Red Garden stars four girls, Kate, Clair, Rose and Rachel.
Kate, the main character who is quiet, serious, and just very calm, she is also in a way the leader of the group.
Claire, is very tough, and the kick ass member of the group. She's also the only one that can drive.
Rose, is the shy sweet one who is scared of everything basically, she rarely ever fights, but I love her anyways!
Rachel is the little miss popular who is a big priss. She has the most character development in the series.
Red Garden is a mix between Mystery, Action/Adventure, and Psychological thriller. It's not really one of those anime with comedy though, but every show has it's funny moments.
The story starts with each girl having a scene where they wake up, and have no idea what they did last night.
In the beginning, the girls are not friends with each other, but are all aware of the other girls. As the story goes on, they become friends.
Each of them have a mutual friend, a girl named Lise. (Pronounced Lisa). They all find out that their friend Lise, is dead.
As they all mourn the loss of their friend, they individually find a red butterfly that leads the four girls to the same place. The butterflies lead them to a woman named Lula, and her partner JC.
Lula tells them what happened the night which lead them to forget what happened, she tells them what they never expected to hear! They are in fact all dead! Lula explains that if they want to stay in existence, and not just disappear, they have no choice but to work for her. Lula, and JC work for an organization called "Animus". They are however not in their real bodies, but in fact a dummy body.
Their real bodies are safe in Animus HQ.
The girls main job is fighting monsters at night, but monsters are actually people. The people they're fighting against, have basically turned into some type of zombie.
These monsters are also very tough, they have more strength, and durability than an average person.
The girls weapons of choice are bats.
There is also an OVA of the anime. (Ova stands for "Original Video Animation" for those of you who don't know.)
In the OVA, we look 300 years in the future. The girls lose their memory after the events of Red Garden, and are also immortal now. We get to see what they're like in this time period, and what the world is like after what happens in the original story.
The OVA is called "Dead Girls", and the girls have new persona's! Kate is basically the same, except a bit more extroverted. Rose is now the popular prissy one like Rachel used to be. Rachel is actually now smart and builds giant robots. (The more to battle with my dear!).
Claire becomes a whore basically, and hits on all of the guys. lol.
Lise is also reincarnated, as well as one of the bad guys from the Red Garden arc.
The OVA is only 45 minutes long, and it's just really interesting to see.
The girls get new weapons! All I remember is Kate has a boomerang now.
I really enjoyed Red Garden when I saw it last April, (4/2013). I don't remember that much from it, which is why I didn't add too much. But it's really good, and the intro theme is awesome. The art style is also different than most anime, and which I find makes it special, and unique.

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