Sunday, June 23, 2013

Demon lady from hell?! Why this was one of the worst Karens ever?!

Once upon a time in Retail, it was June 2013 and I had my first Dog Karen.

You may ask, what the heck is a Dog Karen?! Quite simply, it was a Karen who had a very sweet dog!

While I was putting things on shelves near the registers, I noticed this woman with a cute dog. It had it's tongue out, and it was just having the time of it's life! I even waved at it. I love dogs, so I just had to stare at it, and pet it inside of my mind, because I'd be too shy to ask if I could pet it (Especially if I'm working).

Roxy, my neighbors dog who is no longer with us.

*A little off Topic but.. (To skip this side story, go down until you see the *Asterisk again*

One of my co-workers was telling the next person in line to come over to her register, and the lady didn't hear her. So she asked me to tell the woman next in line. As I was going up to the woman next in line, I noticed the lady looked really familiar. I was thinking, it could be a co-worker from my previous job in an office. But I thought that wasn't possible, because I had actually mistaken two customers at two different times to be my old co-worker"Crystal". So I thought it couldn't be Crystal, but guess what? It was!
We had a nice quick reunion, and my one co-worker looked surprised, it's not everyday you know the next person in line! Crystal was telling me I have to visit everyone at the office soon, I keep bumping into them at my retail job, even 5 years later. It's fun to run into my old co-workers, it's a nice experience.

Next in line, the woman with that cute dog from before just runs up to me, and starts yelling at me!
She was accusing me of telling a blonde lady, with a walkie talkie & pony tail, to yell at her, because dogs aren't allowed in the store because some people are allergic, and could go into anaphylactic shock.

 She was outraged because her dog is a therapy dog, and she has to see a sick kid in Connecticut (My store is in New York, so I don't get why she needed the dog in the store? Anyways..). So, somehow she started blaming this on me, even though clearly I am a guy, and I am a brunette who was at the registers the whole time. She started accusing me, and said maybe it was me that I was the one who told the blonde lady to yell at her?
I told this nutjob, that I had no idea what she was talking about! In which one of the managers took care of her, unfortunately not to a mental institution where she belongs. (Also, on a side note. She waited on a long line, not to buy anything, but to yell at people about her dog that shouldn't have been in the store in the first place!!
I wouldn't tell anyone to do anything about a dog, I love dogs! I wanted to pet her dog cause it was cute! The cuckoo bird needs to learn a thing or two from her dog, it loves everyone and is nice, unlike her crusty ass!

There were two weird things about this situation...

1. The lady was talking as if the blonde lady with the ponytail worked there.
No one that worked there matched the description, we could not figure out who this lady was talking about!
The closest is the manager with blonde hair, but she doesn't have a ponytail. When we asked the manager about the lady, she did bump into this her, but when the lady said it was a therapy dog the manager said okay, and walked away. 

2. The manager did speak to a customer with blonde hair and a pony tail that complained about the lady with the dog!

So this irrational lady took all of her anger out on us, when it wasn't even an employee! She just assumed it was one of us because the lady that told her off, was wearing a similar outfit to our dress code.
I honestly think she somehow merged her run in with the manager, and the other lady, since she said the woman had a walkie on. Maybe the blonde ponytail lady told her off, but she also remembered the run in with the manager, and accidentally merged the two together in her mind to make them out to be one person.

Later on, the manager and I talked about what happened. She brought up a good point, she said that it's more important that the customers safety is in hand. If someone is allergic to a dog, and goes into an anaphylactic shock while in the store and that person stops breathing, that's definitely not a good thing. But bringing in your dog to a clothes store, just because it's a therapy dog for someone not even in the same state is just illogical to get so upset over.

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