Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do you know how to tell it how it is?

I don't know about you, but for someone who is reserved and quiet in the real life, it can be very hard to speak up for yourself when someone says something that is rude.
Whenever someone says something mean, hurtful or untruthful, I would love to speak up, but my problem is that I am too shy to say anything, or just don't know what to say. On top of that, I usually don't know what to say until it's too late!

I don't know if anyone else has that problem, but I sure do!

Picture by me

There were plenty of times I was insulted, or offended by someone because they were being very nasty to me. But I never said anything because I was too shy, or because I just didn't know what to say yet. Of course, I wouldn't think of what to say until it was too late, from a minute later to even three days later. For some reason, coming up with a good comeback, especially a witty one, just takes time for me. (Usually)
It's annoying because, there are lot's of people that I know that really do need to be put in their place!

I find there are times where people assume things, when it's actually incredibly off course. There is a manager that I have at my job that is always assuming things, and he's very rude. Every time he's wrong, he just accuses me, or other people of things when that's not what happened. My problem is I don't know what to say when something happens, so I never say anything. Even though I also have some witty come backs such as "Not only do you have a dick, but you act like one too" or "Hello captain dick face of the S.S. Jerk off!" (Okay, so maybe those are a bit much...)

If you have problems telling people how it is, I think the best way is to rehearse certain lines and comebacks on your free time and then try to remember them at the right situations. But also be aware to check on people's emotions, and feelings if it seems like they're getting ready to say something negative.

Do you have this problem too? If so, tell everyone what has happened to you? If you don't have this problem, tell everyone what you have said to people that do need to be put in their place. 

Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 


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