I bring you, another
My male cousin from my mother's side of the family, had a girlfriend from 2010-2013-ish. We'll call her Becky-Boo. Becky-Boo was awesome, she was down to earth, cool and fun to be around! She also made family get-togethers more tolerable, as I tend to stray away from most of my family members. I have nothing in common with a majority of them, and they all talk crap about each other behind each-others back. It's just not the environment I enjoy!
Becky-Boo first started dating my cousin in Fall of 2010, it was fun to get to know her. But they broke up in May 2013. Which is fine, whatever, I have no problem with that.
But what happened is that Becky-Boo and I had each other on facebook, and we had each other for three years! For some reason in April, or May I had a notification that she unfriended me (I had something called an unfriend finder, which was a neat app that tells you when someone unfriends you on facebook. I believe it is no longer running.). I instantly re-added her, and she added me back again.
About two weeks later, when I found out they broke up. She unfriended me again! I decided to be annoying, and I sent her a message saying I was offended she unfriended me and that I consider her a friend even if she wasn't dating my cousin anymore. So I check in the next day and it says she read the message but didn't respond. So I was like "What the frack?!".
She pretty much just gave everyone the cold shoulder, and she even changed her phone number and facebook name! (So we wouldn't find her)
She closed everyone out.
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My rendition of Becky-Boo.
I was annoyed, I didn't think there was a reason to unfriend me at all, we could have still been friends.
I started to dislike her for that, and was angry with her and I actually blocked her on facebook. If I were to see her again in person, I would just ignore her. But I doubt I will see her ever again though, since she lives an hour away from my house, and I have no reason to be in that area. Just like Taylor Swift, I don't think they are getting back together ever ever ever, LIKE EVER!
The funny thing is, everyone loved Becky-Boo. We all liked her, and thought she kept my cousin in line. I was definitely hurt, because I considered her a friend. She decided to cut all ties from us, and my cousin. I was hurt because I considered her a friend, and to just be thrown away like that was not cool. I felt betrayed by her, and I realize now that she was never my friend to begin with!
It's like she never cared about any of us, and that she was just pretending to be friends with us....
It's as if I was dust in the wind and meant nothing to her.
The girl my cousin dated after Becky-Boo, I personally don't have a problem with, but I know her from a hole in the wall. That girl, he's now been with longer than Becky-Boo. My cousin and Becky were together for 3 years, from 2010-2013, he met the girl he's with now (As of 2019), a year later in 2014. So he's been with the other girl for around 5 years now (As of 2019).
Now I know what you're thinking, Becky was probably so hurt by the break up, that she wanted to cut all ties, and not be reminded of many of the heart-break. But at the time, I didn't have many friends, and automatically considered people my friends if they were nice to me. So in my eyes, I just thought she was a jerk. Since I've never been in a relationship, and not having been through a break up, I wouldn't understand how she would feel.
She was also going to school to be a hair stylist, so she would cut my hair! After she was out of the picture, this didn't happen anymore. I've since been getting my hair cut by my mother, because I don't like it when hair cutters talk to you, so it's my way of avoiding that. lol
Which is also why I'd like to befriend someone who cuts hair, this way I don't mind talking to them. Plus, my mom always makes me look like a butch lesbian with her "hair cuts".
As I re-edit this in 2019, I've since gotten over this. However, looking back at it. I realized that she was fake! I looked back at things she would say to me, and realized she said a lot of things, just to be nice to me. So she could "smooze" the family, and make a good impression. This makes me believe, she was actually fake the entire time.
Reasons why I think she was fake.
1. One time I told her I was gay. Then, months later, her, my mom, my sister and I went to a store. I had just gotten out of work in retail, and left my name badge on.
Becky-Boo commented, that I wasn't going to get the girls with that name badge on.
Either she has terrible memory, and forgot I was gay, or she actually didn't care about me in the first place, and just didn't remember...
2. There was a smiley face shirt I owned, she claimed to have thought was cool. Every-time I wore it, she would say "that's a cool shirt!". Implying that she's never seen it before, when she had. Like she just kept forgetting the shirt existed, and would compliment it every time. (That was the Becky Boo shirt. Which I got rid of, because it just reminded me of her. lol)
3. She's lied to me at-least once. She said a quote, and claimed she made it up. I later found out the quote was actually part of a song. It was Jar of Hearts. "You're gonna catch a cold,
from the ice inside your soul". She made me believe she made this line up, but it was from a song. I didn't realize it until I actually heard the song, and was like... heywaitaminute!!! (She posted this on facebook)
I realize now that she was just trying to get chummy with the family, so she could be liked. I've since moved on to more important things, and people I know that actually care about me!
The sad thing is that my cousin feels bad because he knew that his now ex girlfriend had become close with me, my sister and other relatives, I think that is so nice of him to be so concerned.
I actually checked out my last message I sent Becky-Boo on Facebook, I was pretty immature to her, and really didn't need to say anything to her at all.
I ended up creeping on her page for a second, and she ended up with another guy, and married that dude after two years!
As I re-write this post in 2019, I've had a few friends who dated someone. Where it didn't work out, and now I don't talk to my friends exes anymore. I've made it a personal goal to not become friends, or get attached with people's girlfriends/boyfriends, because it might not work out. I don't want to make a new friend, just to lose them.
The only time I think there would be an exception, is if you were friends with both of them, prior to them dating. Then it's more equal.
On the other hand, I have friends who are still friends with their exes, so sometimes it can work out, but I am cautious about it now.
In Conclusion to my "amazing" essay on this story, the reason why you shouldn't become friends with significant others is because, they will probably break up, and they will snub you out of their lives for numerous reasons.
Ironically, I have a few friends who stay friends with their exes, so maybe this isn't always the case!

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