So, with all of the Nike controversy nonsense going on. I'd like to chip in on my two cents! (Read my whole post, and I'll make it 3 cents!) At first this post will be about the Nike Controversy, but will delve into other similar situations!
Picture by me |
For those who don't know, or if you read this 20 years later. Nike is under fire, because it used an NFL player in it's ad. (From my understanding, this NFL player kneeled during the national anthem during a game, in order to protest against racism, and so now he's under fire. Although technically in America, with freedom of speech, so it's acceptable. But do your own research, and form your own opinion!)
Due to this controversy, when people saw the Nike commercial involving this player, they were outraged. They decided to either cut off the Nike symbol on their Nike related items, or actually burn the materials! Most of the people outraged, are conservative leaning.
Now here's the irony, many conservatives have a long track record of complaining, whining, about liberals, and calling them snowflakes. However, when something as simple as a commercial, starring a dude they don't like shows up, they go bonkers and do something reckless (Initially making them look like fools). Instead of doing something destructive like this, that just wastes materials, they should do something more proactive. If they really care about the situation, they should have a level head and act like an adult and protest, or just don't buy Nike things anymore. Instead, they just act immature and cut, up and burn things.. kind of like having a tantrum almost. From my knowledge, liberals don't do this, they just boycott/protest and they're on their way.
Now yes, both sides of the table all have their crazies, and rational people, but the ones doing this are not very rational at all. So this does not mean EVERYONE, just various people are acting this way.
Also, by buying Nike products, to burn them, they're still supporting Nike, ironically.
Destroying materials, is also not good for other reasons as well.
1. These clothing items could be used, and given to homeless, or people in need.
2. Imagine taking so much time to create something (A Nike worker, or any worker in general, creating the product), just to find out that someone cut it up, or burned it. Would you not be upset that your hard work was destroyed over something like that?!
3. Not only that, but it's a waste of materials too. The earth is running out of materials, maybe Nike's clothes don't contain those materials, but it's better if we leave things the way they are, and produce less waste!
4. In general, many items are created by the use of bugs, animals, maybe kids in sweatshops, and other things. Imagine ruining something made out of silk, do you know how many silkworms it takes to make one scarf? Because I don't remember, but I know it's many, and I'm pretty sure the poor things die in the end too. Put in perspective, how many people, or creatures it takes to make an item. I think about this way more than I should in any general way.
The interesting thing about this, is I see this theme frequently.
Here's where we go into new territory. Yay!
• I used to have a girl on facebook, who would complain about liberals being snowflakes, but then when something pro-liberal happened she'd whine about the silliest things. She also said once about how she needs to move out of New York, and get away from it's "Liberal-Ness", and complain about how there wasn't straight pride... (brb rolling my eyes.)
But because I don't remember much about what she said, I can't say much about her.
If you say, why isn't there straight pride?
Don't. Read my post from 2014, this will guide you.
Why there is no straight pride
So the following are some hypocritical things that I've noticed from many conservatives.
It's a known fact that most conservatives hate gay people, so you can probably guess what I'm about to say.
There are plenty of times, where gay people have been denied jobs, hotels, plane seats, and even cake, just for being gay. In fact, a very close friend of mine went on vacation a few years ago. He booked a one bed room, for him and his boyfriend. They gave him a two bed room, because they were homophobic, and refused to have two guys in the same bed! Well, jokes on them, they decided to sleep in one bed, and
have fun in the other!
Such as the time an engaged couple came to buy a cake, the owner refused them a cake because it was "Against their beliefs", even though, when you open a shop, you're serving to EVERYONE. I worked retail for 5 years, and I always had a smile on my face and helped them out, even when people said things I disagreed with!
Baker refuses gay couple
This particular situation is even worse than you think, since the D-bag bakery owner leaked their personal information. So the couple gets hate mail, even after 3 years, and people even know where they live. Not only did they decide not to serve a customer, but they leaked private information, which is against the law!
Oh, and another one
When these, and other events happened. Many conservatives thought it was the funniest thing, and that people don't need to serve people, if they don't match with their religion.
So not only are they using religion to cause harm, and hate. But just being overall rude about the situation as well!
Here's where the hypocrisy starts.
Years later, a republican politician is kicked out of a restaurant for her views. Conservatives go wild, they're outraged!
This is inherently, the same situation. I don't agree with you, or your views, so I won't serve you.
So when gay people are refused service, conservatives laughed at them, and think they deserve it. But when a member of their party is kicked out, it's the worst thing imaginable. It's absolutely hypocritical.
I see this stuff all the time, and half of the time it's not political, just well hypocritical! That should be the name of a song, or something.. hm..
Here's another lgbt related one, as you may or may not know. LGBTQIA people are often hated, and attacked. We need safe spaces, where we can be safe, and talk about our mixed tapes!
In many countries, it's illegal to be gay, you can be arrested, badly hurt, or even killed. So places like these are very important! Especially when most people who commit suicide are young LGBT teens, just knowing there's a place you belong can mean everything!
That's where irony like this comes in.
"Can only imagine the discriminated outrage if a Hotel had a •Straight Only policy"
Yeah, I mean it's not like you can get killed for being gay, or anything.....
Picture by me |
On a Side Note
Conservatives got mad at Starbucks, for having a red cup, instead of a cup that says Merry Christmas...
These people feel entitled to their religion, and don't see that other people have different religions. Which is why Starbucks did this, since they are a public company. They didn't want to shove a holiday in everyone's face, that not everyone believes in.
Conservatives thought they'd purchase a coffee from Starbucks, and write Merry Christmas on it... Well, you just gave them money, so you're still supporting them, instead of "Showing Them Who's boss!".
Hypocrites in Games!
This annoys me quite a bit! In Video Games, the girl characters have their boobs hanging out, and the male characters are all fully clothed.
The second a male character is wearing revealing clothing, or there's a gay male character "It's Too political".
In the post below, they complain about Social Justice Warriors, having their way and having girl characters wear actual clothing for once. I mean, it's not like us guys, and girls had to deal with girl characters having their boobs flop everywhere for decades or anything. (brb rollin' my eyes to mexico.)
My comment
"This is hilarious, us guys and girls not into women have had to deal with boobs in our faces for decades, and now that some characters are less revealed, they're whining like little babies. Then the second there's a half naked dude, they complain about "how political!" HILARIOUS!"
My post
Heterosexual men, who play games drool over all the half naked girl characters, or lesbian characters. But when a guy is sexualized, or is gay, they lose their crap. Its not a cool double standard, and hypocritical!
Obviously, there are good and bad people in every situation, so it won't apply to everyone, and it's not about everyone, just the big complainers of the world! lol