Monday, June 24, 2013

Math: The root of all evils. Well for me anyway.

If you know me even a little bit, you'll probably know that I am incredibly terrible at math. I have a strong dislike for math, and I cannot do it to save my life. If my friends and I were kidnapped by some evil villain, and they said to me, "I'll let you, and your friends go, if you solve one math problem!" I would say "Well, it was nice knowing you guys!" and then we'd all die because I cannot do math to save my life!
I just cannot comprehend the subject, it will never make sense to me, and I don't really want to now either, just keep it away from me, and we're all good!

I can really only do basic math, counting, adding, subtracting and some multiplication, and even then, I can get stuck on certain things. One time I was helping a 7 year old with math homework, and I got the answer wrong.... Yep, I got the answer wrong on a 7 year old's math problem...

Interestingly enough, I actually cannot do division, as I forgot how to do it. It's kind of weird, because I was only taught it for a year or two, but then the curriculum skipped to Algebra, and long division I just wasn't able to catch up. I forgot how to do division, and never learned long division either. At some point, we also started using calculators, so for the most part, the calculators did most of the work anyway.

In the 5th grade, the teacher would actually make me work on long division by myself, outside of the classroom, while the rest of the class were doing other things. I always got it wrong, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not get it right. Eventually they passed me, even though I couldn't grasp the concept. Like if someone gave me a long division problem today, I would have no idea how to do it.

I can get puzzled on basic math too, I tend to use my fingers sometimes to count certain things. (Which I want to say, I'm probably not the only one.) Although as a cashier I don't usually have a problem, and being a cashier has made me better with counting money.
I will usually use a calculator for anything related to math though, I'll even ask my brother who is 10 years younger than me, math questions because he will know the answer! lol

Multiplication, I only learned a few of them, I get the gist of it, but I can only do certain one's in my head. Like multiples of 5 would be 5,10,15,20 etc... But I wasn't very good with Multiplication either, but better in it than division of any kind!

Out of all math, Algebra was the worst!! Screw division, and long division, Algebra made even less sense to me. I still don't understand why they had the need to add letters in math, keep it out of math! We don't need to know how many exes you had in the past "gurlfriend", it's what happens in the future that counts! (Get it? It's a double numbers joke.. no?)

I went to summer school three times, two of the times were because of Algebra. I also failed college math twice and passed by a hair the third time, and it was all because of the dreaded Algebra!!!

I had failed my math class in the 9th grade, when to summer school for it, still failed. So I had to take the same class again, in the 10th grade, and finally passed it. Which is interesting because I had the same math teacher for that class in 9th & 10th, and he was a stickler, I wasn't a fan of him.
Fortunately I got a cool teacher in the 11th grade and passed easily because the teacher was very helpful, and gave us easier projects to do.
What was even better was math was not required for me in the 12th grade, so I only ever took 2 math courses in high school, oddly enough.

In college, It was required to take a math course.  I went to school for Graphic Design, in a private college, which means you DON'T Have to take classes like gym, science.. etc.. For whatever reason, we had to take Math and English, the latter, I had no problem with, and took an extra course voluntarily. It's a known fact that artistic people, are usually, just not good with math. So why us Graphic Designers had to take a math class, is beyond me. It didn't make sense, why did we have to pay all of this money, to be forced to take a class we didn't want, that wouldn't have any value to us. Which really sucks too, in college I got A's and B's in all of my classes, EXCEPT the math class I had, which I failed twice. It messed up my GPA, and I was not the only one. A few of my other friends had failed/did poorly as well. Out of 30 of my friends, only two of them were decent at math to pass the class easily. One of my friends actually got kicked out of the school for failing so many times! It's not his fault he has math dyslexia, and had trouble with it.
One of my friends even got a math teacher that talked/wrote so fast, that by the time everyone started writing notes down, she'd erase everything. Only like 2 out of 30 people passed her class! That's a story for another day though. (That lady ended up getting fired because she was a bad teacher!)

The first time I had college math, I did not take it as seriously as I should have, and got an F.
My second time taking college math, I did actually try but I didn't do well at all. The cool thing though, was the professor was cool about it all and understood that not everyone is good with math.
She also said that taking statistics, is better for people who don't have a math brain.
Since I was bad at math, I would start writing comments on my tests like "Why can't math solve it's own problems?"
We had four tests in total, and the first three of my tests equaled an 86. I got a 25 on the first one, a 44 on the second, 17 on the third and a 28 on the final test. I emailed the teacher asking if I could just get the grade that the first three tests made together...which did not work (Obviously). That is just how bad I was at math.

Even though I failed the first two classes of college math, I got the same teacher again for my third time, and this time I tried even harder. I would go to the teachers lounge, and get extra help in math with the teacher. When it was one on one with her, things made a whole lot more sense than when in a classroom.
For the third time, I got two 60's and two 40's. Homework was a big part of the class, so I did finally pass and the teacher knew I tried my best. I passed by a hair, and I was really happy about passing finally. Later, I found out that if I had failed for a third time, I would have been kicked out, just like my friend. They also changed the rules, after that semester, if you failed a class twice, you got kicked out of the college, which is unfair, considering you're paying for it. Maybe that's why the school went out of business! (Edit from me in 2018)

I've had a hard long war with math, I beat it's butt (sort of), but it is still far too complicated, and confusing to me to really comprehend.

I do not like it one bit and I am really happy I don't have to really worry about it anymore.

I also don't get why some people do not understand, that some people just cannot do math. All because you're good at something, doesn't mean everyone else will be good at it. There will always be someone who is bad at something, and for me it's math. I just cannot do it. I dislike people who think that everyone can do math, and that they just haven't had the "right person" to teach them. I say that it is not always possible to learn something, sometimes it just doesn't work out. Like I like to draw, but you don't see me going around telling people that they can draw, if they try hard enough! It doesn't work like that.
If you have grown to dislike math like I have, you do not want it anywhere near you, especially if you don't need it anymore. I don't like math one bit, and I never want to do any of the complicated stuff ever again, it is just not for me. Sometimes, I wish math would solve it's own problems, and leave it's exes alone!

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