Thursday, December 25, 2014


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, Happy New Year. What greeting do you use?

Do you think it's okay to specifically state one holiday to everyone? Or just say Happy Holidays or Season Greetings?

I prefer Happy Holidays, because you can't just assume things, it just makes an ass out of you and me! I'm sure there are plenty of people who hate Christmas because it's talked about all the time, and they don't even celebrate it. I think it can be rude when everyone says Merry Christmas, especially to people who don't celebrate it. It's like saying "Cheers to being sober!", to someone who's never had an addiction to drugs, or alcohol, it's like, what the hell?! Or asking an overweight woman, when their baby is due. It just doesn't qualify to them.

Although, if you specifically know what someone celebrates, then it's okay, in my opinion.
But I don't think it's right saying something like Merry Christmas to everyone, that would be just like if everyone said Happy Hanukkah to people of Catholic religions, I think lot's of people would be offended if that happened.
Another thing I don't like, is when people say Happy Christmas, instead of Merry Christmas, I just think it sounds very weird and off!



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