Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sometimes I feel like the only homo in the world

I request, that you play "Only girl in the world" by Rihanna while reading this!

Sometimes I feel like the only homo in the world, and even like I don't exist. The reason for this is as follows...

For starters, LGBT people on tv shows, and even in the public eye are scarce. There are not many lgbt characters on tv, and when there are, their love life is never explored, or they are side characters... I also noticed that most of these shows GET CANCELED!! (EX: Happy Endings and Southland).
Without powerful gay characters, I feel alone because tv isn't pressing on the romance, and stories that I relate to. It's always about heterosexual couples, or women!

The main reason why I feel like the only homo in the world is because everyone around is me is a heterosexual, all of my friends in the real world, are heterosexual except for my friend Victor.
I have on gay cousin on my father's side that I never see.

At work, all of my co-workers were heterosexual as well. When I worked in a mail room, I was the only gay one out of like 8, and I met 16 different people during a 4 month period,  I was the only gay one. (One of them was really rude, and had to ask me how I knew I was gay, if I've never been with a woman. How ignorant can someone be, I should have asked him how he knows he's not gay, if he hasn't been with a man. )
At my second job in a big office, I was yet again the only homosexual, except for this one guy that I didn't see too often..
At my current job in retail I have met over 50 people and only one of them were gay, in which she got let go months ago.

It's just like wherever I go everyone is ALWAYS STRAIGHT, and I'm the only gay one, and it really annoys and bothers me. I feel so isolated and out of place, especially when people are talking about the opposite gender, especially if they ask me if I have a girlfriend, I'll just say no, but I am always too shy to say I like dudes.

I feel like the only homo in the world, because no one else around me is.

I actually have more LGBT friends online, where as in the real world, I know about 1.

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