Monday, August 26, 2013

Can someone change?

This question is from a completely different question from a formspring friend of mine named  Lizzie! She asked...

"Is it possible to fall out of love? Or was it never Love to begin with?"

My response was as follows..

When someone falls out of love, it usually just means that they changed, and they aren't the same person anymore.
Despite some people, who think someone can't change, you can, anyone can.

On a side note, I always thought it was ironic about someone I used to know. We were friends until they changed themselves and started acting up, being nasty etc..
I thought it was funny because that very person said that people don't change, but meanwhile they had changed themselves!

People not changing is just a fallacy, we change all of the time! But certain things stay, and certain things go, it's just how we flow!
I've changed over the years, but on certain levels. Everyone does, and everyone has!

The person that I was no longer friends with, was my ex friend I mentioned in previous posts named Mystique.
Originally we had gotten into an argument about Paula Deen saying the N word.
I said that it was 20 years ago, and that people shouldn't be so upset because people do change and she apologized. But Mystique didn't think for a second that Paula Deen was really apologetic.
Mystique thinks that people never change, and I thought that was funny because Mystique herself had changed, she used to be a nice person but then she had turned into a nasty vicious bitch.
I thought that was ironic that she said no one changes, when she did herself, and I wasn't the only person that said she changed, a few people said it as well.

The funny thing is, there are many people "Canceling", famous people, for saying dumb things 3-10 years ago. People can change, and sometimes people just say rude things, but don't actually mean it.

Here are links to the entire Mystique Series!
Part 1 - Part 2Part 3Part 3.0Part 4Part 5Part 6


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