Sunday, May 22, 2016

Vampire Holmes

I really like how I made the bats in this banner. I'll have to use this trick again sometime!

Vampire Holmes is a very quirky little short series anime, that only I liked, and watched. There is no one else in the world who has watched this anime, except me.. Also, the intro theme is catchy, and fun!

There are good, funny, random anime's like Bobobo or Strange+. Vampire Holmes would fit that bill, especially since no one liked Strange+, or Bobobo, except for me. (Actually, not true, my brother likes Bobobo as well)
Vampire Holmes kind of random is so random, that I just don't even know what's going on! It's just like, "Huh? What? Huh?"...
The anime refuses to make much sense, there is however a two-parter from episodes 6-7.. Which I thought was surprising.

 I think the animation is good, apparently everyone hates it, but I have no problem with it. The ending scene for each episode has this beautifully done background of the galaxy, which I think is so pretty!

The music is good, they have this cool song called "Everlasting Love" by Nami Tamaki, which I wish was longer... because it's actually pretty good!

 The characters I find are likable, except they aren't very fleshed out due to it being such a short anime! I would love to see what they could actually do with the characters, but no such luck!

 The main focus, I find is they made this to advertise their game of the same name. I checked it up on the app store, and the reviews for the game are actually good. (Despite it only being two reviews, don't judge me...) It does make me want to check the game out, but it's not in English, so not much luck. It just makes me wonder if the characters are this silly in the actual game!

(The game is for IOS & Android.)

My verdict is, I've seen anime's that bored me to death, this anime is not one of them.. Vampire Holmes is just "whatever" to me, so I don't mind it, but I'm not "OmG tHiS iS tHe BeSt AnImE eVeR" Either.

Two more things..

1. The weird thing, the main character's name is Vampire Holmes, and yet there is no reference of him being a Vampire. I assume it's an in-game only thing, but still kind of strange.

2. One of the things I did like, is that there is a very SLIGHT homo-erotic undertone, it really only appeared once or twice, but I thought that was interesting. Quick! To the YAOI Mobile!!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Retail Stories: What cuckoo juice were they drinking?

I'm going to start a new segment on this blog, although it'll probably only last for as long as I am in retail, unless I get stories from friends and stuff...

Retail Stories will be about all of the crazy stuff that I've heard about, or have witnessed in the store that I work at.I can't give a name of the company, but I can say that it's similar to Marshals. (And no, it's not Marshals, I wouldn't be caught in a marshals! Rude! :P jk)

As per post, I'll list stories of a specific genre. I'll list a few times I had to deal with jerks, or maybe crazy people, or that one time when I found a mug filled with pee! (True Story). I'll keep them in the same genre, so you can laugh your ass off, disgust yourself in humanity or get mad (Don't get mad, get glad!!!!).
I'll be linking any stories I've written on this blog in the past under "Retail Stories", so click retail Stories, or check the retail stories tag below for any other previous stories that I've written about.

Okay, so most of the stories for today will be short and recent for the most part! (The first is an oldie, but the second and last are from the last few weeks of the date posted.)

I'mma Psychic, Woooooo *Wiggles Fingers* 

One time around last year, one of the ladies that used to work with me in my department told me about this one elderly woman. She was hunched down because she had a crippling back. (Like the hunchback of Notre Dame) The lady turned to my co-worker and told her, "The Luggage has psychic!". That was all she said, the luggage had psychic! She didn't clarify what she meant, or how she meant it, just that it had psychic!

Although this is probably a sad story, since clearly the woman has some sort of problem. It's still a strange thing to happen!

Take your pants off!

This male customer decided to take his pants off, for the whole world to see, so he could try clothes in broad daylight. He was sitting on a bench by the shoe department, he didn't even try to go into the fitting room! This guy was asking every employee where his pants were, because he lost them! His pants had his wallet, phone, and keys. He was obnoxious about it, and the supervisor and the security guy were helping him look for them. The Supervisor asked him where he started, he said by the shoes. She says, are those your pants right there on the top shelf of the shoe rack? He was like, those are my pants!

They were right where he left them! 

This nut job took his pants off, and left them on the rack, and forgot about them!! If he had went into a fitting room like a normal person, he would not have lost his pants in the first place! Is this not public indecency or something??
He also had a little girl with him, and she peed her pants because she had to go to the bathroom, and he wouldn't let her! He decided to throw the wet pants on the shoe bench. What a lovely individual!

This guy is a really big nut, not only was he rude enough to not go into a fitting room. He was being indecent, by being partially naked. He left his important items lying around, just for a thief to snatch them. He was getting rude with associates, because HE misplaced his pants with important items. To top it all off, he's a terrible dad for not letting his kid go to the bathroom! If he was afraid to bring his daughter into the fitting room, he could have asked. They would have allowed her to go in with him.

Crazy Bird Lady!

My friend Tina was telling me about this crazy bird lady from two Saturdays ago...
(Currently, we have a problem where birds keep getting into the store. Some of them eventually find their way, while others are stuck inside forever. But then a new one comes in somehow.)
This lady approached her, and was freaking out because there were birds in the store! She said, "How can you work in a place like this, aren't you afraid of birds?! You not only have to worry about kids popping out, but birds attacking you!! I've gotta get out of here!"

Tina said she was very crazy, and very funny! 

Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.
