Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why I'm a misanthrope

Here are the reasons why I am a misanthrope, and if you aren't familiar with the term, I will explain. A misanthrope is someone who distrusts, disdains and or hates human species or human nature.

Artwork I made of an alien planet!

From an early age, I didn't like people all that much. When I was in school, I was always the shy quiet kid, that was picked on, and I didn't really have friends until I was 20. So to a degree, minus family, and a few acquaintances here, and there, I've always been alone. I never really liked people that much to begin with because no one wanted to be my friend, and I was just afraid of people, I didn't know how to talk to people. As a grew older, I always tried to avoid the nasty people.

I never knew how terrible people were until I started working in retail, and ever since I haven't been the same! In my two years in retail, I have dealt with the nastiest, laziest, annoying, most idiotic people I have ever met in my life! To think that the world is filled with these scumbags just sickens me.
I have dealt with people who told me to "F off!" just for telling them that the store's shopping carts don't go outside. I had a crazy lady come up to me for no reason, scream and accuse me of getting her in trouble because she had a dog in the store. Another time I was called stupid by a customer because I told her where the purchase line was, and she went the wrong way, she called me stupid because SHE went the wrong way!

But it seems like no matter what you do, or where you go, there's also some jerk-off being a total dickwad!
There is no safe haven! You can go on a facebook group with a community of loving people, and still find people who are going to be ass-wipes and rain on your parade! It doesn't matter where you go, there's always someone that has to say something, whether it's on Facebook, Twitter or even a site you made. You still find people being rude to you, wherever you go!

It's so funny, I have a friend who thinks everyone should be all about the news, and know whats going on with the world. But you know what, I hate people. I see all of the stupid, and nasty things people do, all of the hate and intolerance that people do in the real world.. .that I honestly don't even want to know about it all. There are people who hate people just because of their skin color, there are people that send threats of rape, and injury just because someone is a girl, some people go out of their way to prevent rights for being in love with the same sex. Yes, I think it's understandable to be up to date with the world. But at the same time, to see how disgusting and putrid humans are, I don't really want to... All I really want to do is bring justice to these scum bags that think they're better than everyone else, and have the nerve to be rude or nasty to someone just because of who they are, and dare they be different!
Not to mention that we live in a very heteronormative and sexist society, where all you see in Television and Movies are half naked women, or girls making out. But the minute a half naked guy is on screen, or two guys kiss, everyone loses it! People are very one sided! It's so annoying because when boobs are shoved in your face all of the time, it gets annoying, it's like, where is the kind of thing I want to see?!

Which is also why I love to just keep myself at home, and watch anime or play video games. I get to immerse myself in a world of fantasy and magic, one that actually (sadly) isn't as bad as the world we live in. Especially in action video games or anime, things are usually much more lighter than they are in the real world. There's so much hate and intolerance in the real world, but in an anime or a video game, it's more of a good vs evil kind of thing.

I have just given up on people because of the way hundreds, and millions of people are to other people, it's like no one knows how to not be a dick! Guys, all because you have a dick, does not mean you need to act like one!
I'm just like, I think I like being a shut in because I don't have to deal with assholes.. But then again I still do if I go on the internet, but I just have to watch where I go.
I am getting over it in a sense that everyone can go fuck themselves, and I don't care anymore. I just hope that those people either just die slow, and painful deaths, or just really regret their actions in whatever afterlife that may possibly exist!

The attitudes that I have seen, and faced has just made me hate and dislike people, the very few that I like I have no problem with of course. But I just don't like people and I'm pretty sure most people who have worked in retail can understand!

On a side note, this is my 108th post! 108 is a special number in the Suikoden series!

(As I edit this in 2019, I realize that I was very angry while in retail. I'm glad I'm not in retail anymore, because I have a much lighter tone again!)

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