Thursday, November 20, 2014

History Class. Is it useful or useless?

I'm going to put in my two dollars worth, so you can decide!

I have a friend who loves history and is all about it, they made a post on facebook about students who shouldn't go to college if they don't know their history. I find this remark a little weird,  yes it is important to know about the past. But when it comes to the degree you're going for, it doesn't really matter at all. What matters to them is the knowledge that they seek for their desired profession.
If you were to ask me, I think it's good to know some history. It never hurts to be well a rounded individual that knows a bit of everything, rather than someone who knows only certain things. But I don't think it should be the biggest deal if you don't know much about history, unless of course that is your major, or the type of job you're seeking.
A good reason for the knowledge of history is as they say "History likes to repeat itself", one could say we can prevent history from repeating itself by gaining knowledge about history!
I think since my friend is a history buff, it means something to them. But someone like me, who is an Art major, it doesn't bother me very much if someone doesn't know that much about their history. (Or if I don't know/remember much about history.) [I realized I pretty much forgot most things about history, and school in general, after I graduated high school. I don't remember most of it!]
It really depends on the way you look at it, and your own opinion on the subject. To me, there is no real answer. It's useful if you like it, and useless, if it's just not your cup of tea.

Picture by me

If you think about it though, history class is pretty much pointless when it comes to the real world. There aren't many jobs that have to do with knowing the past, it isn't exactly a popular subject that everyone is running off to. In fact, I'd say the only good thing a history degree could do would be either a teacher/professor, historian, something along the lines of those professions. I don't think being knowledgeable in history is of big importance, especially if you have no interest in it. Since many job occupations have no use for history, it's really not all that useful, except for personal gain. 

Although I agree that people should know about their, and other countries history. I don't think it's the golden pedestal of importance either, History is probably even better as a course that you would want to take, just a little to the side kind of thing.

I also personally do not find most of history interesting, I really only like Greek Mythology, and the Renaissance era. Otherwise, I find most of it really boring, especially stuff about wars. (I hate wars, war movies, and war games! [Oh my!])

The parts I find interesting about history is all stuff I've found out on my own, not in school! The best way to learn is when you want to learn about it, and I think that is very important too. Most people find history boring, and if they don't like it, they don't want to know about it. (This can also be applied to any other subject as well.)
For me, I love knowing things about how the world was, in a different time (Such as the Piri Reis map). I don't really care about the wars or the civilizations, but the world and only certain types of cultures. I really enjoy the medieval era, renaissance, ancient Egypt, Cryptids, Mythology, Legends, Mysteries, but I also like to know what the world was like back then, mainly because I love nature and art. I like the history of Pangaea, and how Antarctica used to actually be a warmer climate at one point in time! I like that kind of history, not about the people, but the world and the art forms of the planet. I also have a thing where I think Jesters are cool... which is also weird because I have Coulrophobia! (Fear of clowns)

Picture by me
 It can be very interesting to think about what other people have done in the past, what kinds of peace, chaos, and adventures they have been on or experienced in their lives.

Whether history is useful or useless, is up for you to decide, and for some people it will always be useless, and for others, very useful.

History can be useless job wise, as it doesn't allow you to get many jobs.While other degrees have a broader job market, History doesn't have it as big.

I really don't think there is a right or wrong answer for this question, but I also don't think it's something that should control your entire life either. I don't think you should be denied going to college, that's just silly. But it should be acknowledged at the very least!


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