Image by me
My response is, YES I am an emotional sponge. If someone is down, it's possible that their emotions will bring me down.
This happened one time last March at work. We had this girl, we'll call her "Madame Marsha". The lovely Madame Marsha was called to the office, and was having an argument with the store manager.
The store manager and Madame Marsha were arguing in the hallway outside of the managers office, this was because the store manager was about to leave to go home. All the managers were there because of what Madame Marsha had done, it was like an investigation.
So, the the manager, and Marsha are yelling at each other in the hallway. The other managers just had that face on, of when people are yelling at each other. The supervisor Laura, and I open the door to the hallway to see this heated argument..
One second in that hallway, and you could feel the tension. I was thinking to myself, I cannot be here, because negative things affect me drastically! In my head I'm saying to the supervisor, "Laura.. I can't be here.. let's go let's go!". Of course Laura just had to sit there with the other managers... lol
We had to go to the cash room, which is across the hall from the manager's office. But Laura had to stay for the spectacle, but I just wanted to go to the cash office, finish counting the money from being on register, and get going.
I just really wanted to be away from this mess! I KNEW it was going to affect me later, it always does, even if it doesn't affect me personally, the negativity will affect me anyways.
For the rest of the day I felt like crap, I just had this horrible feeling. Even though I had nothing to do with the argument, the tension, and everything affected me.
Funny thing though, I recently just found out I am a "Psychic Vampire".
Well, guess what a Psychic Vampire is? It's someone who can give or take away someone's energy.
So, that means subconsciously I take people's energy.
So, that day with the argument, there was so much tension and negative energy and I was taking it all in unconsciously and that was why I felt like crap the rest of the night... I took all of their negative energy from them.
Although I didn't know I was a psychic Vampire back then, I still knew it would have a negative affect on me.
News Flash from 2019, I'm not a Psychic Vampire, Psychic vampires are bad. I'm an Empath, which is the ability to "feel", what others are feeling.