Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I dislike popular things

Something I've noticed is, I usually don't like popular things. Call me a hipster all you like, but I just don't find interest in many popular games, or shows. I also don't think it's cool how popular media steals so much of the spotlight (But I guess at the same time, if something else took it's place it would be popular instead).
People's favorite anime tend to be the really popular anime like Death Note, or Sword Art Online, and stores will milk these franchises to the bone. People will talk about it non-stop. That's alright to sell merchandise, and love a particular form of media, but I just find that the non-popular video games, anime and other media tend to actually be 10 times better than the most popular entertainment franchises.
The annoying thing is, I can get merchandise of stuff I don't like, up the wazoo. But anything I do like, there's almost nothing for. You can have tons of Super Mario items, but not a single Kya Dark Lineage item, for example. There are fans for everything, but fans of certain things get gypped because they like something that is not popular enough to merit some cool merchandise for the fans! The sad thing, is that with unpopular shows or games, you don't always get cool merchandise for that show or game.
 On the other hand, there are popular forms that I do like, for example, I find that Madoka Magica was a very well written anime with a plot twist in every episode. But I find that the best programs and games are the ones that aren't as well known, such as Shangri-La , Hatenkou Yuugi, Suikoden or Kya Dark Lineage for example are all amazing anime, or games, that no one knows about!

Meanwhile, there are other things that are milked like no tomorrow, and come out with the same boring story, and characters. They're the most popular thing in the world, and I have no idea why! (My example is Final Fantasy VII, I hated Final Fantasy 7, I thought it was the most boring game ever, but everyone and their mother loves it!)

This also includes anime, especially anime with many episodes such as Bleach or One Piece get milked with over 1000 episodes. The shows I'd love to see just a second season for, will never see the light of day again!
It's funny, because I remember someone once saying that the anime with lot's of episodes are "bad", and the anime with a small amount of episodes are "good". It's reverse for places such as America, where shows with a short amount of episodes are "Bad" and the shows with lot's of episodes are "Good". A sneak peak at cultural differences.

"Originally, I had posted an image of Cloud, from Final Fantasy VII, saying "I'm not a WHORE! Cuz whores get paid n stuff!" (I don't know who made it, nor do I have permission to post it, so I took it down)

I also hate it when people are like 


to a popular game....

My instance this time, is Legend of Zelda. I played I think LOZ Seasons for the gameboy, once a long time ago and I didn't care for it. I am interested in getting into the series however, but there was something that bothered me once. Someone said that they "hate it when a hardcore gamer has never played Legend of Zelda before." I am a hardcore gamer, and I mostly play RPG's. I also only grew up with Playstation games, so I find this statement to be just flat out rude, and kind of ignorant. People like what they like, and there is also the fact that sometimes you don't have money for certain things. But that is like if I said the same statement about the Suikoden series, it's my favorite series and in my opinion the best game/s of all time. But I wouldn't say something as rude as the above quote, not everyone is going to like something, or be interested in it, and all because you like something doesn't mean other people have to play it.

 It is just not cool when people push their opinions as a fact.

(Side Note: I got to play Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in 2018. It's by far, an amazing game. So yeah..)

Another thing that really bugs me is, all of the tv shows that I like get canceled! Shows that I really enjoyed shows such as Happy endings, and Pushing Daisies, I also liked Sean Saves the World...
Two other shows, Mystery Girls and the Mysteries of Laura, I like, but everyone seems to hate them!
The reason why I don't really watch television anymore, is because most of the shows I liked get canceled! It's like, why even bother investing time in them then?!

This ESPECIALLY applies to characters as well! There are plenty of characters that I absolutely LOVE! But everyone hates! Examples are Quina from Final Fantasy IX, Orihime from Bleach and
As much as I love these characters from popular franchises, they are very hated within the community. Orihime is actually on Anime-Planet's top 10 hated characters! (As of 2019, she is 16th on the list)


I know I must have been a little ironic, and contradictory, but what I was trying to get to is, I just feel like popular shows and games aren't always what they are cracked up to be. While other times they are popular for a really good reason! But I also find myself usually enjoying media that is not well known, and I think people should invest more time and effort in the things that aren't as known.
It also bothers me to see everyone talk about all of the popular things, and never the shows or games that aren't as popular. I have a friend who has mostly only seen anime that is popular, and I am helping her by recommending anime that aren't well known that I have seen.
I notice on anime sites all anyone can ever talk about is popular anime.. but it's just like, where is all of the talk for other anime?!


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