Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday! Post One.

Okay, so I am probably going to start making a blog post every Thursday, instead of any day of the week. This is for two reasons. 1. I work in retail, and get Thursdays off the most (I haven't worked a Thursday for three months!) 2. I forgot the second reason, but reason 1 was good enough imo.

Today I am going to do a Throwback Thursday because, I don't have material for this week, and it's already 11 PM.

I do have 7 drafts however, I figure it's easier to edit a post each day, than to just take an hour to make it (For the bigger ones it takes an hour, this post is like 5 minutes).
If curious, I have the following titles I am working on in my drafts folder on the blog.
Must Play: Kya Dark Lineage, Must Play: Chrono Cross, Why I don't like Politics, What I think about Guns, The Many times I was verbally harassed in retail, Teen Wolf is the new Supernatural and Idiots are Everywhere. The last one I will be posting next week. These titles will be posts in the future, just as long as I am not eaten by the deadly zombie potato monster that is hiding under my bed!

So, for Throwback Thursday. I was reminded about my old friends, back when I used to live near New York City. I had my cousin, and two other people, my one friend was the only girl in the group, and I had known for a while that she moved to Florida (Which is now pronounced Flow-Rye-Duuuh, FYI :P
If you don't get the reference, just watch the video on youtube titled Awkward by Miles Jai, which I did post on this blog.)
But, it's so amazing how time flies, and how you knew people, and they aren't in your life anymore, but there is still a string that still attaches you to them. You haven't lost them completely, and you want to hold onto that string, and never let go! I was surprised to find out that she is bi and has a girlfriend, I was like... how did I not know this?

Here is Throwback Thursday's video of the day. This is a video by Venetian Princess that I originally saw in 2009. It's a Taylor Swift Parody titled : Just a Zombie.


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