line, and this is how some of them treat her! She was really upset! I mean, this is a woman who bought a jacket for herself, and gave it to a customer so she could get a donation for the coat coupon. One time, Fantasia was going to buy a coat, but didn't have enough money to buy it. She bought the coat for the her! Or another time where she drove a disabled customer to their house, because she was having a hard time getting around!
She's such a great person, everyone likes her, and she's always buying things for people!
You know what they say, things come in threes! The last crazy customer was a person on the phone, the fun thing is, I have only gotten one rude customer on the phone! That is this time...
This lady calls up, and she asked if she could return a coat because the zipper broke. She purchased it two weeks ago. I asked her if it was used, she said her daughter wore it twice. I told her, unfortunately because it's been worn already, we cannot take it back, and no one will buy a coat from us if it's used. I told her, to check the manufacturer and they may be able to help, she told me it was a weird company.
She repeated herself a few times, I told her, once it's used you cannot return it! Then she told me that the zipper broke from the hood, so it was a coat that has an attachable hood and the hood would not go back on.
She told me that if she comes in a week, or two from now, and says to the cashier that it was not a used coat that she could get a refund for it? I said no, because she told me that she used it already!
So she tells me the same story again, if I return it without saying it's a used coat can I get my money back... I told her no you cannot because you just told me that you used it already! By this time, I noticed Fantasia was walking by, and she saw me yelling at this nut on the phone!
The lady asked to speak to a manager, so I gave the manager the phone and she was explaining the same thing I said to the woman. Apparently she wasn't getting it.
The manager eventually said that if she has the tag and the receipt, she'll allow for the return to be done. But that's when the lady told her that she didn't have the receipt anymore and the coat did not have a tag on it either, so the manager told her that she cannot do anything without the receipt and the price tag! The lady told the manager that she was a terrible manager, and that she was a an F*n piece of S#it and hung up!
Meanwhile, the manager was trying to help her!
If there's no proof of purchase, there's no price tag, and it's by a weird company, how would we even look it up in our systems? Customers fail to have any logic whatsoever!
So a little while later, the manager was upset ,and I was walking with her to the back of the store and she was telling me how she feels like someone is trying to see if she'll quit today. Like as if someone was watching her and making these crazy people attack her! The weird thing is, the lady on the phone new the managers name!? She thought maybe it was someone playing a trick on her, but that was also when Fantasia came by.
She told us that she spoke with the crazy lady on the phone again, and this time she asked for the manager's name. Even though she said before the name of the manager. Fantasia told the customer the manager's first name, but not last name because she didn't think it was a good idea. The customer was yelling at her too, so she just hung up on the customer! XD
I said that we need to have fake names, and that I will be "Maya Jameson"! The manager said she'll be Bambi, and Fantasia said she'll be Clarissa! I said we already have a Clarissa, and we don't want to get someone in trouble by accident! Then she thought of the name Cynthia, I was like, we have someone with that name too! She was like Damn, all the good names are taken! So she decided that she will be Fantasia! Her middle name!
I have to say, I've never seen so many psychopaths in one day at work! Usually there is just one a week! But you can tell the Holidays are "A Comin' ", because the customers become even bigger douche-bags than they were before!
Later on, I was doing stuff on the floor and then I was called up to the front.
I saw the manager on the floor with Fantasia, so something else was going on now! Apparently, Fantasia collapsed on the floor and was having terrible chest pains, she was clammy and had her hand over her chest!
She was ringing up a customer at the time and I took over ringing this guy up, the manager needed to call for help so she asked anyone for a phone, the customer let her have his phone. I handed it to the manager and I said, I am not good with phones.
While on the phone, the manager was making funny faces, because apparently the people on the other line were really stupid. XD
Eventually, I rung up the customer and he came back when the purchase was done to make sure everything was okay.
Fantasia could walk, but she kept holding her chest and said she was in terrible pain!
The ambulance arrived, and she was taken away.
I was explaining to the manager, the last thing we need is for someone to die in the store! Because one of the guys that worked there last year, said he worked for a non-affiliated store, and was there for a year and a half, and three people died in the store while he was there!
One man OD'd in the bathroom, another lady just had a heart attack and died in a manager's arms....
Fortunately, nothing bad happened after that. There was a sense of calm starting to come to me, and I felt like nothing else could happen that day.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.

Thursday, November 12, 2015
I love Bing! But no one else does...
What I also liked about Bing, was it not only has an interactive front page with a changing image for each day, but it also tells you about certain things that are depicted in the image of the day.
I started to use Bing more, because Google just has this boring white background and a logo that doesn't really change that often (Except when there is a holiday, etc.). While Bing has an inventive image of the day, I started to like it more. I'm an artist, I love colors and interesting things, Google may have a colorful logo, but it's just so plain and boring. I like variety, I like vibrant and colorful things, and Bing leans more to it. This is what sold me to use Bing instead of Google.
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Picture by me. This is the kind of pictures you could see on Bing. |
As I started to use Bing, I also noticed some cool things that Google does not have! Or at-least did not have when I used to use it!
For starters, when you're looking up for a definition of a word, it will actually pop up on the search engine, as somewhat of a tip so you don't even have to go onto a website to find out what the word means. It even has someone saying the word, so if you don't know how to pronounce it, you'll find out how to. I just checked Google and it has the same thing, except it doesn't have the voice over.
The interesting thing is Google has a chart about what time period the word is used and Bing has other words that go with it, so they both uniquely have a different twist on it.
Bing and Google have the same type of translator, where you just put in the term and it automatically translates! I just learned how to say, "I speak no Spanish, suck on a turkey!". (Hablo no espanol chupar un pavo!)
But enough about that, eventually I moved to Bing, and I just find it to be a more attractive and physically beautiful search engine, while Google is just very plain and boring.
But what I dislike, is that there are so many Bing haters out there! I like Bing, other people don't, but I don't go around saying Google is stupid, or anything like that. But meanwhile, anytime someone mentions Bing online, it's to make fun of Bing. It's super rude! Like why do people waste their time complaining about something they don't use? No one likes haters, and you’ll never be invited to any fun parties anymore! I just dislike all the hate it gets, and I actually get defensive with my friends when I say I like Bing, because I’m so used to people being assholes about it.
If someone doesn't like something, they should move on, and not be rude about it.
PS. Any Bing hate will be deleted. However, if you have a normal comment on why you use Google, that is fine.
EDIT (Dec 2017): I will be posting Bing hate below! Some people were like, I've never seen anyone hate on Bing... Well, there it is!
Twitter Post

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
So much wasted time
What better to start a new year by getting rid of the garbage, and starting a new year with a fresh face!
Almost a year later, after falling really hard for a guy who turned out to be straight. I'm doing great! I had gotten over my crush on that guy from work, thanks to my friend, who helped me get through it. The last few months he was there, everything went fine. I wasn't all up in his "grill" anymore, although to the point where I had not much to say to him, it's weird, when I was into him, I was always talking to him and asking him questions, but once I got over him, I just felt like I couldn't talk to him anymore. It wasn't the same, and I felt like I couldn't talk to him about the interests that we had in common. I felt he didn't want to talk about those things. But what annoys me, is that now that he is no longer working at my place of employment, he decided to add everyone on facebook! Which he once told me, he doesn't add co-workers on facebook. Which was a lie since he added managers and one co-worker (Whom he went to a party with). When I tried to add him, I was like oh, he's adding everyone now, that's cool. He denied me! You can tell if someone denies you on Facebook, if it says friend request sent, instead of pending, it means they either didn't accept or just didn't get it yet, but if it says add friend after you've already pressed the add friend button before. This means they declined your friend request! I was curious to see, because someone brought it up. (If you decline a few times, it goes away, I had a problem with this homophobe one time and found out that after declining so much, it just doesn't work anymore) So there it was, add friend, not friend request sent..
It's really annoying, because I thought it all went fine! I had thought that we were good, so why not add me?? I mean, I had the biggest crush on this guy for two and a half months. I couldn't stop thinking about him, being around him made me feel amazing, and like no one could hurt me, because he was there. I had this guy on my mind 24/7, which had never happened to me before. I was literally not attracted to anyone else for the whole time that I was into him, I completely stopped all of my artwork and story ideas because I wanted to get to know him better. It was also weird, because a few of my horoscopes said my life was supposed to change for the better, right around the time he started, especially in the romantic sector.
Right before I got over him, there were a few things that had happened. For starters, when I found out he was straight and had a girlfriend, I was depressed for 4 days to the point that I couldn't eat, and I was nauseous. After that, I started going through a healing process. Unfortunately, at work, one co-worker made a joke that he would be cute with a girl co-worker, and that hurt my feelings so much, that the drive home, I had tears in my eyes, and I didn't get any sleep that night either. That was also the night I found out that he had added someone on facebook, when he told me that he doesn't add co-workers.
After that, everything he would do would make me depressed. On a side note, it also bothered me that he referred to me as "Guy", like seriously that annoys me, I have a name you know!
Enough was enough, I was texting my one friend Donna, and after an hour and a half long talk. She helped me get over him once and for all, It was for real this time too. One of the problems I had, was that "You never know" attitude. I've heard of stories where a straight guy falls for a man, so I just kept hoping that would happen. Another problem was, I thought I saw signs, one time I went to a fair and a guy there had him on facebook. How crazy is it to bump into a random person that is friends with your crush?!
After that, I went through a bit of a mourning process, but I had also risen like a phoenix. I needed something to draw my attention away from him, so I started a new save of my favorite video game series, Suikoden and started with the fourth installment (Which is the earliest in the timeline). Playing my favorite series, really did help me with the grieving and getting over process and I needed my mind to think about something else for a change.
After that, everything was normal again. I wasn't into him anymore, I wasn't heartbroken, I was normal again.
I didn't really talk to him much afterwards, I just felt like I had nothing to say to him, it's like he became uninteresting. That, and I felt like he wanted to talk about normal things like drinking, or going to a bar, not anime and video games.
Even though I didn't have a crush on him anymore, and I didn't talk to him much. I still wanted to be his friend! I like having friends! I didn't have any straight guy friends either, it would have been nice!
Ironically enough, I ended up hitting it off with another guy from work, who is now a good friend of mine and my first real straight guy friend in real life. Like they say, when one door closes, another opens.
After I got over him, I noticed he would be kind of a jerk, and I wasn't sure if he was being a jerk, because sometimes I'll get offended by jokes. But I was right, someone else had mentioned he can be a jerk, and another person even said he was arrogant! He acts all high and mighty, but then doesn't know what the heck he's doing!
He also had a tendency to flirt with all of the girls at work, even though he has a girlfriend. Some people think it's ok, others do not. But he was mean to my one friend, just because she said hi to him once when he was with his girlfriend, he would also go out of his way and call my other friend gorgeous.
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This is a drawing I made of him, he's wearing a holiday outfit. Back in 2017, I drew the two guys I liked from 2015-2017. Also added this guy, who liked me in the drawing. |
It just bugs me, I was chasing after him for two, and a half months! I completely stopped all of my career projects to chase after this guy, because I was like addicted to him, like he was some kind of drug. In the end, I wasted two and a half months over nothing, and then all I wanted to do was be his friend and he doesn't even want to be my friend! Like really?! I had a dream about him, where he was my friend!! Yet in real life it doesn't happen! It's amazing to me, how much you can like someone and then one thing happens, and you start to dislike them! I just wish I could get the time back, that I wasted on him, I also want to know how he knows this guy I went to college with!
Not to mention, I wasted my time over him, when there was another person I could have talked to, but because I was so into him, I had no desire to. So not only did I waste my time chasing him, but he also screwed me for other opportunities, because I had my head in the clouds.
I kind of wish he knew how I felt about everything, how much I liked him, and how much I dislike him now because he was a jerk the whole time! My friends have been very supportive, they were there for me when I was into him, and there for me now that I'm not into him.. in fact one of them said they hope he rots. XD
My one friend Victor isn't going to let this go, he'll always remind me of the time I was crushing on this asshole. lmao
I'm not going to let him get the better of me, I'm moving on to bigger and better things now!
I guess the only good thing that came out of it was, I know what it's like to fall for someone, I know what heartbreak feels like.. and now I know how to dance! The latter is the most fun!
It's crazy to think,
Here's a timeline...
March 2015 - I met the guy and become infatuated with him.
April 2015 - I found out he was straight, had a girlfriend, was depressed for a while and still chasing after him. This is because I was experiencing "Limerence", a chemical reaction in the brain, that makes you "head over heels in love" with someone else.
May 2015 - I was into him until my friend had a conversation with me on the 20th of May.
June 2015 - Became friends with someone else from work.
July-August 2015 - My life turns normal again, and I barely spoke to him.
September 2015 - He disappears from work, went to my first gay village, went to a nudist hotel for men only, saw drag queen shows and went to an underwear party! (This was the thing I needed to get over this guy)
October 2015 - Tried adding him on facebook, didn't work, BY FELICIA!
One or two of my friends were worried I was upset and actually, I'm not. I'm just annoyed, because I wasted my time on this idiot way back when. You know what, after this blog post.. I don't care about him anymore! Time to move one and over, more interesting people to meet in my life than dumpster juice anyways!
I wanted to make this post, to not only show others a story that happened to me in the past year. But I also want this to be a guide, I want people to allow themselves to put on a logical hat. If you have a crush, you have to be careful, make sure they like your gender, make sure they're into you. Because what you might think is flirting, may not be flirting at all! You could waste lot's of time on someone, just for it to never even happen! This person could turn out to be a jerk, just like it did for me. Last but not least, never stop anything you're doing for someone you don't know likes you or not! I stopped making stories and drawing and all that jazz to chase after him, but meanwhile, that's 2 and a half months of not being productive, when the arts are my career goal!

Sunday, September 27, 2015
Norma and Norma
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Her black shoes don't appear in my current black background on the site, so it looks like she has not feet. lol |

Why I'm not a fan of strict policies..
Let me tell you, when I was 16, I frequented Wikipedia and half of the stuff I edited either got fixed or deleted. Now, I'll understand for a good portion that I was an idiot who didn't know how to spell, use proper grammar and punctuation, (In fact, I still don't always do proper punctuation, but I try!). But there were so many things that I put in, that were useful facts, and info that were just deleted! For the most part, I am talking about the page for the game, Kya Dark Lineage. The Wikipedia page that I started! As you can see Here.
Wikipedia goes by a very strict set of rules, and I'll understand to a degree that a clean up must be done. But I feel like some people are just sticklers, and they want the least amount of info for a Wikipedia page possible. It has to be so by the book, that in the end, lot's of useful information is deleted at the drop of a hat This will actually discourage people to not even bother with it, such as myself, who doesn't bother with editing on Wikipedia anymore.
I had recently edited the Kya page back in 2012, and I found out that my edit was removed completely a few years later! If you ask me, finding out that the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, were going to name the female lead "Kya", but chose not to due to a video game character with the same name. I'd say that's a very interesting bit of info! A hidden gem of a game that no one knows about, actually influenced a character's name from a popular show! That's just great! Yet, it was removed a while back.
As I look back to the Wikipedia page for Kya, I noticed in the history, that lot's of information was deleted and then someone goes around and puts a tag saying it needs to be re-written! Well yeah, if someone else didn't delete everything!
It's just very aggravating in my opinion, that's why I don't even bother anymore, because anything I put down gets deleted in the long run. Meanwhile, I'm like the only person that cares enough to write about Kya in the first place!
This is also why I enjoy Wiki's better, because they tend to be less strict and more free. However, sticklers can still abound and it really depends on who the administrators of the wiki are.
Wiki's, like the Kya Dark Lineage wiki, which I created. I'm very carefree and I'll allow many things, and since I'm the admin, I can do whatever I want (As long as it doesn't go against Wikia's rules, of course.). I've even added a few non Kya related articles in there, but usually pertaining to a few similar games. This is to create more activity, and views, and interest in similar things.
I also edit on the Suikoden Wiki, which also has breezy admins and it's fun to be on (I've also been made an admin on there as well).
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Picture by me |
I was disappointed to find out that my edit on the Tales of Legendia wiki was deleted, as there is a character named Norma, who is very similar to the Norma in Suikoden. Apparently, It's not good enough because the characters aren't made by the same company. which in my opinion is silly, but I find these character similarities interesting, and someone else was the one that pointed it out to me!
Another instance as to strict policies, are particular people at my job. There are certain higher ups who will get you in trouble just because you took two extra minutes on your break, or because you talked to someone for two minutes. Yes because if I talk to my friend for 2 minutes, the world will explode, all is lost, and no work will ever be able to get done! Because that two minutes, out of the 8 hours I am there was the most time consuming, and wasteful two minutes of the entire existence of the planet! Not to mention, if I don't talk to anyone interesting and I have to deal with one more douche bag customer, I'll punch them (Customer) in the face and walk out! Talking to friends allows me not to cut a bitch! It would also put me in a better mood!
(Please realize, I am exaggerating with the violence though...)
The irony, is this manager had to talk to my friend for 5-10 minutes about how you shouldn't be talking to people at work and how you should be working...... what.... (Oh, the irony!)
In 2018, I worked for a company that would have your head if you were a minute late coming in, or even if you were on break. One minute is not going to ruin the business, I promise. Which is funny because, the manual even said you were allowed a 4 minute grace period. Which they didn't care about their own rules.
I told my friend Stephanie about this, she said they needed to calm their tits, it's only a minute! I said, that's something I would say! She said "See, this is why we're friends!". lol
What I'm trying to say is, I dislike strict policies and sometimes everyone should take things less seriously and take them in between silly and serious. Some rules are good and some are good to be mended. You can't take things too seriously, or you'll have a dull life.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.

Sunday, September 6, 2015
What I really like is, Sango from the anime Inuyasha, does something similar. She uses a giant boomerang, that's probably 6 feet tall, and every time she uses it on a giant monster, it's used in a way that makes sense. She doesn't hit the enemy directly, but to the side of the enemy, where it would still have enough speed and power to come back. (Like in the anime, one time, she throws it at a giant serpent, or snake monster [I don't remember what it was], and it only attacked the very outside of the creature, somewhat bruising, it, if you will. Because it's so big, and heavy, I believe she easily knocks down human sized foes rather quickly.)
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Millie |
In the show The Arrow, Captain Boomerang appears, and he actually has many boomerangs under his coat, he uses them like sharp knives, and some of them come back in certain circumstances. I think this was the most realistic way to bring Boomerangs as an actual weapon, in the modern day.
I like that people are starting to give them a realistic aspect to them. I've always been fascinated by them and I wish they would be used more in video games, and other media. One of my favorite anime, Shangri La, has Kuniko Hojo. She uses a giant metal boomerang, and it's strong enough to cut through a tank turret! Kuniko uses her metal boots to kick the boomerang, in order to stop it. (If she grabbed it with her hand, it would probably tear her arm off. The metal on her boots, would probably soak the damage, so it would stop the boomerang) Shangri-La is one of my favorite anime, but not only because Kuniko has an awesome weapon, but also because it's an awesome anime!
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Faylen |
Then you also have Faylen, another character from the Suikoden franchise, that appears in Suikoden V. Who has a big metal boomerang. The interesting thing about Faylen, is that she has a metal glove on her right hand, which adds the realistic element, of her having to catch it, without cutting her whole hand/arm off. (Similar to Kuniko's boots). There is also the addition of Sialeeds, and Sharmista, in Suikoden V Whom have Chakrams, a circular weapon that is thrown. In many games such as Suikoden, or Tales of the Abyss, characters that have chakrams, have the capability of having the chakram come back to them, like a boomerang. Interestingly enough, Suikoden V allows characters to use skills to buff themselves in battle. Sharmista, and Sialeeds have a "Long Throw" ability (Which is the rare chance to attack all enemies because of it's boomerang like qualities, similar attacks can be seen in Chrono Cross, and Final Fantasy 13), Faylen does not have this. (I theorize it's because she has a Treasure Hunt ability, that cannot be removed, since she's a bandit character.)
In it's spiritual successor, Suikoden Tierkreis, various characters can use a boomerang as their weapon, including the main character. Unlike the original Suikoden games, where the characters keep their weapon and upgrade it by going to a blacksmith. Tierkreis has the characters swap out weapons for stronger upgrades, the Chakram, is one of the upgrades. The character Taj, starts with one.
A few of the Boomerang upgrades look similarly to previous installment's weapons, there is one that looks like Millie's, Faylen's, and Sialeeds/Sharmista. The rest are all original, and one even looks like a Ninja Shuriken, which has been used as a normal long range weapon by Sasuke, in Suikoden II. (For images of the Boomerangs in Suikoden Tierkreis, check out the Weapon gallery on the wiki!)
Drawing by me. |
Van from Chrono Cross |
There is another character, Mel who I like too and uses a boomerang.
Suikoden V takes place much earlier (9 years earlier) than the second game, so technically, Faylen & Millie are different ages. But in their games, they are both 14. at that moment in time. When I first played Suikoden II, and Chrono Cross, I was about 10 years old. I also related to them due to being a similar age to them at the time.

Saturday, September 5, 2015
I've been working on two wiki's recently, the Suikoden Wiki a wiki about the Video Game Series Suikoden! As well as the wiki I made, for the game Kya Dark Lineage. The Kya Dark Lineage Wiki!
I also helped out the Saint October wiki, and the Goulart Knights wiki as well!
Check them out!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Why some people are trash
Today at work, I had one of the worst customers I've ever had! In the almost three years I've been working retail, I have had plenty of nasty, screaming, psychotic, douche-bags, that belong in mental facilities with a sign that says
But the dick basket I had today, definitely earned her way to the top 5 worst customers I've ever had!
For those who do not know, I work in the Home Department of a store. There are plenty of times where I have to help ring customers up, due to the lack of cashiers. So it was like any other day, I was all the way in the back of the store, in the warehouse sector when they called me up to ring. I wasn't sure if they wanted me to ring, because there were only 4 people online, so I thought that was weird....
I call a customer up and I'm like, oh good this lady is just buying a pair of pants, this will be quick, and I can ring up everyone and go back on the floor! Little did I know, this lady was a huge dick-basket!
At first, all was fine. I ring up the pants, and then she puts down a coupon on the counter. I scan the coupon, the coupon is applied, but it doesn't work. It says she gained 0.00 for the discount. So I was like, that's weird, let me scan it again. It still didn't do anything. I'm reading what it says, and it doesn't say anything about requirements, or why it's not working. (Some stores require you to reach a price limit, quantity limit, or only works on a certain departments product.) Sometimes, we'll get coupons for the home department only, and obviously a pair of pants is not home, so I was reading it for anything weird.
But there's nothing weird about the coupon, it just won't scan for some reason. I tell the customer that I'll be right back, and that the coupon isn't working. The customer makes some remark about how it's wasting her time. She said, that I should just put the discount in the computer, and she was very rude about it. I gave her a stronger voice because she was being nasty, and I said, I can't do it, I'm not a supervisor, let me get a supervisor. Just from that I knew this was going to be a problematic customer.
I go over to get the supervisor, she did what I did, scanning the coupon, reading the description of the coupon. The lady makes a rude remark saying that we obviously got the coupon before, and she didn't understand why it was taking so long. She was so rude, just for a minor inconvenience, that wasn't even our fault! She was being a total bitch! The supervisor said, that she has never seen this coupon before. (Ironically, the coupon expired the next day) As the Supervisor and I are trying to figure out what is wrong with the coupon, a random lady comes up to the customer, it was one of her friends... All of a sudden, this BITCH turns into such a nice lady to her friend. They're like, oh my god, I haven't seen you, how are you doing. Once her friend leaves, she turns right back into the devil herself. I was thinking to myself, does your friend know how UNPLEASANT YOU ARE?!
The supervisor fixes the problem, and as she walks away, the customer leans in and says "I'm so sorry for wasting your time". But the way she said it, was that's what she wanted the Supervisor to say to her! I thought to myself, is this bitch serious?! As a cashier, I hand the customer the money, and the receipt, but the customer just said that she wanted it into the bag. I put it all in the bag, and then she gives me an attitude and goes, NO, JUST THE RECEIPT! Then she has the nerve to say, it must be your first day, and walks away! As she walked away, I whispered to myself, KILL YOURSELF!!! I have never wanted someone to die before, this bitch was so nasty and rude! I can't even BEGIN to explain what I felt!. All I had was anger and rage! I had my fingers in a curl, as if I had claws, because all I wanted to do was claw her neck off!
The girl next to me, on register, was like, she was so mean to you! I feel so bad!
The lady was just so rude, and unpleasant, I'm absolutely amazed this bitch even has friends!? What does her family think of her?! How can such piece of low life scum, have friends??
She was such a horrible person, that I really hope she just like gets tortured somehow. Like some people need to be punched into the face, and then body slammed into concrete ,and I think it should be legal to punch rude people in the face, it could solve many problems you know!
I was just in awe, usually customers are nice at first, but she was mean from beginning to the end, she was unsavory! Not a good person, I could tell she was evil. Like some people are just jerks, but I could tell that she was not a nice person, and that she has evil in her inner being.
The good thing though, is I don't think she'll be back. Since she had that coupon, it probably meant she just wanted a deal, which is weird because she bought 9.99 pants. She got 20% off, so it became 7.99. Why would anyone make such a big deal out of something so stupid, and minimal?? If I was to use a coupon, I'd want to use it on something expensive, so I could get my moneys worth!
At the end of the purchase, we're supposed to ask for a phone number, for return purposes, if customers lose the receipt, we can look up the purchase through the phone number. I didn't even bother to ask the lady because she was just so unpleasant, I just wanted her gone! It just amazes me as to how foul this woman was.
The funny thing was, the only reason why I put the receipt and money in the bag, was because she was such a terrible person, that I just wanted her gone. I was just rushing to get her out of the store. If she was actually a decent human being (If you could call her that, I like demon of the underworld or dumpster juice better), maybe I wouldn't have been so rattled, and payed more attention to everything I was doing.
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A proper portrayal of what the customer looked like. |
It was also annoying because she looked like one of my teachers from Highschool, but I know it wasn't her. Not to mention the teacher I had was a very sweet lady, and this customer clearly lives in satans butt-hole.
I was telling this story to everyone at work, but I feel like I wasn't explaining it very properly.
One person said that there's obviously something wrong with her, one girl said that customer was such a brat! One of the guys said that many of these customers are jut losers! I agree, like why treat people like that? I hope someone treats that lady like she's trash, because she's nothing but dumpster juice anyways.
I was telling someone, that it's just going to get worse again since the holidays are coming up. People are at their worst during the holidays, and I was just thinking, I have to hurry and get myself a new job! (Which I didn't get until 2018.)
I had remembered my friend saying something a few months ago, and I have this on recording actually. But he was saying about how he wishes we could just shoot people in the face, and how cashiers need cattle prods for stupid customers! XD I was starting to think maybe we should get cattle prods! Teach them not to mess with anyone and be decent people to others!
See, I feel if people actually got punished for being jerks, that maybe they would stop being such horrible wastes of space!
No one should ever treat a random stranger like she did, I have no respect for this woman. As a great saying goes I hope she gets what she deserves! It's like the nicest, and meanest thing you can say to someone. But I just wish people like her didn't exist, and I hope Karma hits her really good!
The story of the day kids is that some people are scum, and being called trash is just too good for them, and that they are nothing but dumpster juice!
On top of that, on my way home. I saw the bus that I used to take, and the creepy bus driver that asked me disturbing sexual questions, was the one driving! I got a gross feeling all of a sudden.
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs
are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail
Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
What I think about guns
In my opinion, guns should be illegal, and there is literally no reason to have them in the modern world. All guns do, is kill people, that is literally the only purpose for them. I don't care what people say, they still kill people. It's a 50/50 thing really, the person, and the gun both kill someone else.
There are about 250,000 gun deaths a year, and America, takes about half of that.
There's really no point in anyone having a gun, we're supposed to be a civilized & Technological society by now. Guns should be a thing of the past. According to the link above, about 9% of gun deaths, are accidental. (That's bigger than it should be)
There are one too many kids, grabbing guns accidentally/intentionally, and killing themselves, or someone else. Under NO circumstances, should a kid be around a gun ever! I would hope everyone can agree on that!
The fact of the matter is, if guns did not exist AT ALL there wouldn't be as much gun death in America, or any other country. In Japan, Australia and England, guns are illegal. Unfortunately, in England, the gun crime rate is up by 30%. Japan on the other-hand, has little to no gun crime rate at all, and has very strict precautions on owning a gun. Australia, also has a similar story as well.
People just wouldn't really bother if they had to kill someone with a knife or some other item. In fact, in Australia a man robbed a bank with a Boomerang! Of course without guns, people will come up with other ideas for violence and thieving, but as it already has been demonstrated by other countries, most people wouldn't bother if they couldn't use guns to do illegal acts.
Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem with guns if they didn't get in the wrong hands. If every person that had a gun was safe, and not a serial killer, crazy person or a thief, then I would have no problem with that. But the fact of the matter is, the world is filled with lunatics that should not be around people at all! Unfortunately, as much as I hate guns, and they should be banned. It's not going to work like that, the only way, is to find a solution, of getting rid of guns that are in the wrong hands. Once that happens, then there could be an easier way to, at least control them.
On a side note, the irony here. Is the people most likely to shoot up a place, are probably mentally ill and aren't getting the treatment that they should be receiving. But when someone is having mental issues, and talks about it to others, they are usually shunned for it. So, in a way, Americans may have done this to themselves for being so ignorant and not resolving the problem properly.

How to win an argument on the internet
I'm here to tell you how to win an argument on the Internet, even if you don't actually win.
First off, check out the prequel to this post here.
Recently, I caused World War 5 on social media between a few people that I know. I was neutral on the subject, but my friends were not! A war broke out between them! It was 2 against 1.
I didn't side with anyone, as I was not getting involved what so ever! So, I gathered information and found out what had happened and I kept my opinions to myself because I didn't want to start another war! Plus, I just wanted to know what happened between my friends on the site.
Regardless who I thought was right or wrong, there was one key factor! There was one thing that all three people did wrong, and I'll tell you what it was. They all flamed each other; they used nasty, derogatory insults to each other. Now, what I was thinking is this, if they had used intellect, wits and logic, they most likely wouldn't have had a fight in the first place.
• A common mistake about Internet arguments, is to get heated! Never get heated; use your logic and strong powerful words of knowledge and wisdom to win the fight appropriately.
What NOT to do
• Flame the other person and or use nasty insults.
What to do
• Use good words, be respectful and use facts and even links to good sources to back your claims.
• Agree to disagree, be polite and courteous to someone you disagree with.
Now, here are my non existent, lovely assistants here, to point to you, the examples on how to win and not to win an argument over the Internet.
What not to do

I can feel my head!
Who invited this freak?! Get a life ya ugly looser! Ya'll are stupid, you iz gunna die if you go to dangerous spots!
I think guns should be legal, we just have to have stricter gun laws, preventing guns getting in the wrong hands.
Although I don't agree with guns being legal, I see your points in your argument.
We may never come to an agreement, but I understand your opinions and I hope you understand mine.
Although I disagree with your stance, I understand where you are coming from. We disagree with each other, but I think we both have valid points on our argument and I respect your opinion as you do mine.
I want a pet lobster!
See, what I'm trying to get across is this... instead of going psycho on someone because you don't agree with another person.... use proper wording, intellect and sense in the argument you're trying to get across; the most important thing is to respect the other person! No flaming and no rude words!
Even if the other person is nasty the whole time; if you're respectful and nice, it'll show others that you're the bigger and better person!
Someone at work called me ugly!
But you are ugly!
You're not ugly! You're beautiful just the way you are! Besides, it's what's inside that counts! Obviously, they are ugly on the inside!
U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi, you ugly, yeah yeah, you ugly!
Don't listen to them haters, it says more about them than it does you.
Thanks guys! I won't take others harsh words to heart, I know that just by being a better person, that I am better than them.
I like tomatoes!
By using your smarts, being respectful and courteous you'll win the argument; even if you're wrong. The best thing we can do when we are wrong, is to understand that you were wrong in the first place and understanding is the most important thing. We have to be open minded enough to also understand when we aren't correct, and then changing our thoughts in the process to know what is right and what is incorrect.
Tomatoes are Vegetables!
Actually, Tomatoes are a fruit.
Oh, ok. Tomatoes are a fruit!
BITCH! You are a fruit! A fruit-loop!
Here's my research on why a Tomato is a fruit.
Here's what I found on why you're a looser!
Last, but not least, don't be a, lame llama! This may or may not be related to the topic at hand, I just really wanted to say that.... #don'tjudgemeho