Monday, February 3, 2014

Annoyed with Ebay and Paypal

Okay, so I've recently discovered Ebay, and I've been buying all of these cool things! But, every time I buy something, I get charged an extra 1.50$!
You see, my bank charges you if you use their bank card like a debit card, I always use it as a credit card, therefore I do not get charged.
Ever since I linked my ebay account with my paypal account, I keep getting charged an extra 1.50!! I've bought several things, and even a few things that were literally .99 cents!! I got an extra charge that was MORE THAN WHAT I BOUGHT!!!!
I do not make that much money to be fine with an extra 1.50 taken out of my account because of the bank, and I bought like 10 things....
It has so far, not done this to three items, but the 10 other ones it did.

I've been trying to figure out if there is a way to use it like a credit card, but I have yet to find a way!! This is really annoying and it's really not cool because I am losing all of this extra money!!
My only thought right now is to unconnect to paypal when I make a purchase, and then reconnect. Since it was fine when I didn't have paypal, although it was only one purchase.
The really annoying thing though, is that ebay practically shoves paypal down your throat! It's like WhY dOn'T yOu GeT a PaYpAl, It MaKeS tHiNgS sO mUcH eAsIeR!!!!
I already had one so it wasn't a problem, but it is a problem if I am losing money I wasn't going to spend!!!!!

Also, I am a frequent user of amazon, and this has never happened with amazon!!

EDIT: Quick update from 2019. I have since fixed this issue, and now love Paypal, and use it for all my online purchases. 

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