Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

"Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne", or "Phantom Thief Jeanne, in English. Is a magical girl anime with 44 episodes. I watched 15 episodes before I decided to stop watching it, as it just wasn't for me.

The anime stars Maron, who is the reincarnation of the historical figure "Jeanne D arc". With the help of an angel named Finn, she can transform into a magical girl. Her goal is to purify items that have been taken over by demons, in order to do this, she must "steal" the item. This causes the item to be "purified", and the item disappears for good. Usually demons possess ancient artifacts, and pieces of art. In which, Maron has to visit a museum. Since purifying means the item disappears, it also means that the cops are out to find, and arrest her for stealing the priceless artifacts. This includes her best friend, Miyako, who has no idea, that she is the phantom thief Jeanne. It is Miyako's goal to take down Jeanne, and has no idea her best friend is the very person she's after.

I feel the premise of the anime was really interesting, but the anime in it's entirety, just didn't grip me.
Below are my complaints about the show.

1. It's all about love:  An episode does not go by without something about love, every episode always has some character that is in love with someone. This character is getting married, or this lady is waiting for her man to return. It just gets really tiring, annoying, and cliché' after a while. It's just the same thing, over, and over, and over.

2. It's just very Cliché':  The show itself is really cliché', the same type of plot, Maron has to purify an item, and her evil friend Miyako, is out for blood. Miyako doesn't catch Jeanne for the 80th time, darn! Maybe next time we'll get her! (Not!) The same heteronormative style of, this woman is in love with a man, every.. single, episode.  It is an earlier anime, so obviously, back then, anime were more cardboard cut out, than they are now. (Or atleast, more modern day anime 2010's particularly, have tried to come up with different types of plots).

It's just the same story, over and over.

3. Miyako:  I don't normally hate characters in shows, but by episode 14, I came to the conclusion, that I hate Miyako with a passion. She is obnoxious, insensitive, rude, and tells Maron what she can, or cannot do. She's an unpleasant character, and someone needs to just wire her mouth shut! If Miyako was my friend, I'd say some choice words, and never talk to her again.

4. Purifying Items:   Since demonic items disappear when they're purified, everyone thinks the items were stolen. Jeanne is blamed for this, since she is behind it all (Just not in the way they think). But, the angel Finn, always sends out a notice to the museum, and police, saying the item is going to be stolen by the "Phantom Thief Jeanne". So this leads to the cops to come, and Maron's friend Miyako, is always there for the ride too. Miyako serves as an antagonist towards Jeanne, and creates a conflict of Miyako not knowing her best friend is secretly her enemy.

My problem with this is, what is the point of alerting the authorities? Wouldn't it be easier to just sneak in at night, without anyone knowing, and then "Stealing", the item, and getting on out of there. Why go through so much trouble to get "almost caught", every time? It literally makes no sense. The only logical explanation for this, is that it creates a conflict in the story that the heroine has to overcome. However, there are tons of other ways that could have made it challenging for Maron to do.
For starters, the item that has a demon usually possesses someone, so they could easily use that person to go after Jeanne, maybe they could transform into a tough adversary or something? Maybe other demons would come by and help fight against Jeanne? Maybe each demon would have a power and each different power would test Jeanne's strength in each episode or something.

It'd be more interesting if it made more logical sense, and not some weird story to create drama between the characters.

5. Item disappears, no one bats an eye:  There's actually been at least two episodes (between 1-15) where Jeanne purifies the item right in front of the police, she throws this little chess piece across the room, it hits the item and the item disappears like magic. In one episode, there is no physical way the item was stolen, no doors or windows the only reasoning would be magic. It's like, the items gone and she's a miles way, on the other side of the room, but nope, she still stole it somehow!! What is this writing? What is this story? Does that make any sense at all?! From my knowledge, the characters don't know magic exists, except for people like Maron or Finn. All of the non magical characters should come to some conclusion, that something weird has happened, and that it's not possible that she even stole anything...
But for some reason, it hasn't sunk into anyone's head that maybe she didn't actually steal it and maybe there is something supernatural going on.

I don't particularly love anything about the anime, the story doesn't make much sense, and many things are just overused, and cliche. That and, Miyako needs to take a chill pill, maybe to the mental institution as well...

I've heard that apparently the anime gets darker, which hasn't exactly happened as of episode 15, the only dark thing so far is the fact that Maron lives all alone, due to "slight spoilers"

Maron's parents abandoned her.

So, I don't really hate the anime, but I don't really like it that much either.

I give the anime a 4 and a half out of 10.


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