Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sign up to post a comment: My Rant

I'm sure we've all  been there,

We find an article on some website, and want to make a comment. But, then it asks you to join up to make a comment!
Some sites actually let you post with your facebook, or twitter username, which is really cool, and I always comment with my twitter profile whenever I can.
But every now and again, I want to make a post, and it asks me to sign up, and I am just like...

First off, I do not want to go through the signing up process, it can be really annoying. Especially since all I want to do is make one simple, and easy comment... but no.. there's all of this.. you have to add your email, birth date, password, username, sell your left kidney, make a profile picture and much more!

(All this, for 29.99! one low price of 29.99!)

But it's like, all I want to do is make a comment, and then shimmy shake my way outta there. I do not want to sign up to a website that I am never going to appear on ever again. It's very strange to me that some sites won't let guests post, or let someone log in with a popular social network ID. Do they really want millions of members that never post, and are never active? As an Ex-forum owner, I thought it was so annoying when people joined the site, but never contributed. I don't get the hype for these websites that MAKE YOU SIGN UP if you want to comment; do you really want an excess of dead accounts? These are popular websites that have articles that are meant to be viewed, and commented on! Not have a million empty accounts.

There is No Point to it.

I just want to say what I feel, and then leave to never return. I especially don't want free offers that give me amazing prizez either, which is what this site did, it was like sign up, and you get emailz!!!!

I'm like no thanks, I get too much spam from everyone else already!
Of course it's the worst when you try to make a comment before you are signed up, because not only do you go through the whole signing up for a website you don't care about, but a good portion of the time the website deletes your post, and you have to write it all over again!
I just did this, and the worst part is that I had to re-write my comment THREE TIMES!!!
The funniest part is all I was doing was answering someone's question, so of course all of the time it took to sign up, and I get ready to post and someone else responded, and answered their question and I was just like....😐

Fortunately, they left off something so I did still go through all of that trouble to post a comment.
But it's the most annoying thing ever!!! Tell me about your experiences, and if you have not had such experiences, tell me about your favorite color.


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