Originally I was also going to put in why being gay is not a sin as well, but I will save that for another post. (Sometimes I am just too busy with work, things I want to do, procrastinating and looking at pictures of turtles on the net.)
Being gay is NOT a choice: The following are the reasons why it is not a choice!
○ If being gay was a choice, then why would people allow themselves to get kicked out of their houses by their parents for being gay?
• If being gay is a choice, then why would anyone allow themselves to get bullied, harassed, fired from a job, and EVEN BEATEN TO DEATH for being gay? (Ref: Matthew Sheppard).
¤ Why would someone choose to be discriminated, bullied, shamed, kicked out of their house and just HATED by hundreds of people just for being gay?
♥ If being gay was a choice, gay people, nor gay marriage would really exist, because people would just end up with opposite sex partners. The only way someone would think that you could be attracted to the same sex, is if it was someone's inner feelings. (I'm a gay male, and I legit didn't even know you could be gay, like until I was around 15. The same happened to my friend.)
♠ If being gay was a choice, then there wouldn't be anyone fighting for gay rights. There wouldn't be a reason to fight for something if it wasn't real.
♦ If a straight person were to choose to be gay, it would not be possible. You can not force yourself to actually be sexually attracted to someone if you're not attracted to their gender! If you try to become sexually aroused by a gender you're not attracted to, it will not work, you cannot change your sexuality, there is no way to force your body to be attracted to someone you're not attracted to... it just won't work!
If being gay was a choice, no one would choose it. Why would someone choose to be something, that people hate? That people get fired from their jobs for, or kicked out of their houses? No one would actively choose something, that will have people hate on them, beat them, or say nasty things to them.
Being gay is not a choice and It makes no sense whatsoever as to why someone would think this, no one wakes up in the morning and goes "Today, I'm going to be gay and everyone's going to hate on me, call me nasty words and try to kill me today! Oh what fun!"
Last but not least, there is a recent study about how being gay is actually 40% genetic! Maybe not completely genetic, but almost half way there! Here are two links about the same study.. "Here" and [Here]
I also found some more links on non gay websites The Gaurdian. Washington Post, LGBTQ Nation
Also some interesting articles on the Huffington Post. Gay gene paradox,
It's not a choice because it is also how we were made, our genetics created us this way!
Being gay is not a choice, and I know that from experience. When I as growing up, I didn't really have a sexuality, I was just me. Someone who loved video games, anime and anything fantasy.
But as I got older, I automatically assumed I was into women, because that's what everyone else was into, the opposite gender. I figured that was what I was into just because it's the only thing I knew. (This is why representation in the media MATTERS. SO WE KNOW WE EXIST, AND THAT WE'RE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Straight people who cry over a gay character being in the last two minutes of a show, can shove it so far, they can't poop for a week!)
As much as I tried to like women, it just didn't work. I had no sexual feelings for them at all...
I did have sexual feelings, but for men! At first I didn't like the idea that I was only into the same gender, I for some reason thought it was better to be bisexual. Which I thought I was for a while, despite not being attracted to the opposite sex. Eventually, I knew was only attracted to men and I denied it for a year or so.
The last thing I wanted to be was gay, but eventually life caught up to me, and I finally understood and figured what I was. It took a while for me to get used to it, I hated that I was gay for a few months.
I knew it wasn't a choice, because if it was, I would have easily chosen to be straight! I would have easily been able to be attracted to the opposite gender, but I couldn't, because it is simply impossible to force yourself to be sexually aroused and attracted to a gender you're not attracted to.
My friend Chaco wrote a little snippet 3 years ago...
"The thing is, a lot of people don't realize being gay is the same as being born with Blue Eyes or a tight butt or like having interest in electronics from an early age. Like, enjoying to drink milk when you're only 2.
Basically, it happens WHEN YOU'RE BORN. It's NOT a choice! No one can choose their sexual orientation, it's something we are given by birth."
"The thing is, a lot of people don't realize being gay, is the same as being born with blue eyes, a tight butt, having an interest in electronics at an early age, or enjoying milk when you're only 2. Basically, it happens WHEN YOU'RE BORN, it's NOT a choice! No one can choose their sexual orientation, it's something we are given by birth."
You know what is a choice though? Religion!
Also check out this video.
I do think that sometimes the environment that someone is in can direct someone's sexuality at times though, but rarely.
I do not want to appear as contradicting! However, I do think there are three kinds of gay people...
• Actual people who like the same sex and were born that way.
• People who were traumatized by someone at an early age, that caused the person to become gay. (This has happened to someone before, where they were mentally and physically abused by women.. that it somehow affected them. I've only heard of this happening once.)
• People who are faking it due to the lack of attention from the opposite sex, and therefore "Turn straight". These are the only fake gays and aren't actually attracted to the same sex, they only do it because they just cannot get a date, or they just crave attention.
Chaco, actually had an incident where one of his friends believed that being gay was a choice. It turned out that she had a crush on him, and just didn't want his sexuality to be true, she wanted him to be straight because she liked him!
She ended up dating his step brother by coincidence.
I think people who say being gay is a choice are actually bisexual. Because for them, it's not a choice to be attracted to either gender, but it is a choice for someone to only seek out members of a specific sex because they believe it's wrong to like the same gender.
I honestly cannot stand people who actually think being gay is a choice, I KNOW I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE GAY, if it was a choice, I would have chosen to be straight! I didn't even know you could be attracted to the same gender in the first place, let alone somehow have an ability to choose what gender to be attracted to. People who think being gay is a choice, are delusional, and need to look into the skeletons in their closet.
Just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it's wrong.
My friend Victor is bisexual, and he has his own opinion, he of course does not believe being gay is a choice, but he believes that it is not genetic either. This is what he said..
"Being gay is neither a choice, or a genetic disorder. It is in fact a physical, or mental attraction to the same sex. While it is true that most homosexuals have certain traits.
Very small and very exact, however the human body will respond to almost all types of stimuli if touched erotically especially in certain erogenous areas of the body (read up on certain sexual abuse situation and how others try expound on the victims arousal) however it is the mind that tells us off attraction. You should know that attraction is caused by pheromones we put out, and how others respond to these pheromones. So a homosexual is really just responding to these pheromones that males produce instead of a females. Also one cannot count religion in any argument via that there are other religions and in ancient times homosexuality was more common than weather shifts. But I digress.
While there are heterosexuals that have at times chose live the heterosexual lifestyle that does not include the entire gay population. For instance a female that will engage in homoerotic contact with another female for her significant others viewing pleasure, or for another males attention or even male and female actors in the adult industry that perform homosexual sex as part of their job.
Also the whole gay gene isn't what people mean by born gay, but if you want to say there might be, than bring up the fact that most homosexuals have certain physical features that seem to match and coincide with other homosexuals, and no not that horrible lisp dear god, but certain eye-shape, body type, both tiny and big, its not exact but pretty close. So remember attraction is caused by pheromones, and how we respond, things like homosexuality and heterosexuality is actually all about your nature vs nurture, because before we did gender-base and sexualize most societies were very sexually open. Well except when it came to children that was non negotiable as I understand. The old native Americans called it two soul, a person born with the soul or spirit of a man and woman in one body when it came to homosexuality. When it changed I have no idea."
I'd like to make an UPDATE! As of 6/28/2014.
I always post my blog posts on facebook, and one of my facebook friends saw the post and commented on it. They believe being gay is a choice, and I felt the need to add this part to the post to better clarify any unresolved issues.
When people say being gay is a choice, I feel attacked to an extent. Because basically what the other person is saying is that I am lying. Like what I feel on the inside towards the same gender, is some sort of lie. Like I am making up my sexual attraction towards men. It is not a choice, I did not choose this. But saying that it is a choice is like saying that I am lying to everyone that I know, like what I really feel on the inside is fake. As if it's all made up, that how I truly feel on the inside is just some lie that I made up and tell people. Well, let me tell you.. IT'S NOT! I have no feelings for women at all! Women are people to me, that's it. But when I see a cute guy, I get a fuzzy feeling inside of me, and I want to get to know him, I want to fall in love with him.. and that only happens with men. I can't choose to be attracted to men, if I were to choose, ANYONE could feel a fuzzy feeling for anyone!! Plain, and Simple.
Another thing though... OBVIOUSLY I DO NOT HAVE FREE WILL TO CHOOSE WHICH GENDER I AM ATTRACTED TO, OR THIS GOD DAMN BLOG POST WOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE!!! Why would I make a post about the gay gene, or being gay not being a choice, if I thought it was a choice? I made the blog post so confused, Curious, Ignorant, close minded individuals would understand that gay people aren't making shit up. Why the hell are we going to go through all of this suffering from bigots, and haters if we could just choose to like the opposite sex? People get harassed, and beaten for being gay. If they could choose, they'd choose to be straight, and they wouldn't get harassed anymore. I don't get why it's such a hard concept to grasp?
The only lie I ever told was forcing myself to be attracted to women! I chose to be straight at first because that's what everyone else is attracted to! Being straight was the only thing that I chose, but only for a while. I thought I was attracted to women. I sure as hell didn't choose to be gay, but one time I chose to be straight, and guess what sugar lumps, it didn't work. Because baby I was born this way, I KNOW that I was born this way because I NEVER chose anything in my life that I like. I never chose my favorite color, or my favorite flavor of ice cream, my favorite video game. If anything, they all chose me, my attraction to men I did not choose, and I didn't want to be gay when I started having feelings for men in the first place, so I would obviously be straight if it was a choice. Being gay, straight, bi ..etc.. it's just like being attracted to certain members of the gender you like.. you aren't attracted to all of them, you're attracted to some of them.. but you NEVER choose which people you are attracted to, and that's just what it is like.
Also check this out by Neil McNeil. (Which is temporarily down until Neil puts his videos back up!)