Saturday, May 30, 2015

Elemental Maidens of Destiny!

I've been slacking on blog posts lately, I have some ideas, but I've been extremely lazy lately!!!
I have however been playing lot's of Suikoden IV! Which also brings me to the idea I came up with a few years ago!
For those who are not familiar, Suikoden is an RPG series where you recruit 108 characters (Known as the stars of destiny) to help fight an opposing force. In the first Suikoden, there are exactly five female characters who all have throwing knives as their weapon. In Suikoden, you can give characters elemental magic that varies from Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning. These are known as runes, which are magical orbs that imbue it's magical powers onto the person. (Which can be removed, or added, by a person known as a "Rune Master")
I went and gave each character a different element, and by doing this, I realized that they became "magical girls". Magical girls, for those who don't know, is a trope seen in anime like Sailor Moon, or Saint October. Where it's a group of 5 characters, who all have different colored outfits, and usually different elemental abilities (That also match their attire). Below are the characters, and what element I gave to each character. I usually give characters elements based off of the colors they wear!

I created my own version of "runes".

 I always give fire magic to Cleo, (Which is given to her by another character in the game). Although many fans like to give her water magic.


I mix around magic with Meg, I either give her Water, or Lightning. But once you recruit all 5 of the characters, I stick with lightning on her. Meg is the least  magical character of the girls, and giving her water, and/or lightning, is better for her than Wind, or Earth because of their spell types. (Fire would also work for her too) Early level spells for Wind and Earth include defense, and sleep spells. Using healing (water), or attack spells (lightning/fire) are more useful for a character who isn't the best (or worst) with magic, such as Meg.

Meg re-appears in the second game, where they give characters affinities to certain magic. Coincidentally, she's only good with Lightning, and Wind magic in the second.

Eileen joins the group with Earth magic.


Sarah, I give Water because of her blue outfit. (You also meet her, while she's washing clothes, so it's kind of fitting actually)


Tengaar, being the last recruit, I gave her wind. Although, in the second Suikoden, she's good with Earth, Wind and Fire (Which perfectly fits her outfit colors!). 

(Meg, and Tengaar re-appear in the second game as playable characters. Cleo, Eileen, and Sarah do not, but they all make cameo appearances in the hero of the first games home-town. )
Together they make the five ladies the Elemental Maidens of Destiny!

I almost forgot! 

Last but not least is, Glo-Rya!
The secret elemental maiden of destiny! She's so secret, she's not even in the game! In fact, she's my sassy co-worker! (I just wanted to put this in here for fun)

The one, the only, Glo-Rya!

This is just a fun little post I made.
Unfortunately, the other Suikodens don't have enough knife throwers in their games to do this! I'm still experimenting with this idea, and may come up with different ideas for the Suikoden games in the future. I may even incorporate a similar scenario in my own stories. 

I made Darkness, and Holy images too!

Check out the original post on Tapatalk.


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