Thursday, February 27, 2014


Change this, and that, and don't forget to change your pants!

Okay, so there's this little thing called change. I'm on board with it, but not everyone else is!
Change is good most of the time, but unfortunately some people don't thinks so. Change isn't a something that many enjoy, people get mad enough if youtube or facebook changes it's layout. Although I think sites like youtube and facebook, should allow the option to switch back to an old design, I always enjoyed these changes, and find it rather silly, and immature when people complain about a new layout. The only time I think it's appropriate to complain is when they move something around, and you don't know where it is anymore. This is what happened to me on youtube, when they changed the layout. I like the new layout, but I couldn't find out where they moved the section to see your responses to comments you made!

But the changes I am mainly focusing on, are about important changes that affect many many people. It appears to me that some folk like being stuck in the past, they want everything to stay the same. But the fact of the matter is, the world forever changes, the universe always expands. Without change, the world would be really boring, and uninteresting because things would always be the same!
Another change that people seem to dislike is change for the better, for instance, many people don't like gay marriage, so they fight against it. Which is utterly ridiculous, if you don't like it, don't get married to someone of the same sex! People need to do themselves a favor, and not change other people. You're not going to have much luck you can't usually change someone. You can change someone sometimes, but definitely not who they're attracted to!

What I think people need to do, is accept change even if they don't like it, and understand it's GOING to happen whether they like it or not! (Henny) People also need to realize that if nothing changed, things would be very boring. It'd be like one of those movies where the person keeps going back in time for the same day, things get old real fast! (I know there was a Christmas movie like that).

Maybe I am more accepting to change, I am for instance a very open minded and easy going individual.
In fact, I love change and always welcome it to my house! Just as long as it takes off it's shoes at the door, I am fine.
The world would be very boring if everything was the same all the time, it's like if everyone had the same exact personality, or if everyone had a terrible taste in fashion! Yikes!

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