Saturday, June 29, 2013

My melancholic Day

After I stopped being friends with Mistique (Link here), I was rather melancholic the next day. Which was funny because it was slightly raining when I got outside, and then I missed the bus for work. The day was really showing it's colors.

The weird thing though, it was melancholic, but at the same time it was also breezy. I think it helped that I was at work, because I didn't think about my ex-friend as much as I would have, if I had the day off. Since I had to work, and I was surrounded by people that I enjoy the company of. It also helped that my one friend Latifah was in, talking to her made me feel better!

After two hours I was doing a whole lot better, I wasn't think about my ex-friend anymore, and I was more in a happy go lucky, breezy mood. I've started to hate being a cashier, so I was happy when they asked me to go to the back room, and put merchandise on the shelves, since the store wasn't that busy. I've started to realize that I prefer to be on the floor, as I hate people, and I don't want to be near them. I'm an introvert, so talking to people for long periods of time drains me of my energy, and after ringing for a while, it just tires me out!

(I was greeter for three weeks when I first started, and after those weeks I could barely even talk without getting tongue tied!).

It was fun to relax, and strategize what I was going to do, where I was going to put certain things.

While I was putting things on shelves near the registers, I noticed this woman with a cute black dog. It had it's tongue out, and it was just having the time of it's life! I even waved at it. I love dogs, so I just had to stare at it, and pet it inside of my mind, because I'd be too shy to ask if I could pet it (Especially if I'm working).

One of my co-workers was telling the next person in line to come over to her register, and the lady didn't hear her. So she asked me to tell the woman next in line. As I was going up to the woman next in line, I noticed the lady looked really familiar. I was thinking, it could be a co-worker from my previous job in an office. But I thought that wasn't possible, because I had actually mistaken two customers at two different times to be my old co-worker Maria. So I thought it couldn't be Maria, but guess what? It was!
We had a nice quick reunion, and my one co-worker looked surprised, it's not everyday you know the next person in line! Maria was telling me I have to visit everyone at the office soon, I keep bumping into them at my retail job, even 5 years later. It's fun to run into my old co-workers, it's a nice experience.

But then, after Maria left. The woman with that cute black dog from before just runs up to me, and starts yelling at me.
 (She was accusing me of telling a blonde lady, with a walkie talkie & pony tail, to yell at her, because dogs aren't allowed in the store because some people are allergic, and could go into anaphylactic shock.)
 She was outraged because her dog is a therapy dog, and she has to see a sick kid in Connecticut (My store is in New York, so I don't get why she needed the dog in the store anyways..). So, somehow she started blaming this on me, even though clearly I am a guy, and I am a brunette who was at the registers the whole time. She started accusing me, and said maybe it was me that I was the one who told the blond lady to yell at her? I told this psychopath, that I had no idea what she was talking about. In which one of the managers took care of her, unfortunately not to a mental institution where she belongs. (Also, on a side note. She waited on a long line, not to buy anything, but to yell at people about her dog, that shouldn't have been in the store in the first place)
I wouldn't tell anyone to do anything about a dog, I love dogs! I wanted to pet your dog cause it was cute! The psycho needs to learn a thing or two from her dog, it loves everyone and is nice, unlike her crusty ass.

There were two weird things about this though!

1. The lady was talking as if the blonde lady with the ponytail worked there.
No one that worked there matched the description, we could not figure out who this lady was talking about!
The closest is the manager with blonde hair, but she doesn't have a ponytail. When we asked the manager about the lady, she did bump into this her, but when the lady said it was a therapy dog the manager said okay, and walked away. BUT!

2. The manager did speak to a customer with blonde hair and a pony tail that complained about the lady with the dog!

So this crazy lady used all of her anger out on us, when it wasn't even an employee! She just assumed it was one of us because the lady that told her off, was wearing a similar outfit to our dress code.
I honestly think she somehow merged her run in with the manager, and the other lady, since she said the woman had a walkie on. Maybe the blonde ponytail lady told her off, but she also remembered the run in with the manager, and accidentally merged the two together in her mind to make them out to be one person.

Later on, the manager and I talked about what happened. She brought up a good point, she said that it's more important that the customers safety is in hand. If someone is allergic to a dog, and goes into an anaphylactic shock, while in the store and that person stops breathing, that's definitely not a good thing. But bringing in your dog to a clothes store, just because it's a therapy dog for someone not even in the same state is just illogical to get so upset over.

The rest of the day went swimmingly, and I got to draw some more. Overall it was a good and bad day, it was melancholic, yet breezy at the same time.
When I got home I was thinking about my ex friend a whole lot, but after a few hours, I kind of got over it. I was a bit surprised that she actually congratulated me because I had gotten a promotion, I suppose she is still stalking my profile page! Not that I didn't take a peak at hers.

Write in the comments below about melancholy days, old friends and crazy people who are not in an institution (yet) but should be!

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 

Don't become friends with people's girlfriends/boyfriends

Since I've been posting recent stories about people who I thought were my friends, but later found out they weren't. Posts, Here "(People who you think are your friends)"and here (Another one bites the dust)

I bring you, another Wonderful story about someone whom I thought was my friend...

My male cousin from my mother's side of the family, had a girlfriend from 2010-2013-ish. We'll call her Becky-Boo. Becky-Boo was awesome, she was down to earth, cool and fun to be around! She also made family get-togethers more tolerable, as I tend to stray away from most of my family members. I have nothing in common with a majority of them, and they all talk crap about each other behind each-others back. It's just not the environment I enjoy!

Becky-Boo first started dating my cousin in Fall of 2010, it was fun to get to know her. But they broke up in May 2013. Which is fine, whatever, I have no problem with that.
But what happened is that Becky-Boo and I had each other on facebook, and we had each other for three years! For some reason in April, or May I had a notification that she unfriended me (I had something called an unfriend finder, which was a neat app that tells you when someone unfriends you on facebook. I believe it is no longer running.).  I instantly re-added her, and she added me back again.
About two weeks later, when I found out they broke up. She unfriended me again! I decided to be annoying, and I sent her a message saying I was offended she unfriended me and that I consider her a friend even if she wasn't dating my cousin anymore. So I check in the next day and it says she read the message but didn't respond. So I was like "What the frack?!".

She pretty much just gave everyone the cold shoulder, and she even changed her phone number and facebook name! (So we wouldn't find her) 

She closed everyone out.

My rendition of Becky-Boo.

I was annoyed, I didn't think there was a reason to unfriend me at all, we could have still been friends.
I started to dislike her for that, and was angry with her and I actually blocked her on facebook. If I were to see her again in person, I would just ignore her. But I doubt I will see her ever again though, since she lives an hour away from my house, and I have no reason to be in that area. Just like Taylor Swift, I don't think they are getting back together ever ever ever, LIKE EVER!

The funny thing is, everyone loved Becky-Boo. We all liked her, and thought she kept my cousin in line. I was definitely hurt, because I considered her a friend. She decided to cut all ties from us, and my cousin. I was hurt because I considered her a friend, and to just be thrown away like that was not cool. I felt betrayed by her, and I realize now that she was never my friend to begin with!

It's like she never cared about any of us, and that she was just pretending to be friends with us....

It's as if I was dust in the wind and meant nothing to her.

The girl my cousin dated after Becky-Boo, I personally don't have a problem with, but I know her from a hole in the wall. That girl, he's now been with longer than Becky-Boo. My cousin and Becky were together for 3 years, from 2010-2013, he met the girl he's with now (As of 2019), a year later in 2014. So he's been with the other girl for around 5 years now (As of 2019).

Now I know what you're thinking, Becky was probably so hurt by the break up, that she wanted to cut all ties, and not be reminded of many of the heart-break. But at the time, I didn't have many friends, and automatically considered people my friends if they were nice to me. So in my eyes, I just thought she was a jerk. Since I've never been in a relationship, and not having been through a break up, I wouldn't understand how she would feel.

She was also going to school to be a hair stylist, so she would cut my hair! After she was out of the picture, this didn't happen anymore. I've since been getting my hair cut by my mother, because I don't like it when hair cutters talk to you, so it's my way of avoiding that. lol

Which is also why I'd like to befriend someone who cuts hair, this way I don't mind talking to them. Plus, my mom always makes me look like a butch lesbian with her "hair cuts".

As I re-edit this in 2019, I've since gotten over this. However, looking back at it. I realized that she was fake! I looked back at things she would say to me, and realized she said a lot of things, just to be nice to me. So she could "smooze" the family, and make a good impression. This makes me believe, she was actually fake the entire time.

Reasons why I think she was fake.

1. One time I told her I was gay. Then, months later, her, my mom, my sister and I went to a store. I had just gotten out of work in retail, and left my name badge on.
Becky-Boo commented, that I wasn't going to get the girls with that name badge on.
Either she has terrible memory, and forgot I was gay, or she actually didn't care about me in the first place, and just didn't remember...
2. There was a smiley face shirt I owned, she claimed to have thought was cool. Every-time I wore it, she would say "that's a cool shirt!". Implying that she's never seen it before, when she had. Like she just kept forgetting the shirt existed, and would compliment it every time. (That was the Becky Boo shirt. Which I got rid of, because it just reminded me of her. lol)
3. She's lied to me at-least once. She said a quote, and claimed she made it up. I later found out the quote was actually part of a song. It was Jar of Hearts. "You're gonna catch a cold,
from the ice inside your soul". She made me believe she made this line up, but it was from a song. I didn't realize it until I actually heard the song, and was like... heywaitaminute!!! (She posted this on facebook)

I realize now that she was just trying to get chummy with the family, so she could be liked. I've since moved on to more important things, and people I know that actually care about me!
The sad thing is that my cousin feels bad because he knew that his now ex girlfriend had become close with me, my sister and other relatives, I think that is so nice of him to be so concerned.

I actually checked out my last message I sent Becky-Boo on Facebook, I was pretty immature to her, and really didn't need to say anything to her at all.
I ended up creeping on her page for a second, and she ended up with another guy, and married that dude after two years!

As I re-write this post in 2019, I've had a few friends who dated someone. Where it didn't work out, and now I don't talk to my friends exes anymore. I've made it a personal goal to not become friends, or get attached with people's girlfriends/boyfriends, because it might not work out. I don't want to make a new friend, just to lose them.

The only time I think there would be an exception, is if you were friends with both of them, prior to them dating. Then it's more equal.
On the other hand, I have friends who are still friends with their exes, so sometimes it can work out, but I am cautious about it now.

In Conclusion to my "amazing" essay on this story, the reason why you shouldn't become friends with significant others is because, they will probably break up, and they will snub you out of their lives for numerous reasons.

Ironically, I have a few friends who stay friends with their exes, so maybe this isn't always the case!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Another one bites the dust: Goodbye Mystique-chan!

So, if you've read the now a trilogy with me and my so called "friend"... as seen here.  Blog post <-click and here this post.

They're dust bunnies, because, another one, bites the dust!

I'm updating you.

For starters, this friend is not someone I know in real life, it is an online friend I've known for 3 years.

So, I spoke with them and told them how I feel, about how they were being rude, and nasty.
They did say they were joking, but I still found what they said to be offensive. In which they said I was "pathetic" because I was so sensitive to find them offensive, and that I have to "grow balls" When I explained to them, that they didn't act like this before they said "I wasn't special fruitcake".
I was so shocked, this person, was so nice to me before. Now, they're acing like a cold-hearted asshole.
Like, I finally told you what was wrong, since you asked me why I was upset. Instead of having some sympathy, you just kind of throw mud in my face like it's nothing and walk away.
I thought it would have gone differently, I figured she would be sympathetic, even if a little. Something like "Sorry I hurt your feelings, it's just the way I am!" or something at least, along the line of I am sorry for hurting your feelings without meaning to, but nope, they just threw knives at me.
You're supposed to be my friend, you're supposed to at least be understanding of my feelings, not just be a giant dick-wad.

I just feel very betrayed, I've known this person for a few years. I considered them one of my best friends, I was so happy when they came back to the site I frequent on. I was going to base a character in my story on them. I don't know what went wrong, or maybe I just noticed who they really are?

I don't regret the time we had, and introducing me to a great show like Supernatural was a great thing. But maybe we're just on different wavelengths, and are just not compatible anymore. If you were always like that, I was always like this, I've always been sensitive. In fact, I ran away crying in the 4th grade because someone told me they were pretending to be my friend. Since I didn't have friends growing up, friendship was so important to me, and it still is to me.
I think what hurts the most is because I've known them for so long, and all of a sudden this negativity came out of no where. It hurts because a friend should be at least be sympathetic/understanding. If it was a random person I wouldn't care, but because I got to know this person, it hurts even more.
This person was able to get me to record my voice on vocaroo, and I had never done that before, I was too shy, afraid and nervous to put my voice on the net. Even after one of my other online friends, whom I am closer to and have known for a longer time, asked me to call her and chat on a phone. I said I wasn't ready yet, I wanted to wait until I got a new phone. Which is true, I've always been afraid of face to face, or voice social interaction with an online friend.

So, my "Friend" who I will call Mystique is no longer my friend anymore. I think it's better to just think that the MYSTIQUE I knew died, and this nasty version was born instead.

What is going on with my so called "friends"?!

Click here for more so called "friends"

Eventually, we were able to get on better terms but we've realized we just couldn't be friends anymore, so at least we could end the friendship in good standing.

I'd also like to give a shout out to my friends Queen and Latifah, who helped me through this divorce of friends process.
And that was completely by accident that I have an online friend named Queen and a friend IRL named Latifah...
I do not mean to reference Queen Latifah, but she's cool too.

So, here's to new, and old friends that are true friends and here's to the one's that treat you like crap that we dump because they're jerks.

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6

Thursday, June 27, 2013

So, since we're in the neighborhood....I love the Mob Wives..

So, I made a previous post references to the Mob Wives.

You have no idea how obsessed I am with the show, and I'm not even sure why... I just love it so much! I think the sad thing is that I don't have any friends that watch the show (IRL and online), so I can't really discuss it with anyone. Drita is my favorite in the original, I love Big Ang too (I mean, who doesn't?)

I just love the show, I get so excited when a new episode appears. I've heard that there are like 5 spin offs they want to try out and I really want them to do them... I actually liked the first spin off Mob Wives: Chicago.. (Nora and Leah were my favorites.)

I love the show and series, and I can't wait for the next episode and hopefully new installments. Mob Wives is my guilty pleasure.


(As I edit this in 2019, The show is also off the air now, but there was a rumor it would come back in the upcoming years. I'd be excited for it, even though my favorites won't be in it, since Drita has stepped down. Big Ang has since unfortunately lost her battle to cancer.)

My favorites were Drita, Big Ang, Brittany, Alicia, I think I was on and off with the first Natalie, I don't remember.

Who am I? Who are you?

So I found this cool personality quiz, take it if you'd like to! My results are below.  Who am I quiz < Click here

My results

Click to enlarge

I retook the test in 2018.


I feel like I'm on the mob wives

So if anyone read my last post about my "Friend", who's been really nasty as of late. I've noticed that there is a quality in me, which makes me feel similar to the Mob Wives show.
Here's the blog post from last time Blog post <-click...Just in case you didn't, because I know you didn't.. Shame on you! *Wiggles finger*. I'm only joking, it's not like anyone reads my blog, because I know no one does.

Nothing has changed with this "friend", but I am getting so enraged by their comments. Not only are they being nasty and rude to me, but they're also being mean to other people. They're saying stupid, and ignorant things like, anime is for kids. I'm like... hello... you know I like anime too, so not only did you insult them, but you insulted me too. Anime is for anyone and everyone, not little kids just because it's animated, which is something society created.

Animation is simply a show based off of drawings that does not have live actors, that's the basic detail really. Regardless, cartoons being "for kids", is just society trying to force us into liking certain things, the way they want it. It's the same for blue being a "boys color", and pink being a "girls color". There's literally no reason in the world, that those colors need to be for a specific gender, they're literally just colors.  People can like what they like. Society just likes to shove what they believe, onto other people.

Anyways, I'm getting so annoyed at many of their comments and it's really getting on my nerves. I feel like a Mob Wife, as they tend to say and think violent things when they talk about someone behind their back, the only difference is that this friend of mine is just making me angry and I am not talking about them to anyone...unless you count this blog!

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's like Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde

I don't know about you, but I have a friend who over night has practically turned into someone else!
I mean, there's a difference with someone changing, but usually it's after a long period of time, but this is literally a day or a week even.

It's really weird because all of a sudden they're being really nasty, and rude, but they weren't like that before. She explained that she was "just joking", but she never said things like that before, and pretended it was a "joke". It's like, I get that you're joking around, but you're kind of being an ass and you weren't like this to me what's the deal?!

What we had going before was good, but how you're behaving to me now is going to make me stray from you. Eventually we'll be someone we used to know to each other, just like that song from that guy I don't know the name of!
I really don't know what to do, because they're kind of getting on my nerves now, and I might say something mean back. Which definitely will not be a joke, and that might ruin our friendship for sure.

In the comments below, say what you think should happen? Should I say something to my friend? Should I just be quiet and see what happens? Should I just shut up, and pet a potato?
Also, tell me your experiences.
You can also make a post on my forum. SKC-When friends turn into something else? <-Click here

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6

Monday, June 24, 2013

Math: The root of all evils. Well for me anyway.

If you know me even a little bit, you'll probably know that I am incredibly terrible at math. I have a strong dislike for math, and I cannot do it to save my life. If my friends and I were kidnapped by some evil villain, and they said to me, "I'll let you, and your friends go, if you solve one math problem!" I would say "Well, it was nice knowing you guys!" and then we'd all die because I cannot do math to save my life!
I just cannot comprehend the subject, it will never make sense to me, and I don't really want to now either, just keep it away from me, and we're all good!

I can really only do basic math, counting, adding, subtracting and some multiplication, and even then, I can get stuck on certain things. One time I was helping a 7 year old with math homework, and I got the answer wrong.... Yep, I got the answer wrong on a 7 year old's math problem...

Interestingly enough, I actually cannot do division, as I forgot how to do it. It's kind of weird, because I was only taught it for a year or two, but then the curriculum skipped to Algebra, and long division I just wasn't able to catch up. I forgot how to do division, and never learned long division either. At some point, we also started using calculators, so for the most part, the calculators did most of the work anyway.

In the 5th grade, the teacher would actually make me work on long division by myself, outside of the classroom, while the rest of the class were doing other things. I always got it wrong, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not get it right. Eventually they passed me, even though I couldn't grasp the concept. Like if someone gave me a long division problem today, I would have no idea how to do it.

I can get puzzled on basic math too, I tend to use my fingers sometimes to count certain things. (Which I want to say, I'm probably not the only one.) Although as a cashier I don't usually have a problem, and being a cashier has made me better with counting money.
I will usually use a calculator for anything related to math though, I'll even ask my brother who is 10 years younger than me, math questions because he will know the answer! lol

Multiplication, I only learned a few of them, I get the gist of it, but I can only do certain one's in my head. Like multiples of 5 would be 5,10,15,20 etc... But I wasn't very good with Multiplication either, but better in it than division of any kind!

Out of all math, Algebra was the worst!! Screw division, and long division, Algebra made even less sense to me. I still don't understand why they had the need to add letters in math, keep it out of math! We don't need to know how many exes you had in the past "gurlfriend", it's what happens in the future that counts! (Get it? It's a double numbers joke.. no?)

I went to summer school three times, two of the times were because of Algebra. I also failed college math twice and passed by a hair the third time, and it was all because of the dreaded Algebra!!!

I had failed my math class in the 9th grade, when to summer school for it, still failed. So I had to take the same class again, in the 10th grade, and finally passed it. Which is interesting because I had the same math teacher for that class in 9th & 10th, and he was a stickler, I wasn't a fan of him.
Fortunately I got a cool teacher in the 11th grade and passed easily because the teacher was very helpful, and gave us easier projects to do.
What was even better was math was not required for me in the 12th grade, so I only ever took 2 math courses in high school, oddly enough.

In college, It was required to take a math course.  I went to school for Graphic Design, in a private college, which means you DON'T Have to take classes like gym, science.. etc.. For whatever reason, we had to take Math and English, the latter, I had no problem with, and took an extra course voluntarily. It's a known fact that artistic people, are usually, just not good with math. So why us Graphic Designers had to take a math class, is beyond me. It didn't make sense, why did we have to pay all of this money, to be forced to take a class we didn't want, that wouldn't have any value to us. Which really sucks too, in college I got A's and B's in all of my classes, EXCEPT the math class I had, which I failed twice. It messed up my GPA, and I was not the only one. A few of my other friends had failed/did poorly as well. Out of 30 of my friends, only two of them were decent at math to pass the class easily. One of my friends actually got kicked out of the school for failing so many times! It's not his fault he has math dyslexia, and had trouble with it.
One of my friends even got a math teacher that talked/wrote so fast, that by the time everyone started writing notes down, she'd erase everything. Only like 2 out of 30 people passed her class! That's a story for another day though. (That lady ended up getting fired because she was a bad teacher!)

The first time I had college math, I did not take it as seriously as I should have, and got an F.
My second time taking college math, I did actually try but I didn't do well at all. The cool thing though, was the professor was cool about it all and understood that not everyone is good with math.
She also said that taking statistics, is better for people who don't have a math brain.
Since I was bad at math, I would start writing comments on my tests like "Why can't math solve it's own problems?"
We had four tests in total, and the first three of my tests equaled an 86. I got a 25 on the first one, a 44 on the second, 17 on the third and a 28 on the final test. I emailed the teacher asking if I could just get the grade that the first three tests made together...which did not work (Obviously). That is just how bad I was at math.

Even though I failed the first two classes of college math, I got the same teacher again for my third time, and this time I tried even harder. I would go to the teachers lounge, and get extra help in math with the teacher. When it was one on one with her, things made a whole lot more sense than when in a classroom.
For the third time, I got two 60's and two 40's. Homework was a big part of the class, so I did finally pass and the teacher knew I tried my best. I passed by a hair, and I was really happy about passing finally. Later, I found out that if I had failed for a third time, I would have been kicked out, just like my friend. They also changed the rules, after that semester, if you failed a class twice, you got kicked out of the college, which is unfair, considering you're paying for it. Maybe that's why the school went out of business! (Edit from me in 2018)

I've had a hard long war with math, I beat it's butt (sort of), but it is still far too complicated, and confusing to me to really comprehend.

I do not like it one bit and I am really happy I don't have to really worry about it anymore.

I also don't get why some people do not understand, that some people just cannot do math. All because you're good at something, doesn't mean everyone else will be good at it. There will always be someone who is bad at something, and for me it's math. I just cannot do it. I dislike people who think that everyone can do math, and that they just haven't had the "right person" to teach them. I say that it is not always possible to learn something, sometimes it just doesn't work out. Like I like to draw, but you don't see me going around telling people that they can draw, if they try hard enough! It doesn't work like that.
If you have grown to dislike math like I have, you do not want it anywhere near you, especially if you don't need it anymore. I don't like math one bit, and I never want to do any of the complicated stuff ever again, it is just not for me. Sometimes, I wish math would solve it's own problems, and leave it's exes alone!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Demon lady from hell?! Why this was one of the worst Karens ever?!

Once upon a time in Retail, it was June 2013 and I had my first Dog Karen.

You may ask, what the heck is a Dog Karen?! Quite simply, it was a Karen who had a very sweet dog!

While I was putting things on shelves near the registers, I noticed this woman with a cute dog. It had it's tongue out, and it was just having the time of it's life! I even waved at it. I love dogs, so I just had to stare at it, and pet it inside of my mind, because I'd be too shy to ask if I could pet it (Especially if I'm working).

Roxy, my neighbors dog who is no longer with us.

*A little off Topic but.. (To skip this side story, go down until you see the *Asterisk again*

One of my co-workers was telling the next person in line to come over to her register, and the lady didn't hear her. So she asked me to tell the woman next in line. As I was going up to the woman next in line, I noticed the lady looked really familiar. I was thinking, it could be a co-worker from my previous job in an office. But I thought that wasn't possible, because I had actually mistaken two customers at two different times to be my old co-worker"Crystal". So I thought it couldn't be Crystal, but guess what? It was!
We had a nice quick reunion, and my one co-worker looked surprised, it's not everyday you know the next person in line! Crystal was telling me I have to visit everyone at the office soon, I keep bumping into them at my retail job, even 5 years later. It's fun to run into my old co-workers, it's a nice experience.

Next in line, the woman with that cute dog from before just runs up to me, and starts yelling at me!
She was accusing me of telling a blonde lady, with a walkie talkie & pony tail, to yell at her, because dogs aren't allowed in the store because some people are allergic, and could go into anaphylactic shock.

 She was outraged because her dog is a therapy dog, and she has to see a sick kid in Connecticut (My store is in New York, so I don't get why she needed the dog in the store? Anyways..). So, somehow she started blaming this on me, even though clearly I am a guy, and I am a brunette who was at the registers the whole time. She started accusing me, and said maybe it was me that I was the one who told the blonde lady to yell at her?
I told this nutjob, that I had no idea what she was talking about! In which one of the managers took care of her, unfortunately not to a mental institution where she belongs. (Also, on a side note. She waited on a long line, not to buy anything, but to yell at people about her dog that shouldn't have been in the store in the first place!!
I wouldn't tell anyone to do anything about a dog, I love dogs! I wanted to pet her dog cause it was cute! The cuckoo bird needs to learn a thing or two from her dog, it loves everyone and is nice, unlike her crusty ass!

There were two weird things about this situation...

1. The lady was talking as if the blonde lady with the ponytail worked there.
No one that worked there matched the description, we could not figure out who this lady was talking about!
The closest is the manager with blonde hair, but she doesn't have a ponytail. When we asked the manager about the lady, she did bump into this her, but when the lady said it was a therapy dog the manager said okay, and walked away. 

2. The manager did speak to a customer with blonde hair and a pony tail that complained about the lady with the dog!

So this irrational lady took all of her anger out on us, when it wasn't even an employee! She just assumed it was one of us because the lady that told her off, was wearing a similar outfit to our dress code.
I honestly think she somehow merged her run in with the manager, and the other lady, since she said the woman had a walkie on. Maybe the blonde ponytail lady told her off, but she also remembered the run in with the manager, and accidentally merged the two together in her mind to make them out to be one person.

Later on, the manager and I talked about what happened. She brought up a good point, she said that it's more important that the customers safety is in hand. If someone is allergic to a dog, and goes into an anaphylactic shock while in the store and that person stops breathing, that's definitely not a good thing. But bringing in your dog to a clothes store, just because it's a therapy dog for someone not even in the same state is just illogical to get so upset over.

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

"Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne", or "Phantom Thief Jeanne, in English. Is a magical girl anime with 44 episodes. I watched 15 episodes before I decided to stop watching it, as it just wasn't for me.

The anime stars Maron, who is the reincarnation of the historical figure "Jeanne D arc". With the help of an angel named Finn, she can transform into a magical girl. Her goal is to purify items that have been taken over by demons, in order to do this, she must "steal" the item. This causes the item to be "purified", and the item disappears for good. Usually demons possess ancient artifacts, and pieces of art. In which, Maron has to visit a museum. Since purifying means the item disappears, it also means that the cops are out to find, and arrest her for stealing the priceless artifacts. This includes her best friend, Miyako, who has no idea, that she is the phantom thief Jeanne. It is Miyako's goal to take down Jeanne, and has no idea her best friend is the very person she's after.

I feel the premise of the anime was really interesting, but the anime in it's entirety, just didn't grip me.
Below are my complaints about the show.

1. It's all about love:  An episode does not go by without something about love, every episode always has some character that is in love with someone. This character is getting married, or this lady is waiting for her man to return. It just gets really tiring, annoying, and cliché' after a while. It's just the same thing, over, and over, and over.

2. It's just very Cliché':  The show itself is really cliché', the same type of plot, Maron has to purify an item, and her evil friend Miyako, is out for blood. Miyako doesn't catch Jeanne for the 80th time, darn! Maybe next time we'll get her! (Not!) The same heteronormative style of, this woman is in love with a man, every.. single, episode.  It is an earlier anime, so obviously, back then, anime were more cardboard cut out, than they are now. (Or atleast, more modern day anime 2010's particularly, have tried to come up with different types of plots).

It's just the same story, over and over.

3. Miyako:  I don't normally hate characters in shows, but by episode 14, I came to the conclusion, that I hate Miyako with a passion. She is obnoxious, insensitive, rude, and tells Maron what she can, or cannot do. She's an unpleasant character, and someone needs to just wire her mouth shut! If Miyako was my friend, I'd say some choice words, and never talk to her again.

4. Purifying Items:   Since demonic items disappear when they're purified, everyone thinks the items were stolen. Jeanne is blamed for this, since she is behind it all (Just not in the way they think). But, the angel Finn, always sends out a notice to the museum, and police, saying the item is going to be stolen by the "Phantom Thief Jeanne". So this leads to the cops to come, and Maron's friend Miyako, is always there for the ride too. Miyako serves as an antagonist towards Jeanne, and creates a conflict of Miyako not knowing her best friend is secretly her enemy.

My problem with this is, what is the point of alerting the authorities? Wouldn't it be easier to just sneak in at night, without anyone knowing, and then "Stealing", the item, and getting on out of there. Why go through so much trouble to get "almost caught", every time? It literally makes no sense. The only logical explanation for this, is that it creates a conflict in the story that the heroine has to overcome. However, there are tons of other ways that could have made it challenging for Maron to do.
For starters, the item that has a demon usually possesses someone, so they could easily use that person to go after Jeanne, maybe they could transform into a tough adversary or something? Maybe other demons would come by and help fight against Jeanne? Maybe each demon would have a power and each different power would test Jeanne's strength in each episode or something.

It'd be more interesting if it made more logical sense, and not some weird story to create drama between the characters.

5. Item disappears, no one bats an eye:  There's actually been at least two episodes (between 1-15) where Jeanne purifies the item right in front of the police, she throws this little chess piece across the room, it hits the item and the item disappears like magic. In one episode, there is no physical way the item was stolen, no doors or windows the only reasoning would be magic. It's like, the items gone and she's a miles way, on the other side of the room, but nope, she still stole it somehow!! What is this writing? What is this story? Does that make any sense at all?! From my knowledge, the characters don't know magic exists, except for people like Maron or Finn. All of the non magical characters should come to some conclusion, that something weird has happened, and that it's not possible that she even stole anything...
But for some reason, it hasn't sunk into anyone's head that maybe she didn't actually steal it and maybe there is something supernatural going on.

I don't particularly love anything about the anime, the story doesn't make much sense, and many things are just overused, and cliche. That and, Miyako needs to take a chill pill, maybe to the mental institution as well...

I've heard that apparently the anime gets darker, which hasn't exactly happened as of episode 15, the only dark thing so far is the fact that Maron lives all alone, due to "slight spoilers"

Maron's parents abandoned her.

So, I don't really hate the anime, but I don't really like it that much either.

I give the anime a 4 and a half out of 10.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

My phone is a peice of shiznit

Gather round children, and local hobo! It's time for stories with Hotspot!

In September of 2007, I got into the game, Odin Sphere, and I received a Motorola Razr. It's not really important to point out the game I was playing, but I just associate the two together sometimes.

I barely ever used it until I went to college in 2008, and even then I still didn't use it that much.

Flash forward to 2010, I had recently just obtained my laptop. I was naive, and stupid. I saw an ad that said "Insert phone number to win graet PrIZZEZ!" so, dumb old me entered my phone number and they sent me tons and tons of texts. This lead to the phone bill costing an extra 20 dollars! Texting was 10 cents a text... yikes!
The phone company tried to block the number, but they were not able to, so they had to block texting completely to do so.
So I have not had a text since 2010. On a side note, the only texts I ever got were from the spam site, and from a guy who had the wrong number, I never responded but he stopped after three texts.

Dramatization of my Razr phone "peeing".

After a few years, my phone started to crap out on me; the battery started to die quicker, and as of late, it's started to do this thing where I cannot hear the person on the other end of the line. At my job, when one is going to work in a store in the morning before the doors are opened, one must call the store and ask for someone to open the door. I called numerous times last Sunday, and I heard nothing. I thought maybe they were hanging up or that I was so early that no one had arrived. I was also worried that maybe it was my hearing, as I had went out with my friends the night prior and we went to this place with obnoxiously loud music that hurt my ears. I thought maybe the after affects of the music made me slightly def, but that wasn't the case. My phone just wasn't picking up the other person on the line, it wasn't until I heard a slight voice say something I didn't understand. I said that I was at the door, In which I heard the loudspeaker say I was at the door, and once I was in I rushed to the managers office to tell them I could not hear them and my phone must not be working right. I realized it was my phone when I answered the store's phone later in the day and I could hear the customer just fine, although I did somehow think the person said "Princess" when they actually said "Cribs"... so there may have been a little bit of an affect from the loud music. This happened again the next day and the day after, it would also be selective; sometimes it worked fine and other times it didn't, it worked fine today however 6/21/2013. But the other day I called my mother and I could not hear her at all, I was just talking into the phone saying I could not hear her, and it wasn't until I jiggled the phone's head that it finally worked after like 15 seconds.

Another annoying thing is where, I can't put any pictures or data onto my computer. This is actually not the phone's fault, but the phone company doesn't want people to upload their own stuff onto their computer, it makes no sense at all. But luckily, there is a nifty program called Bitpim. It can extract images from the phone, but not videos, or voice recordings.

The reason why I've had this phone for so long, is because my family doesn't have money for a new phone, especially not a smart-phone, those things are expensive! (EDIT from 2018. I ended up getting a smart phone a year after this post, granted, it was given to me by someone else, and I didn't use it as a phone, but to play games on. I also paid for my own phone, and it was one with a keyboard that slides out. I paid for my own smart phone in 2016.)

Since I have a job, I can get my own phone plan, but I can really only afford a 20-30 dollar monthly plan type of thing, and I can only get a basic phone too.
I really want a smart phone, but ain't nobody got money for that! By nobody I mean me....

I'll probably get a phone that has the slide out keyboard, I really can't wait to text though... I'm super excited!
I'm going to be so annoying to my friends lol.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I've gained a level!

Just like in a video game, I have gained a level! For the one person who actually reads my blog, and by one person I mean Me, Hashtag#Forever alone. I have become something known as a level 1.
If you read an earlier blog post entitled "I hate returns", I talked a bit about a level 1's position at my store. Since I'm the only one that reads my blog, it means you haven't seen the article yet, which is here. "I hate Returns" <--Click here

A level 1 at my store can do returns, exchanges and layaways. Sometimes they are also needed for normal cashiers to scan their card if they want to do a return or if there is a tag missing on a 2 piece item.
For about two months, the managers had me doing returns every now and again. I had to scan a level 1, or higher's card to do a return though, it was getting really annoying because I had to keep on asking someone to do a return, EVERY time there was a return. So, I eventually asked why they wanted me to do returns if I wasn't a level 1, in which they made me a level 1.
So I was really excited about that, as I've wanted to be a level 1 since I started working as a cashier in December, even though I don't like returns all that much. It's also good on the resume too.

Monday, June 17, 2013

It's like losing an ally in war

So, at my job one of my friends was let go on Saturday 6/15/13. If that wasn't enough, the next day one of my other friends told me that it's her last day too! So, today 6/17/13. I went into the managers office to get something, and as I saw my friends name tag and I.D. I felt sad, and all of a sudden, there was a sad cinematic overtone that I just felt.
My two friends were leaving for different reasons, one of them I knew about for a long time, but this one was more sudden. But with them leaving and another friend leaving two months ago. I feel like I'm in a war and I'm losing all of my allies; I also haven't had the same friendship feeling with the newer co-workers of mine, except maybe one....

Don't worry past me, 2019 me here, I met many great people in the Fall of 2013. In which I still talk to! I also met some others that are great, that I met in 2016, that I also, still talk to. Most of the people from the beginning of 2013, weren't that cool. Of course, except for my girls, Karina, and Latifah. Those two are great, and I still talk to them, but the rest of the early 2013's, was, Thank you, next.

(Ironically, I lost contact with the one friend, and the friend that left 2 months prior, didn't really try to reach out to me when I messaged them. But they still like stuff on my Facebook, even in 2019, but whatever.)

(Sassy Swan Squad! A little display I made at my store.)
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 

All of my shows are getting canceled, what's up with that?!

I don't know about you, but all of my shows are getting canceled! It's ridiculous and unfair. Am I the only one that thinks they cancel the good shows, and keep the garbage on? Usually at least; I love Supernatural.

So, Warehouse 13 is due for a final 6 episode 5th season. Which is ridiculous, and not even a whole season! It's such a great show, that most sci fi shows don't do. For once, there is a cool fantasy show that does not involve the future, with the same boring plot, and it's getting canceled at 4 and a half seasons.
One of the only sci fi shows, that I really enjoyed, not from Japan.
The good thing though, is they might allow for the gay character, Steve, to have romantic development.

(News flash from 2019, they didn't. They just had one episode with an ex, and that was it, the last episode was a let down too. It never shows what happens to some of the characters.)

There's also Happy Endings, one of the funniest shows on tv, or was on tv. It's one of the only sitcoms of this decade that has actually made me laugh. Sitcoms these days, haven't piqued my interest, but Happy Endings is fun and different.

Then there is Drop Dead Diva, it was supposed to not even have a fifth season but now it will thanks to the fans.
I am not sure if it will have another season though, but season 4's ending was such a cliffhanger it would have been horrible if they had gotten it canceled!
Drop Dead Diva is a nice law type drama that is quirky, funny and cute, it's such a great show.

With at least 1-3 of these shows going down soon, my television shows are numbing down. I barely watch anything that isn't anime these days.

Shows that I watch that are still around however... (As of 6/17/13. since most of these shows will probably be over by the year 2020.)

Anything with an asterisk is a show I may or may not watch.

2 Broke Girls
Defiance *
Happily Divorced
Hawaii Five 0
Hot In Cleveland
Malibu Country
Mob Wives
Perception *
Rizzoli and Isles *
The Mentalist *

I think maybe I should just watch ended shows online, this way I know how many episodes there are.

(EDIT: As of 2018. Arrow, Hawaii Five 0, and Supernatural, are still on the air.
EDIT from 2019, Arrow and Supernatural are ending as of 2019.)

School Stories: Forgot homework, let's take pictures of birds.

I had a strange teacher in the 6th grade...

When I was in the 6th grade, I had moved, and transferred from another school during the ending months of the school year around April. The old school I previously went to, didn't use lockers
I had an ongoing war with the lockers since everyone else knew how to use them already,but I didn't since I was new to them. They never wanted to open for me, and I could never remember my combination!

I had this one teacher, let's call him "Mr. Baldo". Everyone liked him except for me, he was always rude to me.

• This one particular day, I had forgotten my homework in my locker. Mr. Baldo saw a bird at the window and decided that he needed to jump out that same window, to fetch his camera from his car, so he could take a picture of it. (This was the early 2000's before smart phones.)
My friend told me, I should go get my homework out of the locker quickly!

I ran to the lockers, but since I was new to lockers, it took me forever to get it open! So of course, as I coming back, he had already returned, teaching the class. I walk in, and he asked where I was, I told him that I forgot my homework, so I went to get it out of my locker. As you could guess, he was angry at me about it. Was I wrong to just run to the lockers to get my homework? I'm not actually sure. Was it a dumb thing to do, definitely, I could have just asked him to grab the homework from my locker instead of sneaking away.

• Another time, he got mad at me for doing my homework on my lunch period. Even though everyone does their homework at lunch, so it's kind of weird he'd get all upset over it! I swear, he had it out for me!

My friend would always ask me if I liked Mr. Baldo as a teacher, I told him yes, to make him happy, but I really didn't like him!


Top 5 reasons why I hated doing Returns when I worked Retail

In retail, I started out as a cashier, and I was always interested in doing merchandise returns.

At the store I worked at, in order to do returns you had to be upgraded to a "higher level". Regular associates had no level, people who were authorized to do returns were known as a level 1.

(As I edit this post in 2019, they have since gotten rid of the Level 1 status, and any associate can do returns freely now, so it means nothing to anyone anymore. But the days of wanting to be a Level 1, were magical!)

Ever since the beginning, I was interested in being a level 1. They weren't just a normal associate, they were more important. Level 1's also had the power to override certain trivial things in the system. Back in the day, they were more important than you think. Although, sometimes it would back up work. level 1 associates would have to run around, and help other cashiers with trivial tasks, such as just needing to scan their card instead of ringing customers up. So now that everyone is a level 1, things are much smoother since they can override simple things automatically.

As an example of something trivial, some items that came in a pair had two tags. Say it was a matching shirt, and pants. There would be two tags to scan. Basically, the tags would have the size on it, and if a customer mismatched the outfit, the computer would tell you it's mixed up. The store couldn't sell the items mismatched like that. Plenty of times, customers would take the size 7 off on pair of suit pants, and match it with a size 5 suit jacket. This however would not work, as they are sold as a set, and must be sold at the size it is. So a size 7 pants and jacket, were sold together, and the computer would pick it up if it was mismatched by the customers. but there were also times, where there wasn't another piece, and it was just an error by the people who made price tickets. A screen would come up asking for an override, so you'd have to get the level 1, drag them over, and scan their card.

Aside from doing returns, there are a few other things level 1's could do.

• Returns
• Exchanges.
• Tax Exempts
• Layaways (Which they got rid of in 2018. Thank the heavens, what a time consuming process, that held up the line!)
• Other things I don't remember because as I re-edit this, it's been 5-4 years since there was a level 1's.

Without a level 1 card, the computer wouldn't let normal associates bypass these things. Plus, if you were a normal associate, and tried to do a return, it would ask for a level 1 card or higher to scan. (I believe I heard managers are a level 6. While Supervisors are a level 2.)

Right after my friend left, who was a level 1, they were short on level 1's (Or they didn't have any level 1's scheduled.) So, they had me and two new girls learn how to do returns, we had to either scan a level 1 or higher's card, or a level 1 or higher logged in and we went under their name.

Eventually they taught almost everyone how to do returns, but they never made anyone a level 1. They eventually made one of the new girls a level 1. This was because she was the only cashier in the morning one time, and the managers didn't want to be bothered to have her scan their card every time she did a return. It was a low blow for me at the time, since I had wanted to become a level 1 for a long time, and she just started! It would get annoying when I was asked to do returns, but I didn't have the permissions. Every time I had to do a return, I had to walk around the store to find someone who was a level 1 or higher, drag them over and scan their card, and each return you have to scan the card twice!

They used to have a separate section for returns, and purchases. The returns registers had more money in them, than the normal registers. So level 1's would usually use the returns registers, and normal associates didn't.
One time, they scheduled me for the returns register, and a level 1 on the normal cash registers, me and her were looking at each other in awe, because it made no sense! I had to run over to her every time just to do a return, and it was so silly! If I was a level 1, then I think we wouldn't have any problem.

[When they changed the rules, and allowed everyone the ability to do returns, they just put more money in all of the registers. When there were registers for returns, and purchases only. The Returns registers had 400 in the register, while normal ones had 100. When they changed the system, every register had 200, this way all returns and purchases would flow evenly throughout all the registers. (Which was really annoying when this one guy decided to do a 1000 cash return, at the beginning of the day, when there was only 200 in each register. The guy had to wait hours, for people to make cash purchases, so he can get some of his refund. My advice to the 5 people who will ever read this blog post, do cash returns at the middle-end of the day. There won't be money in the draw in the morning!]

Everyone loves, the Moolah! :P

Eventually, I got to become a level one, but then a bit later they got got rid of the whole system entirely. On top of that, I started to realize that I hated doing returns anyways!

Before I get into some things that I found annoying about returns, I want to tell you something.

This will definitely sound strange to you, but I personally find that returns are similar to stealing. I know it sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. The point of A store, is to make money, not lose it! In some cases, I understand returns, like if the item broke, or it didn't fit. But in most cases, returns just got on my nerves. To me it's stealing, but I'm also a germaphobe, and don't want to touch money either. Card returns never bothered me as much as cash returns.
To me, doing a return is like giving a kid ice cream, and then taking it away from them. I don't think it's all fair, you're giving the store money, but then you take it back.

The things that really bugged me, is when someone's returning 100 dollars worth of stuff every week, you're just wasting everyone's time. Not to mention, when you pay with a card, the store gets charged a fee to use the card. So, if you bought 10$ worth of stuff. The credit card company charges you, say .50 cents. When you return merchandise, and put it back on your card, the store gets charged another .50 cents. So, the store just lost a dollar, because you decided to buy something you weren't going to keep... It's just like, what's the point?? Why waste all of your, and our time in the first place. Who's got time to return hundreds of items?! There are things to do, and people to see.

My store had a notorious customer, she's an old lady, with gray hair, glasses, and always shops in the morning. Any cashier, and manager, that has ever worked the morning shift.. WILL KNOW, who I am talking about, all I have to do, is mention the lady with the gray hair and glasses. She's there all the time, and quite possibly, one of the most annoying human beings on the planet. She literally does 10 different returns, on 10 different receipts (Which means the returns have to be scanned separately, on separate receipts...), buys hundreds of items, literally takes an hour with one cashier, holds up the line... During the purchase/return process, she will say she wants this, she doesn't want this, oh, you can take that off, no, not that one! Take this off too! Did you get this one? Make sure to scan this one, did you get it yet! Take that off, I don't want it anymore. Then, 50 million years later, she's FINALLY finished, but then goes back on the floor for another hour, to shop AGAIN! Every person in that store, dreads her. In fact, the store has a credit card return limit. If you return too many things, too many times, with the same card, the store blocks you. She couldn't use one of her cards anymore, because she did so many returns on that card. She was on the phone with her bank for 10 minutes, thinking there was a problem with her card. It was the store that blocked being able to return with that card. She ended up with the store manager, for an hour, trying to return her items on that card...

Without further adieu, here are some of the reasons why I dislike returns.

1. Cash Returns: 

I absolutely hate cash returns, as stated above I feel like it's stealing. It isn't stealing, but the act of being a cashier, and giving people money, to me, just doesn't feel right. In my later years in retail, I would avoid cash returns like the plague, and have a friend do it for me. They just bugged me so much!

The thing really bad about cash returns, is that you have a limited amount of funds in the drawer, so if you make a big return, or if you only get cash returns and credit card purchases, your draw is going to go empty real fast.
I had one woman who literally returned a good chunk of her receipt, and it came out to 200 dollars. I looked at her like she had three heads because that was a whole lot of money, and it was the beginning of the day so I hadn't really made many cash purchases to add to the draw. That was half the money in the register right then. It was such a large return, that I needed to scan the managers card to approve the return, and as I handed the money to her I felt disgust towards her. Cash returns just get to me...

2. You have Blank days to get a full refund and after that...Oh Well..:

My store has a 30 day return policy, simple enough. But there's a catch! If you return an item after 30 days, and the item has since been marked to a lower price, you get the new lower price back on store credit. (So if you bought a dress for 12.99, and you return it after 40 days, the item has now been reduced to 9.99, and you get that price on store credit.)
I think this is a great idea, because it will cause people to return things before, or on 30 days. (We also have had crazy people SCREAM at the top of their lungs, saying they were never coming back due to this policy. Well, if you're being so rude, maybe we don't want you back? Please, keep your word!)

Of course, people complain about not getting their full refund. Which can be understandable. But when you get someone who wants to return a pair of throw pillows, they bought 6 months ago, you lose sympathy over them being upset about the price reduction. Of course they get mad that they lost the money, but the store is not a garage sale, you can't just decide when you want/don't want something anymore, you need to immediately return an item if it doesn't work out!
Some people are smart, and buy something, return it, and then re-purchase it, in order to "extend", the return policy on it. The cashiers usually don't mind that.

The cashier will always tell you that you get a full refund in 30 days, even if they don't say it, it's always easy to ask someone, or look on the receipt, which will always have the return time.

"50 on this please."

4. Debit Cards:  At my store, if a person pays with a debit card and makes a return, they get cash back. I don't know why this is, but to me, it's annoying, especially when all of your customers that make purchases are using credit card purchases, and everyone returning is getting cash back. NOT COOL!


Dude, it's a plain white shirt, what are you talking about???

Another thing I dislike, is when people return an item just because it has a tiny little dot on it, or because it has a microscopic rip, I look at customers in amazement for how ridiculous they are about detail. Like when I say microscopic rip, I mean it, and in fact, it's probably the way the item was made. I'm a bit like that too in a way, I like perfect looking items, but if it happened to me I would just shrug it off, and go "Whatever". Which has happened to me before! I had purchased socks from my store, that had a tiny  hole in it, and I never did anything about it.

Not to mention, some customers BUY merchandise, USE it, and then return it! Some people will buy clothes to wear once, and return, or buy decorations for a party, just to return them! This HAS HAPPENED at my store before! It's outrageous what people do! The worst is when the clothes come back with a cigarette scent, or just a funky smell. Nobody wants to buy that stuff now! So it's a loss for the company, and you've wasted the associates time, other customers time, and the store has lost money now. Not to mention, it's totally unhygienic when someone accidentally puts items like that back on the sales floor.

The reason why  I dislike returns so much is because, the point of a store is to make money, and returns, causes the store to lose money. I'm sure most people will not agree with me, but it's just how I feel. I personally almost never return anything, even if there's something wrong with it. When I do, I exchange it for something of equal, or a higher price. Exchanges, I never minded actually. 

Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers.
