Thursday, June 2, 2016

Toxic Communities: Let Them Go

The internet is a great place where people can talk to others, learn about new things, see pictures of the world, talk about Marcy and her questionable fashion choices.... The list goes on!

However, the internet is not all sunshine & rainbows. Plenty of sites on the internet can be a toxic place to go to, and these places are filled with nasty comments, trolls, and that moldy three month old bagel you left in the refrigerator!

One particular site, I will not name, is a popular meme sharing site. Unfortunately, the kinds of people that flood the comments are absolutely vile. The comments on the site are littered with sexism, racism, homophobia, and anything else you could think of.

You could make a very harmless comment about the sun shining on your shoulders, and you bet your bottom dollar that someone will respond with a nasty comment.

It's almost like these people get off on being rude to one another 

I noticed one person responding to one of these negative comments, this is what I said to them.

"Hey there! I've seen a couple of your comments! I 100% agree with what you're saying, but I think it's best to not bother with these idiots, "Site name" is filled with vicious people who are disgustingly racist, sexist, homophobic and other things. I used to get mad at these people too, so much so that I quit the site for a year. The negativity bothered me so much that I left! My friend said that I should come back because it still has funny stuff. I decided not to worry about the haters, the nasty people, etc.. They'll never amount to anything! So I don't bother with the comments because it would wear me down, I usually take a peak, but don't really comment because that's when the hurdles of D-BAGS come in. What I'm trying to say is not to let them get to you, and just pay no mind to them, that's what I did, and it's better to enjoy yourself without these losers being negative. I'm sure there are better, more friendly communities out there."

What I've learned from the negativity from people on the internet is, that there's really nothing you can do about it. Trying to change their mind will most likely not work. You have to do what's best for you and just move on, find people that are on the same wavelength as you. Enjoy the things you like to do, and pay no mind to the haters.

As I said these people are just losers, and they won't amount to anything. They're probably unemployed, eat junk food all day, have no friends and live in their moms basement anyway...

The best thing you can do with a toxic community is, either leave, or do not bother with the comments. Sites like that, where they offer something, is easy to ignore comments all together. A site where the only function is to talk to other people, such as a forum. Is best to leave if they're a toxic community.

Sometimes you have to let it go, and move on, you're better than that! Unless you're like really vengeful, and want to find their home address and just shock them with a cattle prod... But the best thing to do is move on, find more interesting people to talk to on the internet!

Feel free to check out my other blog posts where I discuss how to deal with certain kinds of people.

This post is about if you want to Win An Argument Online


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