Saturday, June 15, 2013

Top 8 things I dislike about retail

Here are some things, that annoyed me about working retail!

1. Radio Station: This may not include every retail store, but one thing I dislike is that my store only has one radio station. There is no way to change it, and the radio station that is set likes to play the same crappy songs over, and over again, until you want to murder someone with a toothbrush!!. It is by far one of the most annoying things on the planet; even the managers hate it!

(Ironically, I've noticed that almost every other store I've ever shopped in doesn't play music at all! Like aside from the mall, and maybe another store in the same strip mall as mine. Other stores don't play music, maybe they have control over the station, and turn it off. My store doesn't have the luxury or being allowed to shut it off, corporate controls it.)

"If I have to hear ''This kiss, this kiss is on my list" 

2. Heater/A/C: Like the first one, it probably does not include every store, but it does for mine. Basically the heater is on all of the time, even when it is warm out! The only time the Air Conditioner is on is when it's really really hot out, It's like working in an oven!

(Apparently corporate also controls the temperature.)

(EDIT from 2018: Dear past self, wait until you get out of retail, to work in an office, where it's so cold in the office during the summer, you have to bring a hot jacket with you, every day to work....
Or when they never put the heat on during the winter!!!)

3. Would you like to make a donation-NO!People are rude, and people don't like making donations. When I ask a customer if they like to make a donation, a good percentage of the time I don't even get to finish my sentence! They cut me off before I finish the word,  "donation", it's rude and aggravating, so I continue what I am saying to prove a point that you should not interrupt people!

Register 7 was always my favorite, maybe because it was the register I was trained on.

4. If the light is on, it doesn't always mean someone is home:

(My store has one line for everything, you have to wait on it, and a tv screen will call the next customer in line.)

As a cashier, I may be ordered to do something else by a manager. I usually do not turn the register light off, especially since it means, eventually I'll be back on that register. So what happens sometimes, is that some customer goes up to my register because the light is on, and they're just waiting there like something is going to happen.
If no one is there, and no one called you, that means you are not supposed to be there!
I had this one lady at my register just waiting for something to happen, I was mentally face palming myself. I wasn't going to take her because she needed to realize she needs to wait to be called, you can't run up to the register like you own the place, I don't own the place either, but I have more authority!

5. Wait your turn!:   One thing I really dislike is when customers come to my register un-announced, like number 4, except I'm actually at the register. You have to wait until you are called, either I say to come to my register, I wave or I press the button that tells the next person in line to come. My favorite is when there is a line of customers, my last customer just left, and some random person waltzes in from Narnia, and just sets their things on the register. I have to explain to them that they have to wait on the line, then they look at the line and make some comment about how there's a long line....
Another time I had this one customer come to my register when I was leaving, and the cash draw was out of the register already, we had to explain to them that they must wait until they're called!

6. Hi, how are ya!?:   Sometimes, I get a customer that likes to just put the things they want on a register that I am near. There's no light on, and I am not at the register they put the items on.
Let's say I am on register 7 (Which I try to use as much as possible, because it's my favorite register.), but currently I'm near register 2, because that is where the hanger rack is. Now keep in mind, between register 7 and 2, there is 6, 5, 4, 3, that's a couple of registers in between. I'm just minding my own business and putting hangers on the rack near register 2, when all of a sudden this customer walks past the line, and just puts their things on register 2, and asks me "Are you open?".
In which I will respond in annoyance "I can take you on 7"... Or in other cases, I would direct them to another cashier.
All because I am in the vicinity does not mean I am there, if that makes sense.

7. Do you know what a line is? GET ON IT:
(As I'm editing this post in 2019, I keep hearing D.VA from Overwatch say this.)

 At my store, we have a nice line formation. One line for purchases, and another for returns. But some ignorant people, like to just skip the line, and go straight to the registers. The worst thing is when there is no one else on the line. "Oh but I skipped the line because no one was on it!" It doesn't matter , get on the line anyway! It's just how things are! Not to mention, one cashier could be busy, and one might not, so you could be interrupting something I'm doing, when the other cashier that was ignored, would have been better to help you.

8. Returns and Purchases: Something I've learned about people is, they don't like to read. At my store, there are two giant red signs, one says purchases and the other says returns. I cannot tell you how many people go on the wrong line. Some people go on the return line for purchases and purchase line for returns. You will always have a cashier asking if they are making a purchase or a return because they appear to be on the wrong line.
The worst is when they get mad at us, because it was THEIR fault for getting on the wrong line, in which they blame us for it!
We always say, there's a big sign right there, can't miss it.. but apparently ya did!

A blind goat, could find their way on the line better than some of these people!

Maybe I'll continue this in another post, I have to get ready to go out with some of my work friends from this retail job. Today was one of the girls last day and we're all going out to eat! 

Have you worked retail before? If so, tell me about your grievances. I'm not a therapist, but I am free!  
Keywords: Why retail is the worst job, Who are retail customers?, Why retail jobs are bad, Retail is hard, Retail Experience, Retail Examples, Retail Industry, Retail Sector, Retail Times, Retail Workers. 

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